Chapter 341 Green

 The people next to him were frightened after hearing this!

Anyone who knows this kind of royal secret will have a bad end.

 They really don’t want to be implicated and end up in nothing.


Yu Wenshe was the first to scold, "Such nonsense, it really deserves death!"

 But, don’t dare to get too close.

 He really hasn’t lived enough yet.


Fahui said no more words after pronouncing the Buddha's name.

 “You monk must be crazy,”

Lin Yi said coldly, "I have always been unwilling to argue with fools and leave the Queen behind. Go quickly and I won't make things more difficult for you."

“The only thing to blame is that the poor monk used to be too greedy for the fireworks in this world, with soup on the stove, lights in front of the windows, and flowers in the courtyard.”

Fa Hui looked at the queen who still maintained her stunning beauty, with tenderness on her face, "It's a pity that I failed her in the end, and now it's too late to regret it.

I hope the prince will forgive me, but the poor monk will still accompany her until the end. "

In Lin Yi's incredible eyes, Fa Hui suddenly picked up the queen on the ground, turned into an afterimage, and came towards him.

While the blind man was guarding Lin Yi's side, he suddenly struck a palm towards Fa Hui's face. Ye Qiu was also not slow, and stabbed Fa Hui's back with the long sword in his hand.

However, the two of them were still a step slower after all. Fa Hui had already knocked down the overlapping guards and left the icehouse directly.

 Ye Qiu and the blind man rushed after him, leaving only three afterimages in the air.


After Yu Wenshe shouted, the entire palace was filled with loud whistles, which then spread outside the palace, and the officers and soldiers of Ankang City began to move back and forth.

 The news they got was that there was an assassin in the palace, and Prince He was in the palace.

Lin Yi folded his arms and walked out of the icehouse. Feeling the stuffy air that he hated just now, he finally felt a lot more comfortable.

Xiao Xizi said, "Don't worry, my lord, this monk won't be able to escape if Ye Qiu and the blind man chase him together."

Lin Yi said helplessly, "What the **** is this?"

 It is indeed good that he is a traitor.

 The interests of the royal family are not necessarily his interests, and he does not need to be represented, but the dignity of the royal family is his dignity. If the royal family makes a joke, his face will probably not get much glory.

I have a green head. How can I, as a son, go out to meet people?

Seeing that the prince was displeased, Xiao Xizi did not dare to say anything more. After watching the prince leave the palace, he turned around and returned to the palace. He began to issue a silence order. Anyone who spread what he saw and heard today would be killed without mercy.

 At night, the moonlight spread through the jagged branches and onto the ground, imprinting on Ji Hai's face.

He has been walking from south to southwest for half a month. Every night, he sets up a bonfire to ward off jackals so that he can meditate peacefully.


Ji Hai was very sure that this was not his own voice.

 He slowly turned around and saw an old monk, who seemed to be carrying someone behind him.


Ji Hai stood up, clasped his hands together and returned the favor, and said to the old monk, "I wonder where the master came from."

 He admired the old monk's skill very much. He walked up to him, but he didn't notice it yet.

Moreover, the most amazing thing is that it didn’t scare the birds in the forest.

 “Lao Na Fa Hui,”

The old monk put the people behind him on the ground, sat cross-legged by the fire, and said calmly, "I came from Ankang City and want to go to Yuzhou."

 “Master, you are injured.”

By the light of the fire, Ji Hai saw his hand. The red flesh and dried blood inside made the whole hand look particularly terrifying.

Fa Hui said nonchalantly, "It's just a minor injury."

 “The young monk, please bandage it for you.”

 As both a monk, Jihai felt very friendly when he saw him.

 “No need,”

Fahui waved his hand and said, "Please give me some food to cushion my stomach. I will be very grateful."

 “Master please.”

Ji Hai unwrapped the package of dry food and laid it out in front of Fa Hui.

The closer you get to Dharma Wisdom, the disgusting smell mixed with the smell becomes stronger.

 He couldn't help but look at the "person" next to Fa Hui.

Fa Hui seemed to understand Ji Hai's doubts. While chewing dry food slowly, he said calmly, "She is dead and can't eat."

 Ji Haidao, "Amitabha."

 He sat down where he was.

  But he was very curious about the woman’s clothes.

He has seen this style on Concubine Yuan Guifei, and it is not something ordinary people can wear.

  “She is Lao Nie’s wife.”

Fahui said with a sweet look on his face.

 “The master is extraordinary and refined, but the little monk is not as good as him.”

Ji Hai originally wanted to ask the monk how he could marry a wife, but thinking of himself and Xie Xiaoqing, he stopped asking.

 He asked without a face.

Fahui said, "I love her very much, but it's a pity that I personally gave her wedding dress to others. Hate, hate, hate!"

 “That’s what the master said.”

Jihai could feel his sadness.

 “Master, don’t follow in the footsteps of me,”

Fa Hui said calmly, "Letting go means freedom. Asking for something but not getting it means suffering."

 “The young monk has been taught.”

Ji Hai nodded.

 “It’s good if you understand.”

Fahui glanced at the woman on the ground again.

“Master, please help yourself. I’ll take my leave first, little monk.”

Jihai really couldn't stand the weird atmosphere, nor the unpleasant stench.

 After saying that, he packed up the package and continued on his way.

However, for ten days in a row, he could see Fa Hui carrying a corpse and begging for dry food from him when the moon rose.

Since the corpse became more and more smelly, he could smell it from a long distance every time. Even if Fahui didn't take the initiative to say hello, he would know that Fahui was coming.

On the fifteenth day, Ji Hai finally couldn't help but said, "Master, you have passed the boundary of Yuzhou."


Fahui sighed and said, "I just remembered yesterday that I had defiled the lintel of my door. How could I have the dignity to go back and see my brothers? The world is so big that there is no place for me."

 “Master’s words are serious.”

Ji Hai didn’t know how to answer the call for a while.

 “Little master, I think you also have a sweetheart.”

Fa Hui suddenly smiled and said.

 “Why did the master say this?”

Jihai suddenly panicked.

"How can a person with pure six senses spend all day holding a girl's sachet in a daze?"

 Dharma wisdom has a well-established path.

 “Sin, sin.”

Jihai kept confessing.

 “Little Master, where are you going?”

Fahui then asked.

“To be honest, Master, one of the monk’s confidants is trapped in Chunshan City, Sichuan Province,”

Ji Hai said calmly, "The young monk wants to rescue her."

 “Difficult! Difficult! Difficult!”

 The old monk kept shaking his head and said, "You are just a third-level person."

 “The young monk believes that with sincerity, gold and stone will open.”

Ji Hai said calmly and authentically.

 “difficult, difficult”

 The old monk repeated several sentences in succession.

 “Thank you, Master, for the tip.”

Ji Hai turned around and walked away again.

No matter how difficult the road to Chunshan City is, he must go there.

 (End of this chapter)

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