Chapter 349 Credit

 He wanted to see how the eldest princess would react.

It's a pity that he was disappointed. Under the dim lantern, the eldest princess's expression did not change, as if she had heard something ordinary.

 “He still doesn’t give up.”

The eldest princess turned her back and looked at the moon in the sky.

“Is there really a way to live forever in this world?”

Lin Yi and the eldest princess stood together, looking like they were asking for advice humbly.

The eldest princess smiled and said, "The road to eternal life is so close right now, but many fools don't realize it. It's ridiculous to think about immortality when you are born in a mortal body."

Lin Yi was very surprised that the eldest princess could actually say these words.

 He pondered for a moment, then smiled and said, "But my father said that you also know the method of immortality."

"You can tell him tomorrow that I deceived him. There is no way to live forever in this world."

 The eldest princess suddenly smiled.

 “Are you trying to make your father angry to death?”

Lin Yi said curiously.

“Then do you think I still have a chance to kill him?”

The eldest princess asked.

“Elder Wuxiang is no longer in the palace, but you still have a chance.”

Lin Yi said with a smile, "As for Liu Chaoyuan, he stayed with his father probably because he wanted to seek immortality. If you tell him that this is a lie, I'm afraid he won't be your enemy."

 “This old dog is quite pathetic, he is also afraid of death,”

The eldest princess suddenly smiled, smiling happily, "If he knew that all this was false, he would not let me go."

Lin Yi said, "Auntie is so strange today. She actually told me so many truths?"

The princess said, "What's the harm in letting you know these little things?

I hope you will come to the palace early to tell your father. I think his expression will be wonderful. "

Lin Yi smiled and did not continue the topic. Instead, he asked, "Auntie, do you know that news about the disciples of Xingchenhai returning to the world has begun to spread in the world recently?"


The eldest princess, who had always been unfazed by favors and humiliations, suddenly changed her face at this moment.

 “The disciples of Xingchenhai returned to the world,”

Lin Yi repeated it again. He couldn't imagine how powerful Xing Chenhai was to scare the eldest princess like this. "It is said that he killed the three gates of Liangzhou a few days ago."

 When Pando told him the news, he didn't pay much attention.

 In his view, the so-called Jianghu sects are all lawless underworld. No matter how arrogant they are, can they withstand the iron fist of his dictatorship?

If it was really lawless, he could quickly put it out by just using the yamen police officers.

 But, looking at the expression on the eldest princess’s face, it seems that it’s not that simple!

Seeing that the eldest princess was silent, he was about to ask more questions, but the eldest princess suddenly jumped up, grabbed the sword on the pillar, and floated away.

 The blind man chased after him.

All this happened in the midst of stone fire and lightning, and Lin Yi didn't react at all.

 After realizing that the eldest princess wanted to escape, Ye Qiu and a group of guards were left with him.

 “Women are really fickle.”

Lin Yi was helpless.

 There is no sign of this at all!

 Even worse than a female driver!

 The female driver turned on the windshield wipers. He knew at least that he was about to turn!

He Hongdao said, "Your Majesty, since the eldest princess has escaped, do you want to spread the news about Jizhao'an's bank?"

He has always kept this matter in mind, and now he couldn't help but say it out, proving to Prince He that he, a warrior, also has his heart!

But he didn't expect Lin Yi to kick him hard.

Lin Yi said angrily, "You are stupid. If she falls into the hands of Jizhao'an, what good will it do to us?"


He Hong looked aggrieved.

Sure enough, their prince alone has the final say on right and wrong.


Lin Yi said helplessly, "If the eldest princess cannot bear the punishment of Jizhao'an, this bank will fall into the hands of the third child, which will do us a lot of harm but no good."

 “The prince is wise.”

He Hong was reluctant, but he still had to bow his head.

Lin Yi looked at Ye Qiu and said, "You can follow me too."

  “I’m sorry for the difficulty in obeying my orders.”

 He is the only great master in Hewangfu now. If he leaves, Hewangfu will no longer have a master.

 “Hey, whatever you want.”

Lin Yi understood what he meant.

 Yawned again, returned to the bedroom, and lay down directly.

  He woke up before dawn.

According to the report from the detective, his mother will arrive in Ankang City today, and he has to meet her at the south city gate in advance. His mother has a bad temper, and she is late. She is not worth the scolding.

 From the bottom of his heart, he really didn’t want me to come to Ankang City. After all, the situation at hand was too complicated. He might be unlucky in the future and would still have to rush south in a hurry.

But I really can’t stand my stubbornness. If I don’t let her come, I will cry, make trouble, and hang myself.

 “Your Majesty.”

Jiao Zhong took advantage of Lin Yi to have breakfast and came in, "Pan Duo said that the empress's car is less than two miles away from the south gate."

"So fast?"

Lin Yi was very surprised, "This is going fast enough."

Having no choice but to stuff the half-eaten cake into his mouth, he wiped his hands with a wet towel and went straight out of the house and got on the carriage.

Concubine Yuan Guifei's return to Ankang City is a big deal for Ankang officials who are determined to please the prince!

 They arrived earlier than Lin Yi.

As soon as Lin Yi left the city gate, he saw the civil and military officials of the DPRK standing side by side at the south gate.

 Including Qi Yong, Ma Jin, Gan Mao and others are also on the list!

This licking is too much!

 Don’t lose any face at all?

 Don’t have any integrity at all?

He really didn’t understand.

 “The prince is a thousand years old!”

 When Lin Yi got out of the carriage, all the civil and military officials knelt down to welcome him.

 “Get up.”

Lin Yi stood on the carriage frame, looking down from a high position, and once again glanced at the people around him.

He did not see anyone from the Yuan family, his grandmother Dong, and the old lady Xue.

 “Thank you, Your Majesty!”

The crowd shouted again.

Lin Yi got off the carriage and suddenly heard someone shouting, "The empress is here!"

Lin Yi raised his head and saw the Sanhe cavalry holding an otter flag, followed by carriages, and after that, an endless team of light pawns.

Arrived in front of the city gate, the cavalry were lined up on both sides of the pipe, and a carriage drove slowly over.

When the carriage stopped, Mingyue and Zixia jumped out of the carriage and stood beside the carriage with their hands down.

Lin Yi lifted up his hem, knelt down and said, "Greetings to my mother and concubine."

 “The empress is a thousand years old, a thousand years old.”

 Everyone knelt and shouted.

 “Sit down.”

 The voices in the carriage were gentle and peaceful, as if they were otherworldly.

 “Thank you, empress!”

Everyone stood up without raising their heads.

Lin Ning was in the carriage with Concubine Yuan. When she saw Concubine Yuan looking proud, she smiled and said, "Concubine, I just took a peek and saw Qi Yong and Ma Jin."

 “That’s what it should be,”

Concubine Yuan Guifei smiled and said, "Your brother is the regent now, so they don't dare to be too presumptuous."

"I would say that this is all the result of the mother-in-law."

Lin Ning couldn't help but joked.

"Of course,"

Concubine Yuan Guifei said with emotion, "If it weren't for my teachings, how could your brother be as famous as he is today."

 (End of this chapter)

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