I Don’t Want To Be the Emperor

Chapter 107: Nothing can be solved without money

Chapter 107: Things that can’t be solved without money

Lin Yi was stunned.

Can they be blamed for the earthquake?

After a long time, he sighed and said, "Haven't you seen an earth dragon turn over before?

Hundred rivers are boiling, and mountains and hills are collapsing.

It is common for high banks to be valleys and deep valleys to be mausoleums. "

The leader frowned and said, "No!

Since you built the road, this mountain has collapsed! "

Chen Xinluo stepped forward and said with a low hand, "Your Majesty, that was exploded by gunpowder."

Lin Yi sighed.

 I don’t have time to explain to these people what gunpowder is.

 “Tell me, how much do you want?”

 Lin Yi has always been very direct.

Whether it is the world in the previous life or the world now, some principles are the same.

 Believe in ghosts and gods, what are you trying to do?

 For the benefit of course.

 If you don’t get any benefit, the gods and Buddhas in the sky will criticize you.

 As long as you give enough money, who cares about ghosts and feng shui?


 The high official in front of him was suddenly so direct, which made the leader a little at a loss.

 The officers and soldiers in the legend were all killing without restraint, not to mention that they had seen the mighty army with their own eyes ten years ago.

Lin Yi said, "Quickly, tell me how much it will cost for us to continue building roads."

 Ye Qiu suddenly pointed the branch at the leader, "I killed them all for you, how about we don't owe each other anything?"

Suddenly, his heart hurt, and blood gradually overflowed from the corners of his mouth. Then he looked at Hong Ying in horror.

Honestly, he covered the blood with his sleeves and said nothing.

 “When the weather is hot and the fire is strong, speak less and no one will treat you as a mute.”

Lin Yi said coldly, "You are good to everyone else, but you are too inhumane. Even cats and dogs cannot be killed casually. You'd better remember what I said.

 Staying here with me and in the palace is really unfair to you. You can leave now. "

 He doesn’t want to keep such an inhumane person by his side.

 Ye Qiu lowered his head and said nothing.

 He wanted to leave.

However, without that dead **** speaking, how could he dare to leave?

After he achieved great success in swordsmanship at the age of twenty-three, he traveled all over the country without any defeat!

 However, he broke many firsts in front of Hong Ying.

 Be defeated for the first time.

 The first time he was defeated by three moves.

 Escape for the first time.

Moreover, he hasn’t run away yet.

 Another record was broken today. The other party swung his palm secretly, but he didn't even dare to dodge, so he took it hard.

Now, I still want to vomit blood

 I don’t dare to vomit!

That dead **** said that their prince loves to be clean


 The leader is already a man of strength, and he clearly feels Ye Qiu's strong murderous intention!

Once the other party takes action, no one in your family, old or young, will be spared.

 He is sure of this!

 He is not a fool.

Lin Yi said impatiently, "Just tell me the number."

“Guan Ye, how about you give me a hundred taels?”

 The leader finally said a number.

 “One hundred taels?”

Lin Yi was speechless. These people really have never seen the world!

He waved his hand and said, "How about I give you a thousand taels?"


The enemy is so generous?

 The leader hesitated instead.

Lin Yi asked, "Do you know where Bird Island is?"

 The leader said, "Of course I know!"

Lin Yi said, "Do you know what other tribes there are on the way to Bird Island?"

The leader said, "There is only one Li tribe in front of us. The Li commander's bow is several feet long and his arrows are more than a foot long. They are extremely powerful!"

Lin Yi said angrily, "Whatever he is, I just want to ask you a question. I'll give you a thousand taels. Can you deal with him and keep him from interfering in the road construction?"

The leader hesitated for a while, waved his sword with his arm, and gritted his teeth and said, "I, the honest man, are not easy to mess with!"

 “That’s enough.”

As soon as Lin Yi finished speaking, the guards carried up a large box.

 As soon as the lid was opened, the silver inside shone.

 Everyone in the Lian tribe was swallowing their saliva.

 Those who are brave should come up and move the boxes.

Lin Yi said, "But you still have to agree to my request."

"any request?"

 The leader's face turned serious.

“So many of you are idle, so help build the road.”

Lin Yi said with a smile, "Three meals a day, you'll be satisfied!"

 “Like what they eat?”

 The leader pointed his finger at the craftsmen.

Lin Yidao, "Naturally, children and elders are not deceived."

 “Well, you have the final say!”

 The leader suppressed his joy!

If you really eat the same food as those craftsmen, not to mention road construction, working your life will be worth it!

Lin Yi said, "That's fine."

  The guard who was carrying the box stepped back, and the honest man carried the box away happily.

Lin Yi really looked indifferent.

 Sanhe is his.

 Baiyun City belongs to him.

These people’s final consumption is still in Baiyun City.

 It’s nothing more than putting the left pocket in the right pocket.

 The money ultimately goes into his pocket.

 What's the difference?

  News newspapers often carry headlines such as “Improving the purchasing power of urban and rural residents is the key to expanding domestic demand.”

 The more you read it, the more likely you will understand it.

 So, as a human being, if there is no sacrifice, there is no gain.

 These people cannot be made too poor.

 It is for others as well as for oneself.

 The two parties have reached an agreement.

The craftsmen from Baiyun City began to continue building the road, and Lian Ren also joined in.

Looking at the rubble scattered all over the sky caused by the explosives, they felt nothing at all. At this moment, their stomachs were full and they were still lying down comfortably, not bothering to do anything else.

What’s more, road construction requires three meals a day.

However, it is beyond their control whether those reform-through-labor prisoners are still full after two meals.

Lin Yi stayed at the Lianren tribe for two nights. Looking at the hundreds of half-clothed children, he couldn't help but say that he wanted to take them away.

 The leader Ning Gu said he wanted three hundred taels.

 “Is this selling children?”

 How can Lin Yi care so much?

 Give money without hesitation.

On the second day, I brought my laughing children with me, and behind me was a long line of heart-wrenching women.

 Because each of them was held back by the man, they couldn't keep up even if they wanted to chase them.

“If you want to take care of your children, you can come to Baiyun City at any time.”

Lin Yi asked Shen Chu to shout several times in succession.

 The sound echoed in the valley for a long time.

 As we walked farther and farther, more and more children cried.

Lin Yi couldn’t say whether it was right or wrong.

 If these children were left behind, Lin Yi believed that half would not survive to adulthood.

 The level of hygiene in this era is pretty good.

 Even if a wealthy family has many children, they will eventually be unable to survive.

 Return to Baiyun City.

 The vast expedition team had no prisoners behind them, which greatly disappointed the residents of Baiyun City.

 Those who came out to watch the excitement dispersed soon after.

 Children brought back from Lian people live in orphanages.

 They were taken care of by Sang Pozi, the first old woman in Baiyun City to transform herself. Despite her hard work, these children could not avoid being bullied.

None of these children can speak Mandarin, or even the Baiyun City dialect, and they all speak incomprehensible words.

 The most tiring ones are Mingyue and Zixia, who are busy working day and night.

Lin Yi saw it all.

 But when he spreads his hands, he can only talk.

 (End of this chapter)

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