I Don’t Want To Be the Emperor

Chapter 340: Wife-stealing hatred

Chapter 340 The hatred of seizing his wife

 In fact, before he came to see the prince, he had already arranged for Yu Shi to lead Sanhe officers and soldiers to surround the icehouse. He was just waiting for an order from the prince.

Lin Yi said, "Then go quickly."

As soon as he finished speaking, He climbed up the steps and climbed up the city wall. He said out of breath, "It's not good, it's not good!"

 “What’s wrong,”

Xiao Xizi said with a gloomy face, "If you have something to say, how can you behave properly in front of the prince? Believe it or not, our family will punish you for being disrespectful!"

 “Your Majesty, it’s not good, something serious is going to happen,”

He Lian seemed to turn a deaf ear to Xiao Xizi’s threat, and still thought of himself, “Ghost!

 There is a ghost! "


Lin Yi snorted coldly, "Where did the ghost come from!

 If you continue to talk nonsense, I will definitely beat you to death. "

Although he has traveled through time, he is still a staunch materialist!

“It’s true, Your Majesty, I have seen the Queen,”

He Lian was obviously surprised. His face was pale and his words were incoherent, "The Queen is in the icehouse!"

 “The Queen is in the icehouse?”

Although Xiao Xizi had expected it, when she heard it now, she couldn't help but feel shocked. She snorted coldly, "It's just a dead body, is it worth making a fuss about?"

He Lian said with a sad face, "Eunuch Tan, the Queen is standing in front of a villain. A ghost must be a ghost!"

Xiao Xizi said coldly, "Is the Queen not dead?"


He Lian said very firmly, "The Queen is my relative."

At this point, he seemed to have realized something. He paused for a moment and then said with a smile, "I personally saw her hang herself. I led someone to lower her down from the beam. Her whole body was cold and there was no trace of breath. There was absolutely no Might come back alive.

If you can still stand in front of a villain, what is that if it's not a ghost? "

 “Maybe it’s a monster?”

Lin Yi smiled nonchalantly and said, "Secure the icehouse. I want to go and take a look in person to see who is playing these shameful tricks under my nose."

As he finished speaking, a figure passed by him and headed straight for the icehouse.

 The figure moved very quickly and it was difficult to see the face clearly. The person Xiao Xizi could vaguely see might be Ye Qiu.

Ye Qiunai is the great master. When he left, Xiao Xizi's worried heart was half relieved.

Lin Yi got off the city wall and did not sit on the chariot. Instead, he rode a donkey through the many palaces and walked along the white jade railings, red walls and yellow tiles to the deepest part of the palace.

The deeper we walked, the more guards and Sanhe officers and soldiers came along the way. Lin Yi didn't wait for them to kneel down before he started waving his hands.

 When we arrived at the entrance of the icehouse, we were already surrounded by a dense crowd of people.

 “Your Majesty,”

Yu Wenshe knew that he and the prince were coming, so he greeted him at the door early, knelt down on one knee and said, "The prince is frightened because of his humble duty and incompetence."

Lin Yi smiled and said, "Is it true that the Queen is resurrected?"

Yu Wenshe said, "Reporting to the prince, I did see the queen, but she was neither a living person nor a ghost, just a dead body. She was just used by the heretical people."

Lin Yidao, "Is there anyone alive inside?"

Yu Wenshe nodded and said, "That's it. Don't worry, Your Majesty. I will definitely capture this person and bring him to justice."

Before he could continue speaking, he was suddenly interrupted by continuous screams.

The blind man standing in front of Lin Yi frowned and said, "Your Majesty, the people inside are very skilled."

Lin Yi said, "I don't need your attention here. Go help Ye Qiu."


 The blind man stepped on the steps and climbed down.

Yu Wenshe glanced at Lin Yi, waved his hands to the left and right, and led the people to follow directly behind the blind man.

Lin Yi stood outside and watched lazily. After waiting for half a stick of incense, there was still no movement inside. He finally couldn't help it.

He was very afraid of death, so he took Xiao Xizi directly into the gloomy icehouse, and the cold became stronger with every step he took.

Surrounded by all the guards, I turned left and right and walked through the long stairs. There were no steps in front of me, and it gradually opened up, and it was bitingly cold.

 The first thing that comes into view is the huge blocks of ice, stacked one on top of the other, with no end as far as the eye can see.

After the blind man and Ye Qiu, who were standing on the left and right respectively, made way, Lin Yi saw the person sitting cross-legged in the icehouse. He was a bald monk, wearing simple clothes, with kind eyebrows and kind eyes, and his specific age could not be discerned.

At this moment, he clasped his hands together, closed his eyes slightly, and muttered something to the woman wearing a crown lying on the ground.

“If you see this light in the extremely painful places on the three roads, you will all rest and no more suffering.”

Lin Yi listened to the monk's salvation. Although he couldn't hear it clearly, he could guess the entire scripture based on one or two words.

 He glanced at the guards lying around the monk, writhing and screaming, and then said, "Rescue them, and don't disturb the master's salvation."


Yu Wenshe responded loudly, holding a big knife, stepping on the icy ground, and carefully entered the icehouse with a group of guards.

He was cautiously on guard. Seeing that the monk did not attack, he breathed a long sigh of relief and lifted the injured guard out of the ice room. He then handed it over to the guard next to him and stood beside Lin Yi.

 “Sin, sin,”

The monk suddenly opened his eyes and said to Lin Yi, "See you, Your Majesty."

Lin Yi smiled and said, "I wonder where Master practices?"

He has never dared to look at the still lifelike corpse of the queen on the ground.

 No wonder He Helian was frightened half to death.

The corpse looked weird. It looked like a dead person. At a quick glance, it was almost indistinguishable from a sleeping living person.

 “People compete for a breath, Buddha competes for a stick of incense,”

The monk forgot to glance at the queen on the ground and said, "I just want to give this incense to her, and I hope the prince will agree."

Yu Wenshe once again boldly took a closer look at the monk, and then whispered in Lin Yi's ear, "If I remember correctly, this person is the Dharma Wisdom of the Vajra Platform.

 He is the disciple of Elder Wuxiang, and he once entered the palace with Elder Wuxiang. "

 “Vajra Platform?”

Lin Yi never imagined that this matter could be related to the Vajra Platform.

 “The villain also remembered,”

He Lian followed up and said, "He is indeed a monk from Jingangtai. It is said that he had a close relationship with the Holy One when he was young, and he is also the Holy One's senior brother."

“Does Master mean Vajra Platform?”

Lin Yi sighed, "I don't know what grudges my father has against the master. The master wants to humiliate my father like this."

 When someone else’s wife dies, she dies. What does it mean when you take away someone’s wife’s body?

 Without deep hatred, you would never be able to do such a thing.

 “The hatred of taking away your wife!”

Fahui’s unabashed truth.

 “Could it be that she was originally the master’s lover?”

Lin Yi couldn't help but glance at the queen on the ground again.

"No," the monk shook his head and said honestly, "it was the poor monk who took his wife away."

ˆ “.”

Lin Yi was stunned and speechless for a moment.

 What appeared in front of his eyes was the green hat on his emperor's head.

  Could it be that the prince's biological father is the monk in front of him?

 (End of this chapter)

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