I Developed A Playground and Turned It Into An Air Force Training Base

Chapter 113 It's finally time for the launch of the experimental cabin! Global at10tion!

A week passed quickly.

In the past seven days, the newly launched amusement project [Space Odyssey] of Youyou has received nearly 1,000 lucky tourists in total.

Every tourist is very excited to praise it after the experience.

It can be said.

A space odyssey has completely opened up a new world for tourists.

Let ordinary people also realize the dream of a space travel!

the same day.

After the leisure tour is closed.

Tang Yi did not return home~, but stayed in the park.

Not far away, Yang Yiqing and other experts from the Fifth Academy of Aeronautics and Astronautics walked over excitedly, and everyone looked at Tang Yi.

next second.

Everyone gave - Tang Yi bowed solemnly.

"Old Yang, everyone, this is..."

Tang Yi was stunned for a moment, and quickly stepped forward to help him up.

"Chief Engineer Tang, this is our Fifth Academy of Aeronautics and Astronautics, as well as all Longguo astronauts, thanks to you!

Yang Yiqing said solemnly, "It's you who let us see the hope of Longguo Aerospace!

"Old Yang, I just did a trivial thing. 39

Tang Yi sighed with emotion.

Then, without hesitation, he greeted everyone and began to dismantle one of the experimental cabins in the space station in the park.

In order not to disturb Yoyo's work the next day.

Everyone stayed up late and worked overtime until the next morning, when the main body of the entire experimental cabin was finally disassembled.

The next task is to transport the main body of the experimental cabin to the rocket launch base on Qiongdao in Longguo.

"How to transport such a large experimental cabin?"

Tang Yi asked Yang Laodao.

"Of course, it was transported by the X20 large transport aircraft.

Yang Lao laughed.

"Good guy, dare to be a 'fat girl' (Yun X20 nickname). 99

Tang Yi couldn't help laughing when he heard the words.

Early that morning.

Several special facility transport trucks quietly drove into Youyou.

Originally, this task was very confidential, but Naihe Longguo netizens had already figured out the situation on Youyou's side.

As a result, on the same day, nearly 100,000 citizens crowded on the road around the Youyou gate, watching the special transport vehicles drive into the park.

"Good guy! The military has really come to deliver the space station experimental module donated by Boss Tang!"

"It is said that the high-level executives named this experimental cabin the Youyou experimental cabin, which can be regarded as a kind of recognition and award for Youyou and Boss Tang!""

Netizens spontaneously organized themselves to witness this inspiring scene.


Large trucks drove out of the park, looking at the main part of the experimental cabin carried on it, many netizens were excited and cheered, and they only felt that it was an eye-opener.

Send them all the way.

The crowd is excited.

It was not until the truck disappeared from sight that the passersby dispersed reluctantly.

after an hour.

These special facility transport vehicles quietly drove to the Eastern Theater Command, an airfield of the Air Force.

A majestic, huge transport plane, like a Kunpeng spreading its wings, quietly parked on the airport runway.

It is the most advanced large transport aircraft independently developed by Longguo!

Yun X20, codenamed Kunpeng!

it's here.

Tang Yi witnessed the Easy Tour experimental module being transported into the Yun X20 aircraft.

Then they will arrive at Longguo Qiongdao 3 hours later.

And Tang Yi, as a special consultant, will also go to Qiongdao together to participate in the follow-up experimental cabin assembly, test tasks, and the launch plan in five days!

"Our country's aerospace industry is getting better and better."

Tang Yi was very emotional.

Yang Yiqing stood aside and nodded excitedly: "Our country's self-developed expedition rocket has been waiting for this day for a long time.

"At present, the Expedition rocket is ready for testing, and the calibration of the high-thrust hydrogen-oxygen engine has also been successful! This means that we no longer have to worry about the future! Five days later, it will be the day when the leisurely experimental module is launched into space!

After Yang Lao finished speaking, he looked at Tang Yi.

Both of them are full of determination to win!

at the same time.

Across the ocean, NASS aerospace headquarters.

A group of aerospace experts from the Free Country were arguing with red ears.

"Are the people of Longguo crazy? They really took the equipment from an amusement park and were going to send it to space! 55

"How is this possible! 39

"This is simply a fantasy, where did the people of Longguo come from! Aren't they afraid of failure!

A group of experts said with a tingling scalp.

all the time.

The people of the Free Country are proud. As a veteran powerhouse in the world, it is also the world's largest aerospace power.

The space industry of the people of the free country is extremely developed, and their exploration of space has also become a part of the culture of the free country.

However, recently, the pride and pride of the people of the free country was ended by a man from the dragon country.

This person is Tang Yi!

"In any case, according to the official announcement from the Dragon Kingdom, five days later will be the day when they will launch the space station experimental module into the sky.

A person in charge said with a complicated expression.

"Dragon Kingdom has also given specific plans. They will face the world and broadcast the launch mission globally!"

An aerospace expert from the Free Country said with a dignified expression: "This is a terrible signal, representing the confidence of the people of the Dragon Country, who seem to be full of confidence in this launch mission!

"More importantly!

The person in charge gritted his teeth: "That Tang Yi, he is a genius!"

"If the space station experimental module he studies can really work in space!"

"My God, I can't imagine that Long Guo has such a genius! How terrible the future will be!"

The crowd heard.

Qi Qi's heart skipped a beat.

Subconsciously shivered.

But anyway.

This time, they couldn't stop and couldn't stop it.

Can only wait quietly, the arrival in five days!

November 6, 2022!

A day destined to go down in history!

It was just dawn.

On the entire Dragon Country network, there was a boiling up.

"Fuck, so excited!

"This afternoon at 1 o'clock is when the Expedition rocket is launched, and the space station experimental module independently developed by the Great God will be sent to space and officially docked with the Asgard space station!

"Although relevant agencies have given evaluations and confirmed that this experimental module meets the standards for docking and operation of the space station, it is an experimental capsule independently completed by the private sector after all! Whether it is feasible or not depends on the performance after being sent to space!

"Yeah, and this time it's not only about Tang Yi's reputation, but also about our country's face! On the west side, many people are waiting to see our dragon country's jokes.

"Blessed by the gods and Buddhas, you must succeed!

Netizens prayed excitedly.

And here you go.

Tang Yi's parents, sister, and a group of acquaintances, such as Tan Keer, Lu Yuan, Ye Chenyin, etc., also turned on the TV early, locked on TV 1, and watched the whole process of the launch mission. Live content.

And those tourists who were fortunate enough to experience [Space Odyssey] were even more excited to the point where their bodies trembled.

"See, that's the space station experimental module donated by Youyou! I've been there!"

"In this way, we are also the people who have been in the space station! 35

"Haha, let me tell you, the experience is so wonderful, it will never be forgotten in this life! 99

While talking, some people were so excited that they cried.

・・Please ask for flowers.

at the same time.

Qiongdao Rocket Launch Base Center.

Hundreds of staff are working hard at the center, and under the command of various experts, the final test of the Expedition 6B Yao-3 launch vehicle is carried out.

at the same time.

The [Youyou Experiment Cabin] was also assembled as a whole and placed in the rocket, waiting for the subsequent lift-off.

Experts from all sides are very busy.

On the contrary, in the command center, a figure was leisurely watching the live news, turning his head from time to time through the window, looking at the huge rocket launcher in the distance, and the majestic and exciting Expedition rocket.

This person is naturally Tang Yi.

After making a phone call with his parents, Tang Yi suddenly saw something and walked out the door to the rooftop of the command room.

I saw Yang Yiqing, Dong Bichang, and several scientists in charge of the space station, passing each other cigarettes, shrouded in mist.

"Old Yang, give me one too.

Tang Yi laughed.

When everyone heard the words, they raised their eyes subconsciously and laughed immediately.

"Master Tang! 35

Yang Yiqing held the cigarette butt, grinned, and lit a cigarette for Tang Yi himself.

Tang Yi took a deep breath and smoked a cigarette with a few people. The atmosphere on the rooftop was extremely quiet, and the only thing he could hear was the strong wind blowing in his ears.

"Don't worry guys!

Tang Yi grinned and said leisurely, "We must be fine!


When the crowd heard this, their morale greatly increased.

One by one, they looked at Tang Yi.


They have a genius like Tang Yi, what are they afraid of?

The time soon came to one o'clock in the afternoon.

The entire rocket launch center was busy, and at the same time, a large number of military personnel were scattered around the center under martial law.

The staff are in place.

Several TV stations OB vans drove into the launch center, and more than a dozen reporters and photographers from No. 1 TV station set up cameras in awe and began the final live broadcast.


In the command center, Yang Yiqing and Dong Bichang looked around the scene.

"Launch plan! Officially launched!"

"Command center, here is the [Expedition 6] rocket, all equipment is running normally!"

"Command center, this is..."

"Command center, everything is in place, request to execute the launch!"

After a few seconds.

Followed by instructions from the highest decision-making level.

Yang Yiqing glanced at the audience solemnly.

Then tremblingly, he handed the microphone to Tang Yi, his eyes excited and solemn.

Tang Yi was slightly taken aback.

After reacting, he couldn't help but be excited, and he took a deep breath.

Slowly facing the microphone, he said, "This is the command center!"

"The launch mission has started, and the ignition countdown will start in one minute!


this moment.

At the Qiongdao Launch Center, many staff members looked at the big screen tremblingly.

"Countdown to ignition..."






With the blooming of a huge blue-light Mach ring, the Expedition 6 rocket banged and slowly climbed into the sky.

this moment.

in front of the TV.

Countless Chinese people cheered and cheered.

ten minutes later.

At this time, from the live broadcast screen, there was an excited scream from the host.

"Followers, we just got the news!

"The launch mission just now was successful! The rocket officially sent our Long Kingdom space station experimental module into outer space!"

"Now let's look forward to the performance of the leisurely experimental module in space!" Ji.

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