Chapter 367 Treasury


Wang Xiaoshuan sighed unconsciously, "What you said makes sense."

 To put it bluntly, there is a gap between him and his good friends now.

 One is an official and the other is a commoner. Their identities are not at the same level at all!

 From the beginning, the boundaries between the two have been clear!

 There is no way to share weal and woe as before.

 Thinking of this, he was very depressed.

 “This is a normal thing, there is no need to put on a bad face like this,”

Li Sanniang said with a smile, "If you become a high official in the future, I will not go to you, otherwise people who don't know will think that I am going to ask you to do something. We all have to avoid suspicion. "

 “That’s right, that’s right,”

Pork Rong followed, "You are too arrogant. The person eating at the same table is either the prefect or the general soldier. I feel uncomfortable sitting together with a naked person. It seems a bit arrogant, and I will definitely not take offense at that."

 “Okay, I understand everything you said.”

Wang Xiaoshuan felt a little lost for a moment.

 “I have to go guard the south gate,”

Liang Qingshu stood up and stretched, and while blowing his pipe on the table, he said, "Our grain truck is probably going to arrive soon. We have to hand it over and deliver it to the warehouse quickly. It's delayed, and Mr. He can't forgive me."

 After saying that, he took the two boys and got on the horse and left.

“Okay, I’ll go and do some work too,”

Li Sanniang drank the last glass of water, stood up and tied the hem of her skirt around her waist, "I don't know what that **** Ma Jie wants to do. He found fault with me as soon as he took office. I still have to take stock first. Go and trouble him tomorrow morning."

 Similarly, he left without looking back.

Hong Ying, who had been away for half a year, reappeared, causing moderate changes in the palace, the army, and the officialdom.

 First of all, He Jixiang directly transferred all the seventh-grade and above masters from Hewangfu to the Beijing camp on the grounds that Hewangfu no longer needed them.

Secondly, Sun Chengde once again changed from the prince's coachman to the chief coach of the Beijing camp.

 In the end, Xiao Xizi was officially appointed by Emperor Delong as the Chief of Ceremonies and the Eunuch Bingbi. As for the post of Palm Seal, it was still vacant.

 Everyone knows that this position must be reserved for Hong Ying.

  Whether Hong Ying sits or does not sit, it will not be his turn to be Tan Xizi.

 The war between Daliang and Wadan is still raging, but this does not hinder the marriage with the prince.

The prince's marriage is the same as that of ordinary people. The six rites of nacai, xiangming, naji, nazheng, request for date and personal welcome are all indispensable.

However, the current situation is different from the past. Everything is urgent and simple, including the betrothal gift given by Lin Yi.

 “Is there something missing from the steward?”

 Chen Jingzhi is responsible for all the matters related to the wedding to the prince, and it’s time to collect the tax. The manager Hong in front of him only gave two boxes, which only contained some silk and incense candles. What does this mean?

 Do you have two hundred taels of silver?

Ordinary people’s homes are not so shabby!

 “quite a lot,”

King Dai glanced at Hong Ying and said with a smile, "Right now, our country, Daliang, is fighting a war with Wadan. All expenditures are huge. The regent is an example for all the people. It is natural to be more diligent and frugal.

The wasteful display will inevitably chill the hearts of the soldiers at the front. "

 The real reason is probably only known to those of them who know Lin Yi.


 More importantly, this Heshun County Prince is not worthy of generosity!

 After all, the wealth that was once so great was lost so easily, which is so sad!

poor person must have something mean!

 “What the king said is,”

Hong Ying smiled and said, "Master Chen, let's do this. Make it clear to the king. The king is a reasonable person and he will not blame him."

 For this kind of matter, he didn't need to discuss it with their prince at all, he could make the decision on his own.

If he really gives too much, their prince will definitely scold him.

What their prince hates most is wasteful things.

 “The official understands,”

Chen Jingzhi said in disbelief, "Then the official will send it over right now?"

  One hundred and ten people beat gongs and drums all the way to the Hu family to deliver the betrothal gift, and they just carried two boxes?

The King of Heshun County doesn’t care, so what should the people of Ankang City think?

This is too outrageous, right?

 He was really embarrassed to send it to Hu’s house!

 What a shame!

This is a prince’s wedding!

Hong Ying waved his hand and said, "Go ahead, don't waste time, you can ask for your request in a few days."


Chen Jingzhi turned around bravely. As soon as he stepped down the steps, he stiffly raised his hand, and then the gongs and drums were loudly beating behind him.

 Lao Twelve looked at Chen Jingzhi's staggering figure and expressed deep sympathy.

This old and cunning Minister of Honglu Temple will not be killed so easily.

 However, it is entirely possible that he will die of embarrassment!

 What a shame!

It’s the annual autumn harvest season again. Standing on the city wall of Ankang City, you can see patches of golden wheat in the distance.

 “It’s another good harvest year.”

The weather was getting colder, so Lin Yi had to cover himself with a robe. The long hem always hindered his walking, and after he couldn't walk even a few steps, it was covered with dust. He actually missed Sanhe a little.

“Thanks to the prince, there has been no fighting this year. The prince has also exempted them from a lot of exorbitant taxes. The people have spared no effort in clearing up wasteland and even planted sweet potatoes and corn on the hills.”

Gan Mao, the Minister of Household Affairs behind Lin Yi, said with a smile, "With food to eat, there are many fewer beggars in Ankang City now."

“Taxation will continue to be restructured. What should be reduced will be reduced, and what should be increased will be increased. Especially for those wealthy and powerful families, you are welcome. If you follow the path cultivated by this king, you must leave money to buy the road."

Lin Yi said calmly.

Gan Mao bowed and said, "Yes, I will do my best."

Lin Yi continued, "Is the national treasury full now?"


Gan Mao hesitated for a long time and then said, "Your Majesty, Hongzhou, Yuezhou, and Jingzhou are exempted from taxes. This expenditure is all supported by Sanhe and Nanzhou. As for the cotton silk, silk cloth, and horses from Wuzhou and Yong'an, Grass, salt, and customs duties have not yet been sent to the inner shipping warehouse.”

"I understand what you mean,"

Lin Yi snorted coldly, "These eunuchs are so cowardly."

 The transport warehouse is divided into internal and external transport warehouses. The inner transport warehouse is the private property of the emperor and is under the management of eunuchs, while the external transport warehouse is under the management of the Ministry of Household Affairs.

 After his father came to the throne, the internal transportation treasury could not make ends meet, so he sent his trusted eunuchs to explore mining and business in various places.

These mine supervisors and tax envoys relied on his power to mine the mines to obtain silver, levy repeated taxes, and did all kinds of evil.

 Part of the money was put into the inner treasury, and part of it was put on the ground to divide the spoils.

Finally, the Ministry of Household Affairs is pitiful. The external transport warehouse is empty. If it is short of money, it has to ask for funds from the internal transport warehouse.

Now, Yong'an, Wuzhou and other places are under his control. However, the area is too large and there are not enough manpower. He still cannot achieve effective control and extend his tentacles to every corner.

 Only the original functional departments can collect part of the tax. The real bulk of the tax is still in the hands of the mine supervisors and tax envoys.

The situation in the court is unclear, so these people naturally have no reason to **** the taxes to Ankang City.

 (End of this chapter)

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