I Don’t Want To Be the Emperor

Chapter 173: Assassination

Chapter 173 Assassination

 He felt at ease immediately.

 He is loyal to Prince He and is willing to give up his life.

But he will never give up his life easily and without any reason.

His old Shen family is a single generation of four generations. His generation must give birth to a son, otherwise he will really be sorry for his ancestors.

Unfortunately, his wife gave birth to five daughters in succession, none of whom were sons.

 The worst thing is that he is not allowed to take a concubine.

Seeing that the Shen family was about to be wiped out, God willing, he came to Sanhe with the prince, secretly married one, and was pregnant for ten months. He was full of joy, but she was still a daughter.

 Time is also destiny!

I and the prince also said that if you want to have a son, you must not inherit the throne unless there is a throne in your family.

 Made everyone say that they were frightened and their faces were red.

 He has given up his plan to have a son.

 But six daughters and two daughters-in-law cannot be thrown away easily!

If they die, how can they live?

 At least in your lifetime, you have to earn dowry money for your six daughters, right?

 Besides, if he is gone, what good families can these girls marry into?

Thinking of this, he moved a chair for Wen Zhaoyi, and Xiao Xizi helped make tea.

Wen Zhaoyi held the tea cup and sat on the chair calmly, with his head lowered, as if nothing happened.

Wen Zhaoyi closed the tea lid in his hand, stopped suddenly, and looked at Ye Qiu who was yawning.

Ye Qiu's ears twitched, and when he was not paying attention, he snatched the hammer from his hand, flew up to Lin Yi's tent, and met an iron hook that shone coldly in the moonlight.

The hammer hit the chest of the owner of the iron hook directly - a big man wearing black clothes and a full beard.

With a loud bang, the big man kept retreating and finally landed on the ground.

  Under the moonlight, the two of them remained motionless.


 The big man frowned inadvertently.

 “Once you’re here, don’t leave.”

Ye Qiu threw the hammer directly, and Yu Shi rushed over, took it, and then looked at Ye Qiu angrily.

"Son of a bitch!"

Yi hour swung the hammer and directed all his anger at the big man.

The big man didn’t even try to hide, and the iron hook was directly aimed at the handle of Yu Xiao’s hammer.

Just as he was about to exert force, there was another hammer in front of him.

 Ah-Dai jumped up and hit the big man with a hammer.

This time, the big man had to withdraw the hook.

Facing two seventh-grade players at the same time, he didn’t dare to be too big.

 After all, it is a step back, and it is only one step!

 He is the Lord of the Earth!

 However, Ye Qiu took action.

This time the big man gave up on Yu Shi and Ah-Dai, and stepped back dozens of feet.

Just as he was about to land, his neck suddenly hurt. He stretched out his hand and felt a warmth.

 That is the feeling of hot blood.

Looking at the woman walking closer and closer to him, he was about to say something when he suddenly fell to the ground.

 The neck and body are divided into two halves.

 “Thank you, Wen Zhaoyi!”

Shen Chu, who also followed, thanked Wen Zhaoyi.

Wen Zhaoyi said nothing and looked at the top of the mountain without blinking.

 “Take good care of this place and don’t wander around.”

After Wen Zhaoyi finished speaking, he ran straight to the top of the mountain.

After Shen Chu watched Wen Zhaoyi's shadow disappear, his face gradually became serious again, and two people, one short and one thin, walked out of the sparse shadow.

 “Is this the land lord of Ayu Kingdom?”

Shan Yin led Hong An, Fang Pi, Cui Gengren, Pan Duo and others out of the shadows. He smiled at Ye Qiu and said, "Master Ye, is the Earth Master the ninth grade?"

 Ye Qiu said nothing, looking straight at the two men, one short and one thin.

Pan Duo stepped forward, looked at Ye Qiu, and the two of them took action at the same time.

 Ye Qiu faced the short man directly.

 Panduo, at the peak of the eighth level, directly faced the tall and thin man.

Shan Yin and Yu Xiao also followed almost at the same time, helping Pan Duo to besiege him from left to right.

With a pop, Fang Pi was the first to fall to the ground, spitting out a mouthful of blood and screaming in anger.

 Late night.

Howling sound.


 The screams of livestock.

 All the sounds were mixed together, and no matter how hard Lin Yi slept, he was finally woken up.

 “Your Majesty,”

Xiao Xizi hurriedly helped him up and said, "If people outside have lost their rules, I will definitely scold them when I get back."

So ignorant, disturbing the prince's rest. "


Lin Yi shook his head. He was not really a fool. "Is there a sneak attack?"

Xiao Xizi said with a sneer, "Don't worry, Your Majesty, we are so young, we are not vulnerable to a single blow."

Lin Yi stood up, sat by the case, waited for Xiao Xizi to make the tea, took a sip, and said with a smile, "Let's go out and have a look."

Xiao Xizi said, "Your Majesty, it's a mess outside. Please go out later."

Lin Yi was holding the teacup and was about to speak when he saw a dark shadow appearing at the door of the tent.

 “Be bold!

 Who are you? "

Xiao Xizi stood in front of Lin Yi, protecting him tightly.

Lin Yi's heart also froze.

Where have all the people died?

 Why did you just let someone you don’t know in at random?

The man in black was covered from head to toe. After entering the brightly lit tent, he took off his cloak, revealing the face of a woman.

Lin Yi was just like when he saw Du Yinniang, he couldn't think of an idiom to describe this peerless appearance.

“Girl, you’re so pretty, you’re not good at beating and killing, aren’t you?”

Lin Yi’s eyes were always on the sword in the woman’s hand, “Being harmonious brings wealth, it’s good for you and good for me.”

 “Are you King He?”

Even if a woman is full of murderous intent, her voice is as soft as an oriole's cry.

“Don’t change your surname when you walk, don’t change your name when you sit down,”

Lin Yi picked up the cup again and said with a smile, "Here I am, handsome and unrestrained, with a jade tree facing the wind, suave, and eight buckets tall. People call him a pear blossom weighing down a begonia, and he is nicknamed the Jade-faced Little Flying Dragon, the King of Harmony, Lin Yi!"

I wonder if the beauty has any advice?

 One more thing, I’m not married yet!

 Beauty, do you want to think about it? "

God knows how nervous he was when he saw the sword with cold light!

The woman snorted coldly and said, "He is indeed a clever talker!

It is not a pity to die! "

Xiao Xizi and the woman drew their swords almost at the same time, but in the end they were a step too late, and the woman's sword almost hit his chest.

Xiao Xizi showed no fear. In order to drive away the opponent with one sword, he used all his strength, and the tiger's mouth was dripping with blood.

 “Xiao Xizi!”

Lin Yi was stunned with fear!

Just when he was about to pounce on the woman without hesitation, the tent above his head tore open, and a shadow headed directly towards the woman.

 The woman stepped away in an instant.

 Xiao Xizi finally escaped.


 Xiao Xizi is overjoyed.

 “Xiao Yingzi, it’s a coincidence that you came here.”

Lin Yi finally breathed a sigh of relief when he saw it was Hong Ying.

 “The young one came late, which frightened the prince.”

Hong Ying suddenly burst into tears and kowtowed at Lin Yi several times.

 “Let’s talk about it as long as we can live.”

Lin Yi suddenly felt a little desperate. There were two eunuchs in front of him. This woman seemed to be quite skilled.

 At this moment, without shouting, it was already the last of his reserve and stubbornness!

 “Thank you, Your Majesty!”

Hong Ying stood up, looked at the woman, and said coldly, "If you don't know how high the sky is, you will die!"

 (End of this chapter)

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