I Developed A Playground and Turned It Into An Air Force Training Base

Chapter 114 The youngest academician of the 2 academies! The next amusement project reward!

At this moment, the whole country celebrates!

All countries and institutions around the world are also paying attention to Longguo's rocket launch plan.

"Longguo people are at the forefront of the world once again! 35

Witnessing this scene, all countries were deeply moved.

And in the Qiongdao Rocket Launch Base.

Tang Yi and Yang Lao and others looked at each other and smiled at each other.

"The next step is to wait.

Tang Yi muttered to himself.

According to the plan, when the rocket is launched, the Youyou experimental module will spend 6 hours in space before reaching the predetermined orbit.

That is, the orbital position of the Longguo Xianzhou space station.


Tang Yi appeared on TV.

As a special consultant for the Longguo Space Station Project, Tang Yi was interviewed by TV 1.

After the interview was broadcast, it was naturally well received.

For a time, Tang Yi's popularity surged again.

Many young people regard it as a spiritual idol.

six hours later.

The command center was silent.

All the staff were extremely nervous at this time, staring at the big screen with awe.

"Report, the Youyou experimental cabin is all going well now! 35

Ground staff report.

"it is good!"

Yang Lao took a deep breath and said solemnly: "Open the space station docking!"


Long Guo is operating the core module of Tianji on the orbit of Tai "807", and the addition of this leisurely experimental module will further increase the area of ​​the space station.

On the big screen, a real-time satellite exploration picture appeared, which was the picture of the core module of the Tianji.

follow closely.

The Youyou experimental cabin slowly appeared in everyone's sight.


At this moment, everyone was calm and stared at this scene.

The staff, on the other hand, started the docking procedure.

Of course, this process, netizens still can't see it, and can only wait for the final message to be conveyed.

"Youyou experimental module enters the predetermined orbit, which is consistent with the forward interface of the Tianji core module!"

"Enter the docking!



The entire docking procedure was a near miss. When the Youyou experimental module and the Tianji core module were officially docked, everyone on the scene burst into cheers.

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief as if they were on the verge of amnesty.

After all, this link is the most difficult. Now that this step has been taken safely, more than half of the whole plan has been basically completed!

"You swim in the experimental cabin, unfold the solar wing, and enter the full power state!

"Turn 180 degrees!""

"The experimental module deploys the solar wing for the second time, and the combined body enters the adjustment angle mode! The core module and the experimental module of Tianji enter the longitudinal axis mode. 35

"The indexing robotic arm starts to work, and the assembly enters multi-pose adjustment..."

The next three or four hours.

In the ground command center, all staff carried out a series of work procedures in an orderly manner.

Until the final docking and attitude adjustment is completed.

Begin to enter the testing phase.

As the communication screen came, although there was a certain delay, everyone still clearly saw all the pictures of the space station.

There is also a green pattern on the big screen, which symbolizes the stable operation of the various systems of the space station, which once again made the scene burst into excited cheers.

"We made it! 35

Yang Lao and others cried with joy.

And Tang Yi, also waved his fist excitedly, at this moment, infinite pride in his chest!

"The next step is to start a series of adaptation work!"

"Also waiting for the manned space mission next month, let our astronauts officially enter the Asgard space station!

Everyone shouted with excitement, and the scene became a sea of ​​joy.

"General Manager Tang, you've worked hard!"

Then, every staff member ran to Tang Yi and shook hands with him excitedly.

Yang Yiqing and other academicians trembled, but they gritted their teeth to support the pillars, and with the help of assistants, they shed hot tears.

Several high-status and scary responsible persons also walked up to Tang Yi with ecstasy and relief, and thanked him again.

this moment.

Inside the launch center, there was thunderous applause,

The staff all stood up and gave Tang Yi their applause.

Because there is no Tang Yi.

There would be no such thing as a complete success of this launch plan!

the same day.

The news that the Youyou experimental module successfully docked with the Tianji core module was officially announced.

National uproar!

The people are so excited!

At the same time, the official even announced a series of data and real-time satellite images!

on the screen!

It clearly shows that the Asgard space station at this time has completely changed!

The docking of the Tianji core module and the Youyou experimental module has more than doubled the area of ​​the Asgard space station!

"Fuck, it's so powerful!"

"It really worked!"

"Haha, those experts in the West are probably dumbfounded by this? Didn't they jump out to criticize the great god? They said he was bragging! Now? Come out and die!"

"It's so cool, the great god really sent the experimental capsule he studied to outer space! And now it has been proved that this experimental capsule can really be used as part of the main body of the space station to perform space missions, which is awesome!"

"Wow haha, the face of the West was smashed! Boss Tang is domineering and mighty!

The Chinese people were excited to vent their emotions. At this moment, the Dragon Kingdom became a sea of ​​joy.

"Our Dragon Kingdom finally has its own space station!"

Since Longguo was rejected by the International Space Station to participate in the plan more than 20 years ago, our scientists have been exhausted and started the plan to independently develop the space station.

Countless astronauts have experienced various setbacks and failures!

And this time!

They finally made it!

Watching the news of the successful docking between the Yu experimental module and the Tianji core module was continuously broadcast on the TV, countless Chinese people were so excited that they burst into tears.

And you travel here.

It is a wave of excitement.

Tang Zhizhong and his wife burst into tears and announced on the spot that all consumption in the amusement park today will be discounted by 10%!

Because this is the glory of Tang Yi and the glory of Youyou!

And the tourists are also very excited.

The whole park is celebrating.

Across the ocean.

Free Nation NAS Space Center.

The people in charge turned pale and looked at the satellite images from the Free Nation satellite.

On the screen, the scene of the Longguo Xiangong space station passing through low-Earth orbit was captured.

The screen clearly shows that the Asgard space station has indeed changed a lot.

And this also shows that Long Guo has indeed completed the docking procedure of the core cabin and the experimental cabin, and officially entered the working state!


"That Tang, it's terrible!"

"Who would have imagined that the equipment in an amusement park's simulated space project could actually be launched into space and perform space missions!""

"It's incredible how he did it!

A group of experts peeped face to face.


A person is studying the online news from the Dragon Kingdom, that is, the report on Yoyou World Amusement Park.

Suddenly thought of something, trembling voice...

"MR. Tang has proved his strength. He is not bragging. The amusement equipment he has researched can indeed be used as space equipment to perform missions in outer space!"5

"Then...what about this spaceship?"

The expert tremblingly pointed at the spaceship Xingchen that was on the rocket launch pad.

"This...it's impossible!"

a time.

The whole room was filled with exclamations.

at the same time.

Dragon Country, Qiongdao.

that night.

A grand celebration banquet was held at the launch center.

Zhao Dingshan, Yang Yiqing, Dong Bichang and other older generation academicians crowded around Tang Yi and sent out various expressions of gratitude and congratulations to him.


This toast is indispensable.

Fortunately, Tang Yi exchanged some gadgets from the system, and this barely reached a thousand cups.

Three rounds of wine.

Zhao Dingshan looked at Tang Yi with emotion, and said happily: "Little Tang, congratulations!"

"This time, the experimental module successfully settled in the Asgard space station, which has greatly improved the morale of the Chinese people. You have made a great contribution!"

"The higher-ups asked me to inform you that if you need anything on your side, just mention it! 35

"In order to make up for your loss this time, the state has decided to allocate 3.6 billion from the treasury and put it into your personal account."9

"3.6 billion, so much?"

Tang Yi was stunned.

A thousand times in my mind.

to be frank.

The value of the leisurely experiment cabin is inestimable.

But the cash of 3.6 billion is enough to represent the sincerity of the country.

"Of course, not only will there be financial compensation, but you can bring up any ideas you have.

Zhao Dingshan said a lot.


Tang Yi pondered for a moment, then said: "Elder Zhao, I may set up a space exploration company later. 35

"A SpaceX like Ayron Maras in the Free State?

Zhao Dingshan's bright light flashed, and he couldn't help laughing: "No problem, I will report it to the top management. The country feels that it owes a lot to you as a great hero!"

"Don't worry, the relevant approval procedures will definitely be issued as soon as possible. 99

"Hmm. 99

Tang Yi was not polite either, nodding with a smile.

"In addition, tomorrow's 1.77 o'clock news, there should be an update."

Zhao Dingshan said solemnly: "Congratulations, you have been successfully selected into the Dragon Academy of Sciences and the Dragon Academy of Engineering! 35

"Become our Long Kingdom, the youngest academician of the two academies!"

"Tang Yi, you deserve it!


Tang Yi couldn't help but be overjoyed.

After taking a deep breath, Tang Yi said calmly: "Elder Zhao, thank you very much.

"Haha, stop talking, drink!

The old man Zhao was in good spirits at the happy event, and immediately greeted Tang Yi again, celebrating happily.

that night.

After returning to the hotel, Tang Yi lay on the sofa to sober up.

While brushing Douyin, watching netizens praise him, he couldn't help but smile.

"It's like a dream! 35

Tang Yi grunted to himself, then opened the system with a smile.

on the system panel.

Excitement and pleasure are rising like crazy every day.

However, Tang Yi was not in a hurry to exchange things, but narrowed his eyes slightly and turned his attention to the new main quest.

"Main quest: Complete the reception of a total of 2,000,000 (currently 1,109,843) tourists, and reward a set of rides [Deep Sea Fury]!:

see this.

Tang Yi was slightly startled.

Is this flying over?

Going to sea now!

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