Chapter 366 Outlook

Everyone knows that under the rule of Prince He, it is difficult to use any kind of talent or talent. No matter how much you learn and get rich, it will not be as good as a primary school diploma with a big red seal!

As long as you can use the four arithmetic operations proficiently and understand some basic accounting knowledge, you can take the civil service examination and become an official smoothly!

In Baiyun City, the youngest mayor is only thirteen years old. He scolds a group of village sages in their 70s and 80s as if they were grandchildren all day long, and for a while he became a spectacle in Baiyun City.

It is not that Shanqi and other elders had no objections, but Prince He said it was like buying a horse bone for a thousand gold.

 Therefore, there was no one to advise him.

 After that, the Sanhe people took over Nanzhou, Yuezhou, Yongan, Wuzhou and other places. The yamen in various places used either primary school graduates or petty officials who could do practical things.

 Ignore the knowledgeable scholars.

The old men are very high, and the vacancies are difficult to wait. There is no hope of being an official. They are brothers and brothers with local parents.

 However, the Sanhe people disrupted their stable and prosperous life.

Not only did they set up town and village chiefs in townships and villages, they actually dared to exempt some areas from taxes for three years!

  That’s not true!

 Is this and the prince mentally ill?

 Doesn’t he know the main source of the court’s money and food?

They can understand exempting one township and one government, but exempting three states from taxes for three years at the same time. No one has done this since ancient times!

 Such a confused prince, even if he ascends to the throne, will not be able to stabilize his foundation.

From then on, the good days of these scholars and scholars came to an end. Not only did those mud-legged men no longer give them any land, they actually dared to take back the land they had given them in the past!

 This is so outrageous!

 Whether it is Yuezhou, Hongzhou, or Jingzhou, the scholars here have a hard time. After all, they have been affected by rebellions before and suffered heavy losses.

Not to mention that there were a lot of maids and servants, who were just going out but not coming in. Soon, many people could no longer support themselves, especially those who were not good at management, and all the big houses were sold.

This prince is simply more ruthless than those rebels and bandits!

 They wanted to go to the Chief Secretary’s Yamen to cry, but they couldn’t find a reason!

  Is it wrong to say that it is wrong to exempt those poor people from taxes?

 They were really afraid that those mud-legged people would tear them apart.

Many people are thinking in a hurry. Since you can become an official after graduating from primary school, and it is even easier than taking the imperial examination or filling vacancies, why not get a primary school diploma?

 Where there is one person who takes the lead, there will be a second one, and then a third one. In the end, it became a common phenomenon.

 To this day, in many schools in Yuezhou, Hongzhou and other places, there are a group of old men with big beards mixed with seven or eight-year-old children to learn arithmetic, inquiry and other subjects that they originally scorned.

Although they are reluctant, for the sake of their livelihood and future, they study very seriously. After all, they are allowed to skip a grade. As long as they get their primary school diploma, they can take the public examination!

 Looking forward to starting as a handyman and reaching the pinnacle of life step by step!

There is a precedent for this. Gong Xinyi, the prefect of Raocheng, was originally a poor boy who failed to pass the exams many times. After entering the new-style school, he made three unique skills and obtained his primary school diploma in only half a year!

 After that, I took the public examination and got the first place in mathematics and got a government experience position.

 Surprisingly, it took only one and a half years for him to be promoted to the prefect of Raocheng!

 Many people see hope in him!

Such an old man who is over fifty years old and has no talent can become a prefect. Why can't they?

Since there were no new schools in Yong'an and Wuzhou, they went to Nanzhou to study one after another regardless of the distance.

There are only a few schools in Nanzhou, which are far from enough. Rich scholars hired teachers from Sanhe and opened schools in Wuzhou and Yong'an.

  New-style schools blossomed everywhere under the rule of King He with unexpected results for everyone.

 “You **** have lofty ambitions,”

The butcher didn't know whether to laugh or be jealous, "Okay, you should work hard. When you get rich, maybe I can take advantage of it."

 “You, take a look!”

Wang Xiaoshuan smiled and said, "South of the Xijiang River, I am the best at speaking."

“Humph, yes, it’s a man who can talk easily in that place on the south bank of the Xijiang River where chickens don’t lay eggs and birds don’t poop.”

The butcher said angrily, "If you are really ready to go to the Army and Horses Division, transfer this business to me. You can negotiate a price and I will take care of it for you."

Wang Xiaoshuan smiled and said, "Let's talk about it then."

He has his own Xiao Jiujiu in his heart, so he can't abandon all business. If he doesn't get along well in the officialdom, he still has a way out.

“As the old saying goes, it’s better to sleep in a lonely grave than live in a wild temple.”

Han Dongsheng, who had been silent all this time, smiled and said, "You have such a temperament that you are really not suitable for being in the officialdom. You won't even know if you offend anyone, and you won't even know how you will die when the time comes.

It's better to stick to your business honestly. Although we people often bump into each other, no one will kill you. "

“There is an old saying that goes from Hedong to Hedong in thirty years, and to Hexi in thirty years, and the wind and water take turns.”

Wang Xiaoshuan said unconvinced, "Why do you conclude that you won't be able to get along?"

 “First of all, your name doesn’t work,”

Li Sanniang joked, "Wang Xiaoshuan is no different from Wang Ergouzi. Can you see which official calls you this name?"

 “This is true,”

Wang Xiaoshuan scratched his head and said, "How about I change my name like that **** Sun Yi? What's the point?"

 He looked at Liang Qingshu, the most knowledgeable person here.

Liang Qingshu smiled and said, "Just call me Wang Shuan. Adding '小' in the middle of a good name seems stingy."

 “Wang Shuan, Wang Shuan,”

Wang Xiaoshuan recited it silently twice to himself. The more he recited it, the smoother it became. He said with a smile, "That's not impossible. From now on, you can just call me Wang Shuan. If you call me Wang Xiaoshuan, I won't pay attention to you."


 It was not a big deal, so everyone agreed happily.

Pork Rongque said, "But changing your name is troublesome. You have to go back to Sanhe to change your household registration and graduation certificate. It's a lot of trouble."

 “It doesn’t matter,”

Wang Xiaoshuan said with a smile, “When I went home during the Chinese New Year, I changed it all.”

While everyone was chatting and laughing, they discovered that there was suddenly a group of familiar people on the street in front of them.


Just as Wang Xiaoshuan was about to speak, Li Sanniang covered his mouth and nose.

 “Hey, what are you doing!”

Wang Xiaoshuan pushed Li Sanniang's slap away, and then watched Wei Yishan's back getting further and further away.

“Hmph, you, an ignorant person like you, still want to be an official?”

Liang Qingshu said with a smile, "When someone yells and screams on the street, do you think he pays attention to you or ignores you?

In front of a group of subordinates, I'll talk to you. It's against military discipline, so I'll ignore you. You'll be bored, and there will be a gap between friends. "

 (End of this chapter)

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