I Don’t Want To Be the Emperor

Chapter 403: Xinghualou

Chapter 403 Xinghua Tower

 Although the two of them have already married and started a business, they are regular visitors here.

 The older you get, the more you like young and beautiful women.

However, no one has any intention of abandoning the chaff or taking another concubine.

With their conditions, they can remarry a Xiaojiabiyu, but these are things that cannot be carried on the shoulders or lifted by the hands. On the contrary, each one is more edible than the other. If you marry someone back home, you will have to pay for it.

 They are used to living a hard life. They wish they could treat a penny as a flower with two petals, and they never engage in money-losing business.

Nowadays, people who are willing to come to the land of fireworks to have fun are gritting their teeth.

 And there have been so many places like this that they don’t even know how to talk to girls from good families.

There is a set of rules for getting along with women in the land of fireworks. Taking my money, eating from me, and drinking from me means that you are willing to step in and allow me to do anything.

From Li Sanniang to Cao Xiaohuan and Zhou Xun, everyone took advantage of them, ate their food, and drank their food.

 Sometimes they all have the illusion that these girls are interested in them!

 So there are a lot of brothels, and sometimes they are quite dangerous.

One day if your brain breaks down and you make a wrong move, you will really be beaten to death by Cao Xiaohuan and the others.

They always only eat and drink in the lobby of Xinghua Building, and are never willing to spend a lot of money to get a private room. They have never seen what the backyard of Xinghua Building looks like.

This time, in order to investigate the assassination of Ankang Prefect, they spent a lot of money to enter the private room in the backyard.

One person hugged a young girl in her mid-20s and sat in a private room, playing and drinking. After drinking for three rounds, the butcher winked at the pork belly.

After Zhurong Rong burped, he pushed away the girl who was leaning on his shoulder, stood up slowly and said, "If you have three urgent needs, you drink slowly, I will take care of them first."

 Compared with the butcher, he naturally has higher martial arts and better Qinggong, so the matter of inquiring naturally falls on him.

He said he was just asking for information, but he didn't really have much hope.

 Mainly out of curiosity, they don’t understand why the government wants to raid brothels!

Without fully understanding, he felt uncomfortable and had trouble sleeping.

The cat was hiding under a thick pillar. When he was looking left and right, someone tapped him on his back shoulder, and he was shocked all over.

Although I drank a lot of wine, I am still a fifth-grade person!

 Leave aside the Sanhe people, he is a fifth-grade man who can generally walk sideways in Ankang City!

Now someone can actually walk up behind me silently without me even noticing it.

 In an instant, I was half sober!

  This man is so powerful in martial arts. If he were to attack him, he would have no power to fight back.

 Therefore, he did not move lightly and turned his head carefully. After seeing the face in front of him clearly, he finally breathed a sigh of relief.

 He patted his chest and said, "Kan Zai, you are scary. You can scare people to death."

Liu Kan was wearing a long white gown. He shook the folding fan in his hand and said with a smile, "What are you doing here?"

Pork Rong said, "What kind of place is this? Not even all men can come here?"

Liu Kan said lightly, "Don't think that I don't know what you think. Leave quickly. This is not a place for you to stay."

“I don’t like hearing this anymore. Why can you treat me but I can’t?”

●Zhu Rong said unconvinced, "You asked me to leave, but I still won't leave."

Liu Kan smiled and said, "I know you all want to take credit, but think about it, if you can do it, what do you want us people to do?"

Pork Rong wiped his flushed face and snorted, "You look down on people."

 He discovered that this little **** has been drifting since he became an official!

 I think back then, when I saw him and the butcher, I shouted "uncle" so enthusiastically.

How is it like now, when you see that your nose is not a nose, and your eyes are not eyes?

Liu Kan continued, "Whether it's the Beijing Camp, the Military Division, or the Imperial Guard, I don't know how many pairs of eyes are watching secretly. As soon as you came in, someone informed me. You should leave quickly to avoid being affected. "

 After Zhu Zhurong heard this, he was stunned and thought it made sense.

If there were three layers of people inside and three layers outside, there would be no chance for him and Jiang Butcher to perform.

Liu Kan ignored Liu Kan and turned around to go to the private room. He waved to the butcher who was taking a bite and then another bite and said, "Let's go."

Before the butcher could ask what was going on, Pork Rong had already retracted his head and walked away, so he had to follow him in a hurry.

The two of them left the Xinghua Building one after another, and the butcher said angrily, "What's going on? Can you say a word when the time comes?"

Zhu Rong sighed and said, "There are people from the Beijing camp everywhere, we can't get involved, so we should go back to sleep."

 After saying this, I didn’t wait for a response from the butcher for a long time. When I was wondering what was going on, I turned around and saw the butcher looking at a tea stall.

Zhu Rong said angrily, "What are you looking at?"

The butcher narrowed his eyes and said, "Look, the old man, the young man sitting in the middle of the tea stall, and the one standing are waving to us?"

Pork Rong took a step forward and said, "King Yong'an."

“The one standing must be that old guy Lai Kuan.”

 The butcher said with certainty.

Pork Rong said, "Go over and take a look?"

Without waiting for the butcher to nod, he strode towards King Yong'an.

"Wait for me."

 Catch up with the butcher again.

The two of them arrived in front of King Yong'an and were about to speak when they heard King Yong'an say, "You two are our own people, so there is no need to be so polite. Please sit down."

Thinking that King Yong'an might be visiting privately incognito, he stopped saluting and just looked at Tang Yi next to him and said, "Who is this?"

Before King Yong'an could speak, Tang Yi spoke first. He stroked his beard and said, "I am just a commoner, and I really can't treat outsiders well.

I saw that the two of you were strong, brave, and majestic. They were really rare heroes.

Just when I was regretting that I had just passed by each other, I thought that the prince was actually acquainted with the two of them. This was also God's will. "

 His previous sentence is true.

 After he was dismissed from office by Qi Yong, he was directly escorted to Ankang City.

Since the grievances have not been redressed, it is natural that the body is in vain.

As for the last sentence, I don’t know whether I meant it sincerely. Anyway, Pork Ronghe and the butcher looked happy after hearing this.

"you are welcome,"

When Zhu Zhurong smiled, the flesh on his face was piled up and his eyes were missing. He cupped his hands towards Tang Yi and said, "Average, average, third in the south of the city."

 The only thing they are dissatisfied about is their height.

Every time you talk to others, you have to straighten your neck and raise your head. Over time, your neck will be sore and your head will hurt.

The two of them get along just right. No one is accommodating the other, and neither of them wants to play with others.

Tang Yi joked, "Then who is number one?"

 Pork Rong said proudly, "Of course it's He Wangye!"

Laikuan asked closely, "What about the second one?"

 “Of course it’s me!”

 The butcher said with his head held high.

Zhu Rong looked at King Yong'an and said curiously, "I wonder what the prince's instructions are for greeting the villain?"


 Old Twelve clenched his fist to cover his mouth and coughed twice.

Lai Kuan hurriedly said, "I'll give you an opportunity to make a fortune and achieve success. I wonder if you would be happy with it?"

 Pork Rong frowned and said, "Get rich and achieve meritorious service?"

Laikuan chuckled and said, "You don't believe it?"

The butcher snorted coldly, "Do you think I'm stupid?"

Everyone in Ankang City knows that this twelfth prince is so poor that he has to lose his pants!

Many wealthy families are already eager to give it a try and prepare to observe it for a few more years. If it is confirmed that the twelfth prince can finally be accommodated by Prince He, they will send their concubine to Prince Yong'an's palace!


 Wang Yongan disagrees?


I offered a dowry of one hundred thousand taels, and I killed King Yong'an!

They do not believe that King Yongan will not bow his head.

If you are so poor, what kind of integrity do you need?

 At that time, King Yong'an will get the money, and they will get the title of relatives of the emperor!

  Simply kill two birds with one stone.

 “How to speak?”

After Lai Kuan glanced at his prince, he said angrily to Pork Rong and the butcher, "Let me tell you, if you miss this village, there won't be that shop. This is the prince's care for you, so don't be ignorant."

 “Come on, let’s go,”

 Lao Twelve waved his hands and said, "Forget it, forget it, it is only for a gentleman to force others to do what is difficult for them.

Lai Kuan helped Tang Yi up and followed him to King Yong'an.

Pork Ronghe looked at the butcher and wondered what kind of medicine was being sold in King Yong'an's gourd.

Laikuan helped Tang Yi onto the carriage, then held the reins. As he walked, he looked back behind him, and then said, "Your Majesty, those two dogs are following."

King Yong'an said proudly, "Don't pay attention to them and continue on our way."

 Lai Kuandao, "Yes."

 The carriage finally stopped at the Imperial College.

As soon as King Yong'an got off the carriage, he saw Pork Ronghe, the butcher, who was also pretending to look at the peach blossoms at the gate of the Imperial College.

Lai Kuan stepped forward and said, "Two of you, have we met again?"

 Zhu Rong said angrily, "If you have anything to say, just tell me, we are busy."

Lai Kuandao said, "To be honest with you, we want to catch this assassin and cooperate with you. What do you think?"

 Pork Rong said in surprise, "Assassin?

What assassin? "

Lai Kuan snorted coldly, "Of course it was the assassin who attacked Ankang Prefecture Yin in the street. Where else could there be an assassin?"

 “Is the assassin so easy to catch?”

While Zhu Zhurong spoke, he glanced at King Yong'an next to him, "The government has dispatched so many people to search all the brothels in Ankang City, but there is no result yet. We can't be better than them."

Laikuan said proudly, "Don't you know this? The news about Qi Yong hiding in the brothel in Ankang City was told by our prince to the governor of Ankang."

Pork Rong said, "Well, since you have all reported for office, what is this now?"

Lai Kuandao asked, "Which one deserves more credit, the one who caught the assassin directly or the one who provided clues?"

 “Of course, catch the assassin directly!”

Pork Rong said without hesitation.

Lai Kuan said, "That's all right. Our prince values ​​you two. If you two are willing to help us, we can't treat you badly."

Pork Rong still didn’t believe it and raised his hands towards King Yong’an and said, “I wonder what the prince means?”

King Yong'an smiled and said, "Laikuan is right. You also know my situation. I met you two today, so please help me."

The butcher said, "Since we want to arrest this assassin, what are we doing here in the Imperial Academy?"

 King Yong'an said to Tang Yi, "Grandpa, please clarify your doubts!"


 Pork Ronghe will make the butcher suddenly realize it!

 It turns out that this old man is the unlucky county magistrate of Qizhou!

Because the eight hundred taels of silver did not match the accounts, he was escorted to the capital.

They can often hear some scholars scolding the prince for being stupid and incompetent. Such a good official is actually put in prison.

 It is really unfair!

The two of them listened more and felt that this Lord Tang Yi was indeed Lord Qingtian, a rare and good official.

 Even the two of them began to think that they had made a mistake with the prince this time.

 “It turns out to be Mr. Qingtian,”

Pork Rong bowed and bowed again, "This little man has lost sight of Mount Tai."

 He sincerely respects honest and capable officials.

Tang Yi replied, "I don't dare, I don't dare.

 This time, there are two of you. "

His grandson is really miserable.

 It’s okay if you don’t have money.

At the critical moment, except for a sloppy old servant, there was no one to help him.

  How did this all get mixed up!

He almost scolded me for being a loser.

The butcher shouted loudly, "Master Qingtian, if you have any orders, just tell me."

Tang Yi smiled and said, "I wonder if you have heard of a poem: 'The willows are blurred in the morning mist, and the apricot blossoms fall in the mist at five o'clock.' 'The small building listens to the spring rain all night, and the deep alley sells apricot blossoms in the Ming Dynasty.'"

Pork Rong, Jiang Butcher, and Lai Kuan were all rough people. Apart from the two words "Xinghua" they heard clearly, they didn't know anything else.

Only Lao Twelve spoke up, "The first sentence is from Qi Yong. As for the second sentence, I'm sorry for my lack of knowledge. I really don't know."

Tang Yi smiled and said, "The last sentence was written by Qin Yang, the censor of Youdu."

"I see,"

King Yong'an continued, "These two are indeed great people in the world. They are good at poetry. I wonder what my grandfather meant when he said this?"

Tang Yi continued, "Do you know the origin of the name of Xinghua Tower?"

The butcher suddenly said, "There are a hundred or so brothels in the world called Xinghua House, and there are even a thousand girls named Chunhua, Lihua, and Ruyi. It's not unusual to have Xinghua House in Ankang City." "

 “This is a fallacy,”

Tang Yi stroked his beard and said with a smile, "The shopkeeper behind Xinghua Tower in Ankang City is the eldest princess's consort."

 “Tang Xun?”

 This is something that Lao Twelve never expected.


Tang Yi continued, "Xinghua Tower was not originally called Xinghua Tower. At that time, there was no place called Xinghua Tower in the world. At that time, Qi Yong was a talented man from the Imperial College, who was famous all over the world and wanted to be an oiran. , specially composed a poem for him: The peach blossom bank is in the skirt and stockings, the apricot flower tower is lightly fanned in the thin shirt, several times of traveling, several times of drunkenness, several times of staying.

This Tang Xun loved his talent, so he changed the name of the brothel to "Xinghua House".

 Because there were many beautiful women, there was an endless stream of guests, and it became famous all over the world.

 After that, many brothels with the same name appeared in the world, pretending to be Xinghua Tower. "

"I see."

 When everyone suddenly realized this, they had to admire Tang Yi's erudition.

Tang Yi paced back and forth with his hands behind his back, "Xinghua Tower is a place where Qi Yong often visits, dancing and writing, changing cups, drinking and talking, it's so happy.

However, the rules of this Imperial College are very strict, and you are not allowed to stay out at night.

He suddenly had the idea to dig a passage between the Imperial College and Xinghua Tower.

 Engineering is very expensive, more than 10,000 gold.

But this did not trouble him. He was a well-read man and knew that the ditches in Ankang City were very deep and wide, and many refugees hid in them. He named himself "Wuyou Cave", also known as "Ghost Fan Tower".

He persuaded several classmates and friends to dredge the ditch together.

There is a direct connection between Xinghua Tower and Imperial College.

Since then, day and night have come out, and this is how "willows are blurred in the dawn mist, and apricot blossoms fall in the mist at five o'clock." The apricot blossoms here are the apricot blossoms in the apricot blossom tower, not the apricot blossoms on the apricot trees. "

 “How do you know so clearly?”

Pork Rong asked with his eyes widened.

This is what he is most curious about!

 Speak as if you have experienced it yourself.

Tang Yi was asked a bit suddenly and said hurriedly, "I heard it, I heard it."

Then he turned his back directly and looked towards the forest behind the Imperial College.

 (End of this chapter)

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