I crushed an insect to death, and the system actually said I killed a dragon?

Chapter 217 Liu Wushuang: Why doesn’t the God of Arrows join the Supreme Alliance?

"Waste Liu Wushuang!!"

"You big waste, oooooo..."

In the villa, Xiaobai was in tears, sitting on the ground and crying, his fox eyes were red and swollen, and he punched the ground in hatred.

What happened to the explosion on the spot?

This script is different from what was agreed!

What is the best archery in the world?

The bowstring was shot off by the master!

At this moment, the volume of the live TV broadcast was raised.

"Congratulations to Jianghai Archery God! Win this battle! The winner is decided!"

As the host's passionate voice came out, this archery battle was also concluded and entered the end.

"Bad master, you are lying to the fox again!"

Xiaobai wiped his tears and looked at the balance in his mobile phone. He felt that his whole fox heart was about to break.

"We clearly agreed to self-destruct!"

"But you actually fought with martial ethics?!"

Xiao Bai was lying on the ground holding her cell phone, stretching her limbs, "That was the private money that this fairy had worked so hard to save..."

It's all gone...

There's no hope for her life as a fox...


At the same time.

Beside the Lishui Lake, Xiao Bai was shaking her cell phone at home, but the cheers here were like the sea, one wave after another.

The night was boiling, as if the whole city was celebrating.

Qin Yang listened to the cheers in his ears, his face was calm, and he just looked at Liu Wushuang indifferently.

Ever since the line was stretched just now, this guy has been in a trance.....

Could it be...broken?

The last time the Grassland Sword Saint collapsed like this.

This Supreme Realm should be better, right?

Thinking of this, Qin Yang simply woke up and said:

"You lost."

The voice fell.

It was as if the ancient bell of the mountain temple was deafening! !

Liu Wushuang's body trembled, and then he reacted from his daze. He stared at Qin Yang in front of him, speechless for a moment.

Too strong.

The attack just now is still vivid in his mind,

But the aftertaste has made him unforgettable for life!

Liu Wushuang looked down at the black bow, opened his mouth, and wanted to say something...

But in the end he stopped.



His bowstring has broken, and the outcome is decided. This kind of strength is undoubtedly a proof of the strength of the Jianghai Archery God.

This is the well-deserved archery master.


Qin Yang obviously stopped just now and did not continue to force it.

Otherwise, I am afraid that this is not just a bowstring...


Liu Wushuang looked at Qin Yang. The other party really did not use the power of the law. What else can he say?

I am willing to accept the loss!

Thinking of this.

He held up the black bow in his hand to show it to everyone, and said straightforwardly:

"I lost this round of challenge!!"

The words fell.


The people beside Lishui Lake were silent at first.

The noisy voices died down.

People looked at each other, unable to hide the smiles on their lips. After a few breaths, all the Jianghai citizens who were watching the fight raised their arms and shouted!

"Jianghai Archery God is the best in the world!"

That night, Jianghai City was sleepless.

Not only beside Lishui Lake, but the citizens of the whole city were shouting and celebrating, praising the name of Jianghai Archery God!


"It's a good trick."

The people who were celebrating with Mr. Li looked at the white robe in the sky, and they were filled with emotion:

"As expected, he is a junior brother who came from the same school as Senior Sword God. With such strength, his future achievements are really limitless."

"It is not impossible to surpass his senior brother... I just don't know what his personality is like?"

The police chief heard this and said with envy, "If we can recruit him into the Xingwu police department to teach my bunch of bastards, no matter how much he offers, our police chiefs can accept it!"

The victory over Liu Wushuang, the number one archer in the country, is naturally self-evident.

"Haha, Lord Commander, you have to see the situation."

Old Li shook his head and said calmly: "With such great power, how could he care about such vulgar things as money."

"Yes, you are right, Old Li."

The commander looked around the crowd, "It doesn't matter, let's not talk about business today, just cheer for the victory of the God of Archery!!"

At this moment, the whole city of Jianghai was cheering.

Only in Fuhai Community, there was only a little fox, crying and throwing his phone, anxious and angry.

The mysterious little website was closed.

All the small money was gone! !

"Bad master! This fairy hates you so much!"

Xiaobai lay flat on the sofa, holding the broken screen mobile phone, lonely covered with a small blanket, looking at the ceiling with unfocused eyes.



Someone outside started to set off fireworks.

The gorgeous fireworks lit up the night sky.

After this fight, Liu Wushuang fulfilled his wish, the citizens feasted their eyes, and everyone enjoyed it! Only my fox was injured…

"Jianghai Archery God, your archery skills are better than mine. I am completely convinced."

On the surface of Lishui Lake, Liu Wushuang bowed gently and thanked Qin Yang: "With such strength, it's no wonder that you were able to shoot and kill the people of the Beast God Cult at that time. You are too strong."

"Well, it's just luck. Your Excellency is still better in pure archery."

Qin Yang calculated the time and returned the gift politely.

At the same time

He was already shouting at the system in his heart.

"Dog system! Come out!!!"

"Don't be stunned. Now Liu Wushuang has broken the defense. Where is the reward for this host?!"

As soon as his thoughts fell.


A familiar system prompt sounded!

It was still that cowardly mechanical voice, and the tone was full of deep shock...

"Host...you actually defeated Liu Wushuang?!!"

"Yes, are you convinced?"

Qin Yang snorted inwardly and glanced at Liu Wushuang's condition in front of him.

Although there was still respect on his face, there was a solemn look between his brows, and there was always a lingering loneliness.

It seemed that the archery competition just now had left a considerable impact on him.

no doubt!

I really broke through my defense this time!

"How is it? Now you can safely reward me, right?"

Qin Yang calmed down and continued to ask in his heart, "Don't give this host a bad look!"

The words fell,

"Incredible, he should have the appearance of a great emperor! This system is convinced..."

"Ding, it is detected that the host is defeated by two arrows and Liu Wushuang is defeated! The reward will be increased fifty times!"

"Congratulations to the host for obtaining the Grandmaster level and unparalleled arrow intent!

"Congratulations to the host for acquiring the emperor-level martial arts, Sun Shooting Arrow Technique!

The sounds of bursting rewards come one after another!

When Qin Yang heard this, he immediately felt relieved. With the rewards of his hard work, his strength can definitely be further improved.

"Not bad."

Roughly skim the reward.

Qin Yang was overjoyed and already had an idea in his mind.

This time the rewards are all related to archery!

Relying on the blessing of the unparalleled arrow intention, he can easily reach the master-level arrow intention, and the "Sun Shooting Arrow Technique" is even more suitable for the sun shooting bow, which has a strong enhancement effect on comprehension! !

With these two rewards in hand…..

Who is not an archery god?

“It’s true to its name, fake yet true!”

Qin Yang was quite satisfied and counted the time with his fingers.

Now the time has passed.

After exploding the rewards, there is no point in staying here by yourself.

When I got back, I just asked Xiaobai to make a midnight snack. I had planned everything, and everything was arranged clearly!

"The wind is tight and pulling, retreat!"

Thinking of this, Qin Yang did not hesitate and was about to use So Close to the End of the World to leave.

But that's it.


"Wait a minute, Jianghai Arrow God!"

Liu Wushuang suddenly spoke up, stopped Qin Yang, and said, "Don't leave in a hurry, I still have something to discuss with you.

Can you find a place where we can talk alone? "

"What's up?"

When Qin Yang heard this, he frowned slightly and dispersed the newly gathered star power. He looked Liu Wushuang up and down, and his heart instantly rose to vigilance!

Just finished the archery competition.

Are you negotiating again?

Don't be...

Are you trying to pull off some trouble again?

"I'm right here and I'm not going anywhere."

Qin Yang raised his eyebrows, "If you have something to say, just say it here."

"Arrow God, don't get me wrong. I have no ill intentions."

Sensing Qin Yang's vigilance, Liu Wushuang waved his hand and whispered: "I am not here to cause trouble for you this time. I have other requests."

As he spoke, he looked at Qin Yang with burning eyes:

"Have you ever heard of the Supreme Alliance?"

"Supreme Alliance?"

Hearing this, Qin Yang frowned slightly, thought about his memory, shook his head and said, "I haven't heard of it."

"It's normal that I haven't heard of it."

Liu Wushuang nodded and said with a proud smile: "Our Supreme Alliance has a distinguished status. We can't just add it if we want. Mortals are not even qualified to know."

"Then what?"

Qin Yang became interested, "What does it have to do with me?"

"Haha, this is a big deal!"

Liu Wushuang looked at Qin Yang, thinking of Qin Yang's performance just now, and became even more eager in his heart.

When he came here before, the leader of the alliance had secretly warned that if Qin Yang passed the test, he was not a member of a cult.

Then you can consider whether to absorb into the alliance!

Thinking of this, Liu Wushuang no longer hesitated, looked at Qin Yang and spoke loudly:

"Jianghai Arrow God, we invite you to officially join our Supreme Alliance!

I don't know what you think? "

The words fell.

"So you are from the Supreme Alliance?"

Qin Yang was not impressed when he heard this.

But don’t lose your bearing!

If you want to join, you must inquire clearly.

Definitely not for nothing!

"What benefits can I get from joining the Supreme Alliance?"

"Benefits? That's a lot."

Liu Wushuang smiled and said, the pride on his lips no longer concealed: "You can rest assured about this!

As long as you join our Supreme Alliance, you can choose from master-level martial arts books, divine weapons, and even many laws, including wind, fire, thunder, and wood! ! "

"so good?"

Qin Yang's heart moved slightly. As long as it could enhance his strength, he would certainly not miss it.


"Can this technique be viewed directly?"

Qin Yang narrowed his eyes slightly, smiled and said without saying a word: "Did you miss something else?"

"Yes, you are still smart."

Hearing this, Liu Wushuang scratched his head in embarrassment and said with a smile: "If you want to read the skills, you have to exchange your contribution points to get them."

"How to divide this contribution?" Qin Yang asked again.

"This is simple."

Liu Wushuang stroked Xuan Gong and said calmly: "As long as you join our Supreme Alliance and do your best for the alliance, your contribution will be counted."


When Qin Yang heard this, he stopped answering and fell into deep thought.

This so-called contribution...

Isn’t it the same as working part-time?

If you can't get it for free, what's the point of joining? It's a thankless task, and it's not as good as the system's reward!

Thinking of this, Qin Yang waved his hand and refused decisively:

"Sorry, I don't plan to join any forces."

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