Chapter 216 Xiaobai: It's over, all lost...

Thousands of arrows were sent back into the void.

All disappeared into thin air.

At this moment, the night sky was clear, and the moonlight fell on the surface of Lishui Lake, sparkling.

The calm lake was like a mirror, reflecting the stars in the sky.

Arrows flew across the sky and returned directly to nothingness.

Beside Lishui Lake.

People looked up at the sky, and their emotions were difficult to calm down for a long time.

Especially Mr. Li!

After seeing this scene, he clenched his fists with excitement, and the hot blood in his chest rolled: "One arrow breaks all laws, worthy of being the Sword God Junior Brother, he really has the style of a master of archery!"

"I don't know how powerful the existence is to be able to teach the two of them..."

The police commander was also looking forward to it, and sighed, "Using arrows to lead arrows, it's really a wonderful hand, the Sword God Junior Brother is really worthy of his reputation!!"

You know.

Liu Wushuang is a supreme realm!

He is proficient in hundreds of archery techniques. If he shoots an arrow seriously, it will destroy mountains and dry up rivers, almost like rushing with thousands of star powers.

But now.

Jianghai Arrow God used arrows to counter the arrows, easily dissolving the arrows, and even suppressed Liu Wushuang to death!

In this way, it is self-evident who is stronger and weaker in terms of strength!

"Master is so powerful."

Li Qinghe looked at the clear blue sky and couldn't calm down his excitement.

One arrow leads to thousands of arrows flying back?

What is this concept?

As long as Master shoots an arrow, I'm afraid there will be special attacks on star warriors who practice archery!

When someone shoots an arrow, before they get close to Master, they will be easily reversed and counterattacked!

"The archery technique is unparalleled. Master is still the best in this game!!"

Li Qinghe was surprised. When he heard the surroundings quiet down, he quickly turned back to look at the little sisters around him and waved his hand to remind them directly.

"What are you doing?!"

"Keep playing the music, keep dancing!!"

The words fell.

The cheerleaders came back to their senses, dancing with golden and red hand flowers, shouting the name of Jianghai Archer God loudly, and the gongs and drums were loud.

"Jianghai Archer God is mighty!!!"

The sound waves rolled across the surface of Lishui Lake, and then spread to the sky.

Everyone's enthusiasm was ignited at this moment! !


At the same time.

In a villa thousands of miles away, Xiaobai sat in front of the TV, staring at the live broadcast nervously, his eyes wide open.

The mobile phone screen was about to be crushed!

"Isn't it...this Liu Wushuang is too useless?"

"It's just the beginning and the arrows have been swept away by the owner?!"

Xiaobai held his head, squatted on the ground angrily, looked down at his phone, and thought to himself that it was not good.

On the screen.

The odds ratio between the Archer God and Liu Wushuang is forming a cliff growth!

Those who bet on Jianghai Arrow God to win have firmly taken the upper hand, showing an upward trend!

On the other hand, the ten times odds are all bet on the master's loss... If he really loses, the consequences will be disastrous!

If he loses...

This fairy has finally saved up some private money! !

"No, no! Master, please self-destruct quickly, otherwise I will really lose everything..."

The white-haired little Lolita pursed her mouth, her fox ears drooped, and she sat on the floor in frustration, her little pearls were about to fall out.

It was clearly agreed to self-destruct.

Master, you actually don't play by the rules! !


A moment later.

Above Lishui Lake.

The turbulent and frenzied air currents calmed down, the cracks in the void slowly closed, and the mirror-like space cracks gradually closed.

The hazy moonlight enveloped it.

"It's actually the law of space?!"

Liu Wushuang narrowed his eyes slightly, looked up at the strange phenomenon in the sky, and then looked at Qin Yang in front of him again, shocked.

Somewhat unbelievable.

Laymen watch the excitement, experts watch the doorway.

You know.

This is the law of space!

There are thousands of laws in the world, and there are countless true forms of wind, thunder, water, and fire...

But for the star warriors who practice archery, space is the most suitable nature!

If you can comprehend the law of space, it will have a huge boost for the archery practitioners!

From ancient times to the present, anyone who wants to achieve the great success of archery must take the law of space as the cornerstone to achieve the real koi leaping over the dragon gate.

And this...

is exactly what I have been pursuing!

Just now, Jianghai Arrow God not only used the law of space, but also very skillfully, directly blocking the space around the arrow, and it seems that he has been comprehending it for some time.

"No wonder you can kill Zhuque Dizun."

Liu Wushuang re-examined Qin Yang and raised his danger level several times again.

Since Jianghai Arrow God can comprehend the law of space.

The will, understanding, opportunity... are all indispensable, and it is not an existence that can be easily underestimated.


Admiration is admiration...

I still don't accept it in my heart! !

"Relying on the power of the law is ultimately just relying on external forces, not a pure archery competition."

Thinking of this.

Liu Wushuang shook his head, raised the black bow in his hand, and said coldly, "Jianghai Archery God, you were good in the last round, but I am not convinced, let's compete again!"

However, as soon as the voice fell.

The Jianghai citizens who were watching the game were immediately unhappy and shouted on the spot. The people beside the Lishui Lake were boiling and shouting, all of them were scolding:

"You old man have no martial ethics!"

"After fighting once, you come again? You are willing to accept the loss, right?!

"I have never seen such a shameless person. His arrows were all rolled away, but he still got the upper hand?"

"I promised you it would be one shot!"

There were noisy voices, and most of them were condemning Liu Wushuang, but there were some arrow cultivators who also saw the clues, and did not refute loudly, but silently watched the situation on the field.

Liu Wushuang is in the Supreme Realm.

He has a high status in the hearts of the majority of archery cultivators and has always enjoyed the title of being the best in archery skills in the world.

Regardless of his deeds and his heart, he has absolutely nothing to say about seeking the Tao. In order to understand the path of arrows, Cheng Menlixue definitely climbed up from the bottom

Many arrow cultivators regard him as their target idol.

"What? Not satisfied with that arrow?"

When Qin Yang heard this, he was not in a hurry. He slowly put down his sun-shooting bow and said, "What else do you have to say now?"

"Ahem, the Jianghai Arrow God is indeed worthy of his reputation. He is able to master the laws of space to such an extent that I am convinced."

Liu Wushuang held a hollow fist and coughed twice, "But... yes"

As he said that, he changed the subject!

"However, I blame me for not making it clear before. Laws are laws. We are both archery cultivators, so naturally archery is the basis for competition."

"Just a competition in archery?"

When Qin Yang heard this, he frowned slightly, glanced at Liu Wushuang, and noticed that the expression on his face showed no sign of submission.

Let's put it plainly.

"This guy is still not convinced!"

Seeing this, Qin Yang pondered for a moment.

"It seems like I just used the rules to make a trick, but it still doesn't work..."

If you want to reveal the system's generous rewards, you must beat Liu Wushuang to his heart.

But now that the space blockade has been used, although Liu Wushuang lost the arrow, the system still did not give any prompts, indicating that this guy's anger has not completely disappeared.

We must take a closer step to suppress it!

Thinking of this, Qin Yang did not hesitate, looked at Liu Wushuang and nodded:

"It's okay. Since you said you want to compete again, let's do it. Anyway, I am an archery god, so I will sacrifice my life to accompany you until you are convinced!"

The words fell.


When Liu Wushuang heard this, he held his hands in surprise and said:

"Jianghai Arrow God is so courageous!! After this arrow, no matter what the result is, I will never bother you again!"


He stepped back a hundred feet away again.

Holding the mysterious bow high and nocking an arrow, he turned his head and aimed one eye in the direction of Qin Yang. The bow string was stretched like a full moon.

This time the attitude is even more fierce!

But judging from the released star power, you can see how powerful it is!

"Your Excellency, please pay attention, the power of this arrow is not comparable to what it was just now!"

Liu Wushuang reminded in a deep voice, tightening his fingers and the energy in his body rising steadily.

next moment!


Thousands of star powers condensed, and a powerful aura exploded!

The water under his feet was under pressure and spread to both sides, and strong winds swept across the lake shore in an instant.


The calm lake surface stirred up waves, turning into one wave after another, violently lapping at the embankment, and the onlookers near the lakeside.

All of them were turned into drowned rats!

The fierce arrows blocked it, as if the bone-chilling winter was coming. The onlookers held their hands, trembling all over, trying to withstand the murderous intent of thousands of arrows...

"What a strong arrow!"

Seeing this, Qin Yang did not dare to hesitate. He flew back a hundred feet to distance himself. He also raised his sun-shooting bow and pointed it at Liu Wushuang. He slowly pulled the string.


The string of the sun-shooting bow vibrates!

In an instant!

Scorching heat descended on the lake.

The lake water burned and steamed, turning into curls of white smoke, lingering around Qin Yang like clouds and mist, covering his breath.

But it's still not enough!

Liu Wushuang has been immersed in archery for many years.

The background is profound, how can it be leveled in an instant?

"Forget it, since we can't use the law, we can only work hard on the arrows."

Qin Yang thought about it, summoned a ray of crape myrtle starlight, placed it on the bow slot, held the hilt of the sword with his fingertips, and pointed the sword edge at Liu Wushuang.

It’s the Ziwei Divine Sword!

Using crape myrtle as an arrow and using it with a sun-shooting bow can produce extraordinary power. The combination of the two emperor-level divine weapons can definitely make up for the gap in archery skills!

As for using the Ziwei Divine Sword without respecting martial ethics?

Just tell me if this is archery?


Just in the midst of thoughts.

Liu Wushuang let go of the bowstring, and a dazzling white light pierced the void. Qin Yang also let go of the bowstring, and the sun-shooting bow burst out with lava-like fluid flames, and the crape myrtle shot out along a straight trajectory!


The two arrows intertwined, and the sword energy swept across the glass water lake.

The water surface of Liuli Lake was steaming, the two arrows collided with each other, and the tips of the arrows collided. The Ziwei sword energy swept away everything and directly crushed them with force.

next moment.

The arrows on the opposite side are broken!

"not good!"

Liu Wushuang was shocked and turned pale. Thousands of sword energy condensed and suddenly hit Xuan Gong.

In an instant.

The bowstring is broken!


Defeated with one arrow!

In front of everyone, everyone's eyes widened as they watched Liu Wushuang fly backwards, and a sensation instantly broke out in the venue! !

at the same time.

Thousands of miles away, Xiaobai was carrying a grape plate and jumping back to the live broadcast. He happened to bump into this scene and was completely confused.

"It's over... Is this the best archery in the world?"

"The bowstring has been broken by the master!!!"

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