I Don’t Want To Be the Emperor

Chapter 350: kiss more kiss

 Chapter 350: Kissing and kissing

 “What the mother-in-law said is,”

Although Lin Ning didn't agree with what she said, she still complimented her, "My concubine has worked hard, otherwise my brother wouldn't be where he is today."

She knows what kind of temperament her mother-in-law has. There has never been any palace in the world. The reason why she can live well in the palace until now is probably because of her family background. After all, her father and brother are both unparalleled generals in the world. Most people will give three Divide thin noodles.

 You can never teach a person like my brother with this kind of temperament.

 Even she has been influenced by her brother since she was a child.

As for the so-called teachings of the mother-in-law, she, like her brother, goes in with the left ear and out with the right ear, and cannot hear.

“I have worked hard for so many years, and it is worth it.”

Concubine Yuan Guifei said proudly, "From now on, I can enjoy my happiness with peace of mind. The most pity is that the queen's **** died like this, otherwise she would have to taste the power of this palace."

 The biggest regret in the world is that you have become successful but your enemy is no longer there.

 “Mother and concubine, be careful what you say,”

Lin Ning made a silent gesture, and then whispered, "All the civil and military officials are outside. Mother and concubine, please be careful and don't let anyone listen."

Concubine Yuan Guifei said coldly, "Your imperial brother is not what he used to be, so what if people listen to him?

Who else can they complain to? "

 “That’s what it says,”

Lin Ning carefully persuaded, "Brother Huang has just taken charge of the government, and his great cause is not yet stable. It would be bad for the mother and concubine's words to be used to make a fuss by interested people. It will also damage the mother and concubine's wisdom."

"makes sense,"

Concubine Yuan Guifei nodded and said, "In the future, I will be a mother to the world. It is inappropriate to be arranged into a chicken intestine."

Lin Yi saw that there was no movement in the carriage, so he shouted loudly, "Please come into the city, my concubine."

 “Welcome the empress!”

  A crowd of people followed and shouted.

 “Let’s go.”

After hearing what Lin Ning said, Concubine Yuan had no intention of getting out of the carriage.

Sun Chengde, the driver, shook the reins, and the carriage slowly entered the city.

Along the way, Concubine Yuan couldn't help but lift up the car curtain, looked at the empty street, turned the curtain up wider, revealing a bejeweled head, and said doubtfully, "Where are you going?" go?"

Liu Kan, who was accompanying him, said, "To inform you, your Majesty, I have ordered you to send your Majesty back to the palace."

Without raising his head to look at the empress's face, he also knew that the empress's expression was not good.

At this moment, let’s clearly divide the responsibilities first!

 This is what the prince means and has nothing to do with him!

 This is the art of language!

 “Go back to the palace?”

Concubine Yuan Guifei said angrily, "Who asked your family to return to the palace?"

 Liu Kan looked embarrassed, he had already said it!

  means the prince!

 I don’t know how to answer at this moment.

 Fortunately, he heard Princess Huaiyang's answer.

Princess Huaiyang said, "Mother, concubine, you and my brother have not seen each other for a long time, so naturally we went to the palace to talk about family happiness."

  "Who wants to tell him what kind of music?"

Concubine Yuan Guifei said very dissatisfied, "Turn around and go to Yuan Mansion!"

Sun Chengde, who was in front of the car, knew that this was meant for him!

 The order from Prince He is to send the empress back to Prince He’s Mansion, but the Empress wants to go to Yuan Mansion again!

His Majesty, he dare not disobey it, but the prince cannot disobey it even more!

 This made him at a loss what to do for a while!

 At this time, he saw He Wangye turning around on the donkey and finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Lin Yi smiled and said, "Since the empress wants to see the old lady and grandma, then go."


Sun Chengde received the order, walked out of the main road, and turned into a small alley.

Lin Yi did not follow, but said to Mingyue who was standing next to him, "Follow and be smart, otherwise you won't be able to see the Queen Mother's orders."

 “This slave knows it,”

Mingyue smiled and said, "My ears are very useful."

She is such a smart person. She only needs one word from the prince and she immediately understands its meaning.

The prince is letting himself spy on the conversation between the empress and the Yuan Mansion.

After finishing speaking, Zixia and she followed the empress’s driving team.

Lin Yi sighed and said, "It really won't stop for a moment."

After speaking, he glanced at Ma Jie, the prefect of Qingyuan City, and said with a smile, "Master Ma, you have had a hard journey."

Ma Jie bowed his waist and said, "The prince is joking, these are the duties of a humble job."

He was originally just a master, neither an official nor a official. To put it bluntly, he just followed the prefect and pretended to be powerful. He never thought that he would one day become an official!

And he is also the governor of Ankang City, in charge of the capital city!

 When he got the transfer order, he couldn't believe it and even thought he signed it wrong!

 Finally, he asked Wu Lin, the Chief Envoy of Nanzhou Chief Secretary Yamen, to confirm again and again, yes!

 An ordinary master was directly promoted to the third rank, which is rare in ancient and modern times!

 He, Ma Jie, can be regarded as a glorious ancestor.

This time when I went to the capital to take office, I happened to meet the imperial concubine who was going north, so they entered Ankang City together.

“Do you know why the king wants you to come to Ankang City?”

Lin Yi asked with a smile.

 “The lower official is dull.”

Ma Jie knelt down and said.

 “Because you are shameless enough,”

Lin Yi said calmly, "In this land of Gyeonggi, people who care about face can't do anything."

This Ma Jie has good abilities and can really do things. He would be stupid if he didn't read poetry and books.

 The most important thing is that the foundation is “clean” enough and has no intricate connections.

 “Thank you, Your Majesty, for the promotion!”

 Ma Jie smiled bitterly.

 In terms of shamelessness, compared with He Wangye, he is really ashamed!

Lin Yi said, "Okay, I just entered the city and found a place to live. I will be more familiar with the environment of Ankang City before I take office. I will kill those who deserve to be killed without looking at my face. If a prince breaks the law, he is guilty of the same crime as the common people."

 He has too many relatives in Ankang City.

If you are also concerned about this and that, there will be no royal law.

 “I understand.”

Ma Jie quickly understood what He Wangye meant.

Are you asking yourself to be a bad person?

Only a person with no background like myself is the most suitable to do this kind of thing. I have no relatives and friends in Ankang City, and there is no need to talk about anyone’s favors!

Lin Yi said, "Then if nothing happens, just step back."

"Your Majesty, I have one more thing to do."

Ma Jie pondered for a moment and said, "On the way to Xianguan, I saw Hu Zhen, the king of Heshun County, coming to the capital with his family."

Lin Yi asked, "Does the empress know about this?"

Ma Jie said, "The empress knew about it. The empress even asked the county lord Hu Miaoyi to see him and persuade him to return."

Lin Yi saw that he was hesitant to speak, so he said angrily, "If you have something to say, hurry up and finish it in one breath. Don't let me ask any more questions."

Ma Jie hesitated for a moment and then said, "According to the opinion of the lower officials, the empress seems to want to get married to the Yuan family. It is said that Yuan Zijun, the daughter of General Yuan Qing of the Yuan family, is beautiful in the country, has both civil and military talents, and is a strange woman in the world."

 Marriage between close relatives?

 The first four words that came to Lin Yi's mind were these.

 My cousin is beautiful, but she is too familiar!

 How to start!

Thinking of this, my head immediately shook like a rattle.

 (End of this chapter)

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