I Don’t Want To Be the Emperor

Chapter 106: old, weak, women and children

Chapter 106 Old, weak, women and children

Since Ye Qiu lost his sword, his hands were suddenly empty, which made him a little uncomfortable. He didn't have the money to buy a new sword, so he simply took a straight branch and held it in his hand.

Wherever I go, my hands are not honest, and I always wave randomly into the dense old forest.

The sword energy was vertical and horizontal, and the tops of the trees, regardless of their height, were cut off, and they all became the same height.

The birds in the forest fled, and hundreds of them were chirping in the air.

Lin Yi was dumbfounded.

This guy is quite good.

Ye Qiu said proudly, "Your Majesty, how is my swordsmanship? You tell me who you want to kill, and then we will owe nothing to each other from now on!"

 “You, just rest, I don’t need you.”

Lin Yi refused without hesitation.

Who hasn’t passed the second grade yet?

I remember when he was a child, he held a stick in his hand and thought he could cause havoc in heaven.

 “The great river flows eastward,

The stars in the sky join the Big Dipper

  When you see any injustice on the road, let out a roar.

 Beautiful views of mountains and rivers.

He couldn't help but sing.

He has an average voice, but he can't help but like to sing.

The more he sang, the more people in Baiyun City listened.

 Many of the songs are already familiar to many people.

 Especially this song "Song of a Hero".

Having high aura and being very popular among warriors.

 Slowly, the people in the team began to boldly sing along with him.

In the end, more and more voices gathered, and it gradually became a sea of ​​singing.

 For a time, the spirit of the entire team immediately changed. There was no longer the same malaise caused by the heat.

“Arrogance laughs at thousands of waves,

 The blood and heat are better than the red sunlight,

This time, before Lin Yi could speak, someone in the team started singing "Men Should Be Strong."

 Especially those locals from Sanhe, they sang particularly hard.

They raised their voices and their chests rose and fell together, as if they had used all their strength to sing the song in the local dialect with unparalleled momentum.

Because this song was so popular, Lin Yi wanted to use it as a military song, but in the end he decided not to do it after thinking about it.

Although it is very popular, its intention is not suitable for the army, and it is only suitable for singing and playing.

Lin Yi became more and more tired as he walked, and gradually became impatient. He looked at Bao Kui and said, "Shan Qi is quite capable. The cement road has been built up to this point. Where does this lead to?"

Bao Kui smiled and said, "Your Majesty, this road has been built all the way to the southeast, directly to Bird Island."

Lin Yidao, "I said so."

Otherwise this road would be deserted, not even a ghost could be seen, and road construction would be of little use.

 In the evening, everyone finally walked out of the end of the concrete road.

 There are some scattered things on the roadside.

Chen Xinluo suddenly jumped out of the woods, walked up to Lin Yi, half-knelt down and said, "Your Majesty!"

Lin Yi asked, "Where are the others?"

Chen Xinluo pointed at the lush mountain forest and said, "Just go ahead, it will make the prince tired."

He was originally a guard of the royal palace, but later joined the militia. After Shanqi came, he joined the Sanhe Guards Station and served as a Qianhu.

Shen Chu said, "You have thousands of people, how could you be stopped by a group of barbarians?"

 This is what puzzles him the most.

Most of the road construction workers are locals, and they have all learned one or two moves on the school playground, and many of them are good at improving their skills.

The remaining people are prisoners of the labor camp who violated the regulations, and their martial arts skills are also good.

What's more, there are Chen Xinluo and other seven or eight guards officers and soldiers inside, all of whom are third grade or above. Chen Xinluo is already at the peak of sixth grade!

Even if you face thousands of regular troops from Daliang, you can chase them and fight them!

 That’s how confident you are!

You will definitely not be detained by a group of barbarians!

His face was a little burning now, and it was really lackluster.

Lin Yi yawned and said, "Victory and defeat are common matters for soldiers. Get up and talk and tell us what's going on."

 “Thank you, Your Majesty!”

Chen Xinluo stood up and handed over his hands to Lin Yi, Hong Ying, and Shen Chu one by one and said, "It's just some residents on the mountain. There are less than 5,000 people in total. They are all old, weak, women and children, and they basically have no fighting ability.

They say that our road construction has destroyed their feng shui, and they are not allowed to build it again.


How else could a group of old, weak women and children be able to stop thousands of them?

 It is really hard to describe the suffering.

 “Mother Xipi, I lost money again.”

Lin Yi looked at the long queue behind him and couldn't help but sigh. Twenty thousand taels of silver had already gone out this time!

 “My subordinate is incompetent, please forgive me, Your Majesty!”

 Chen Xinluo pleads guilty again.

Lin Yi waved his hands weakly and said, "Okay, you can lead the way and go over and have a look.

 There is no need to follow so many people, the others can rest where they are and stand by. "

Shen Chu responded to the order and only brought a hundred royal guards with him.

Lin Yi was riding a donkey and heard a whimpering sound from a trumpet from a long distance away, followed by another rapid sound. He didn't know what the sound was coming from.

Even if he is a military novice, he understands that this is a message.

 Along a narrow path, through the dense forest, Chen Xinluo was in front, swiping the knife in his hand casually, dust flew up, and a large pit was exposed on the ground.

 The pit is densely packed with sharp wooden thorns.

Lin Yi's scalp felt numb when he saw it.

How would you feel if you fell off a donkey?

 “The human heart is sinister!”

 He got off the donkey angrily and walked around the pit.

 Along the way, Chen Xinluo kept swinging his knife. In addition to the big pit, there were also rope anklets and swing bamboo rafts, each of which was sharpened.

Lin Yi and others were fine, but they made Ye Qiu impatient.


 With his loud shout, he rode forward.

Wherever the branch in his hand was swung, all the traps appeared. For a moment, the gravel flew up and the trees swayed this way and that.

Lin Yi and his party finally speeded up.

The craftsmen who were building the road were all burying pots to make rice. When they saw Lin Yi and his entourage approaching, they all knelt down and worshiped.

Lin Yi saw that no one was injured, so he waved to them carelessly and looked at the other group of people, each holding a wooden stick or a wooden bow, and not even a decent iron weapon.

 As Chen Xinluo said, they are all old, weak, women and children, and many of the children have symptoms of malnutrition at first sight.

Even the leading man is very thin, shirtless, with protruding ribs on his body.

“Tell me, why do you want to block the road construction? This is also a good thing for you.

Wouldn’t it be very convenient to go to Baiyun City for shopping in the future? "

 Lin Yi simply has no sense of accomplishment in bullying such a person.

The leading man was about forty years old. Although he was thin, he was not short. He raised the iron knife in his hand and said angrily, "Building roads has angered the mountain god!

 The mountain **** has already taken the blame!

 Look at the mountain in front of you, the whole mountain has collapsed! "

 (End of this chapter)

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