I Don’t Want To Be the Emperor

Chapter 174: Lure the snake out of its hole

Chapter 174: Lure the snake out of its hole

 “Is it just you?

 You have forgotten that you are the defeated general."

The woman looked at Hong Ying and said calmly, "I didn't kill you last time and let you run away. You won't have that chance this time."

Hong Ying snorted coldly, "Last time was the last time, and this time is this time. Master, it's better not to be careless."

 “Last time?”

Lin Yi vaguely caught something, frowned and said, "Are you from Jizhao'an?"

 “You’re not too stupid,”

The woman smiled and said, "I have not been down the mountain for thirty years. I never thought that I would end up here for the first time.

I hope everyone can stay warm, and it’s worth taking the trouble to go out into the mountains and forests. "

“Your Jizhao Temple is really good,”

Lin Yi gritted his teeth and said, "You actually colluded with foreigners!

His heart can be punished, and his crime is inevitable!

 This is what you call saving the world? "

They actually came together with the Ayu people to assassinate him!

This is shameless!

“I must have had a misunderstanding with the prince, and I just happened to meet Ayuren by chance,”

The woman smiled and said, "Although I pride myself on my martial arts skills, I cannot enter or exit this camp at will. I never expected that this Ayu man gave me a chance today.

If you want to blame it, just blame the prince for his own misfortune.

 I am going to take your life today. "

"have to,"

Lin Yi sighed and said, "Master, even if you let me die, you have to let me die, right?"

 Who asked you to kill me?

  King Yong?

 Haven’t I offended him?

Why bother pushing each other so hard! "

Except for King Yong, Lin Yi could not think of anyone else.

“Have you ever been told what to do in Jizhao’an by others?”

The woman said proudly, "Besides, Prince Yong has a kind heart, so how can he attack Prince He?"

 “Then you have trouble with me?”

Lin Yi was really angry, "You are so brave. I am the vassal king. If you kill me, it is equivalent to treason!"

You, Jizhao'an, are so impatient? "

“King Yong won’t kill you, but I, Jizhao’an, have to consider for King Yong. Naturally, the fewer obstacles to King Yong, the better.”

The woman changed the subject and said, "When it comes to courage, it is better to be with the prince. He colludes with the Chief Secretary and is good at giving. What is the difference between what the prince did in Sanhe and treason?"

Lin Yi was even more unconvinced when he heard this, and said angrily, "In terms of threats, isn't the prince a greater threat?

Why bother with Lao Tzu when you seek the far side instead of the near? "

 Why did he become King Yong’s opponent without knowing it?

There is something wrong with the development of this plot!

  The woman said meaningfully, "The prince will not fight in person."


Lin Yi understood instantly.

 The prince has no military power and no soldiers. What's more, the old emperor is seriously ill and can't take advantage of the situation. He is just a paper tiger.

And not only did he have a fief, soldiers, money and food in his hands, but he also had an uncle with a heavy army.

Although that uncle is closer to King Yong, it is also a variable.

“What about the seventh prince, King Nanling?”

Lin Yi suddenly became a little curious. They also went to the fiefdom, and grandpa was still Mei Jingzhi.

Mei Jingzhi is much more reliable than her own uncle, and is the Seventh Prince’s supporter.


The woman sneered and said, "The Prince of Nanling does not have such good means to win over the people as you, the prince. Even my good senior sister is on good terms with the prince and tries her best to help him.

Moreover, the people in Baiyun City all praise the prince. "

After finishing speaking, he turned around and looked at Wen Zhaoyi who slowly walked in from the tent door.

Wen Zhaoyi smiled and said, "I didn't expect to meet my junior sister here. I'm really happy and congratulated."

 “Junior sister?”

Although Lin Yi had expected it, he was still shocked when the terms "senior sister, junior sister" came out of their mouths.

What these ladies grew up on, they are as tall as little girls, as beautiful as flowers and jade, tender and smooth!

“Yes, she is none other than Jingkuan, the first lady of Jizhao Temple, my good junior sister,”

Wen Zhaoyi continued, "One of the few great masters in our Daliang Kingdom."

 “Disrespect, disrespect!”

Lin Yi suddenly panicked!

Ye Qiu and Hong Ying were injured by these girls last time, and Hong Ying almost lost half his life because of this.

Lin Yi cupped his hands and said, "Sisters and sisters are all one family, so why bother fighting and killing each other? Do you think we can turn our hostility into friendship?"

 “What do you think?”

Jingkuan suddenly waved his palm and ran straight towards Lin Yi.

With Lin Yi unconscious, Hong Ying stepped directly in the middle and swung his palm in the same direction.


I didn’t expect that your father-in-law has made such rapid progress, but I made a miscalculation.”

While Jing Kuan was speaking, her right palm faced Wen Zhaoyi who was attacking from both sides, and her left palm forced Hong Ying back, "I can't keep you today!"

 Besieged by two people, he still remained calm and composed.

“I’ll hit you as soon as I say it, it’s not moral!”

Lin Yi looked at the tables and chairs that were all broken into pieces, and was so frightened that he collapsed on Xiao Xizi who was supporting him behind him.

Every time Jing Kuan came towards Lin Yi, Hong Ying always stood in the middle in time.

The three of them fought more and more fiercely, their bodies moving very fast, and Lin Yi could only see the afterimages.

 After a while, the three of them had broken through the tent and ran outside to fight.

“My lord, are you okay?”

Xiao Xizi quickly reassured her, "Don't worry, Your Majesty, Wen Zhaoyi and the manager will definitely make sure this woman never comes back."

 “I’m fine, just take care of yourself,”

Lin Yi looked at Xiao Xizi’s wrist, which was all bloody, and said worriedly, “Hurry up and get a gourd bandage, if the bleeding continues, next year’s day will be your memorial day.

   Since you are really dead, I don’t have time to burn paper for you. "

"Don't worry, Your Majesty," Xiao Xizi tore a piece of cloth directly from the hem of her clothes, bandaged it on her wrist, and said with a smile, "Look, this is fine. I am a martial arts practitioner, so this kind of injury is nothing. "

 He was in a very depressed mood.

 Since he practiced the evil sword technique, his skill has improved by leaps and bounds.

However, I didn’t expect that today, with just one move, I would be defeated!

 This is the power of the Grand Master!

It seems that the master can usually hold back when fighting with him. If he makes a deadly move, he will have no chance to resist at all!

 “It’s better not to be careless,”

Lin Yi looked at the big hole in the tent and sighed, "She's so **** up. She has to come to trouble me when she has nothing to do."

As he walked out of the tent, the dozen or so guards guarding the door were all lying on the ground. He hurriedly walked over and tried to breathe one by one, and then collapsed directly on the ground.

 “My condolences, Your Majesty,”

Xiao Xizi said, "It is also their blessing to be loyal to the prince."


Lin Yi was trembling with anger, "This hatred is irreconcilable."

 “Your Majesty,”

Shen Chu helped Ma Gui, who was covered in blood, come over, "Except for the two land lords who escaped, the rest have been killed!"

There are torches everywhere in the camp and on the mountain, cheers and the neighing of animals.

Lin Yi said, "The injured should be treated immediately. The rest of the brothers will be cremated and the ashes will be taken back for burial."

 After Shen Chu and others retreated, he sat at the door of the camp, staring at the stars in a daze.

  Turning a blind eye to He Jixiang standing in front of him.

 “Your Majesty.”

Xiao Xizi reset the table in front of Lin Yi and made tea.

 “Whose idea was this?”

Lin Yi asked suddenly.

He Jixiang knelt down and said, "I know that I am guilty, please punish me!"

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Lin Yi finally thought about it now, "There is no problem in using me as bait, but you shouldn't joke with their lives. They abandoned their families and careers to follow me to Sanhe, and they owe them a debt in the first place.

Now that they have lost their lives again, how should I explain to their families? "

According to the usual defense, there are three floors inside and three floors outside, with hidden and bright sentries everywhere. Ren Jingkuan, who has great martial arts skills, would not have the chance to enter his tent in such a grand manner.

 There is only one possibility, oneself is the bait.

 And a dozen guards might not have died!

 “Your Majesty, those who achieve great things do not stick to trivial matters!”

He Jixiang said loudly, "Life and death are destiny, wealth and honor are in heaven, why does the prince need to be so sad."

 “Hey, you’ve worked hard, go down.”

Lin Yi can’t blame He Jixiang, because he did it for himself.

 To put it bluntly, the culprit is still yourself.

 Everyone is suffering for themselves.

 (End of this chapter)

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