I crushed an insect to death, and the system actually said I killed a dragon?

Chapter 211 It turns out that the God of Arrows and the God of Swords are brothers from the same sch

"That's right, junior!"

In the courtyard, Qin Yang raised his hands and said calmly to Liu Wushuang above, "I wonder why senior came here to look for me?"

Since the other party is prepared.

Why should I be afraid at all?

When it comes to putting on a vest, Liu Wushuang is completely incomprehensible!

He thought he had reached the fifth floor.

But in fact, it's just the second level...

"Hmph, you, the boy named Qin, do have some tricks up your sleeve."

Liu Wushuang flew down to the courtyard, flicked the sleeves of his silk robe, and then looked sideways at the dispersing formation of the house: "This defense formation is very sophisticated, I seem to have been tricked by you, good technique. "

"Senior is so complimentary."

Qin Yang threw the star stone, shook his head slightly and said:

"It's just a little research that can't be put on the stage. It's just to guard against sneak attacks by evil cults."

"Haha, what a defensive measure."

Hearing this, Liu Wushuang's mouth twitched, recalling the scene of breaking the formation just now.

If Qin Yang doesn't come out again.

I really plan to break through this formation...

Just when I'm thinking.

"Senior, you are here tonight. You must have something to ask."

Qin Yang bowed and saluted again, interrupting his thoughts, and said in a deep voice: "You might as well just say it."

"Hmph, it doesn't matter."

Liu Wushuang glanced at him and said, "Monkey spirit, you are really a very good boy. I have opened my eyes."

As he spoke, he said calmly: "I don't mince words with this junior like you. I am here to ask the Jianghai Arrow God... what is my relationship with your master?"

"Jianghai Arrow God?"

Hearing this, Qin Yang frowned slightly, and his mind was quickly thinking of ways to solve the situation.

Not much information though.

But just a little thought.

It is still possible to derive a general context of information.

"It turns out that this old guy came to ask about the Arrow God, and he doesn't understand anything..."

Isn't this a lie? !

This is where my thoughts come to.

Qin Yang held his hands in a deep voice and continued to trick him skillfully: "Jianghai Archery God? What do you want from my uncle?"

"Uncle Master?!"

Liu Wushuang was stunned when he heard this, "He and your master are from the same sect!?"

There is so much information in this!

Liu Wushuang was instantly confused.

Jianghai Sword God is not a casual cultivator?

To know.

Before he went out, the leader of the alliance specifically warned that the other party might be a casual cultivator with no family or sect.

Even the commander’s guess was exactly the same!

But now after hearing Qin Yang's words, everything was overturned in an instant...

"You're not a casual cultivator..."

Liu Wushuang thought, "To be able to teach the two gods of Jiang and Hai, what level must the master behind this be?... Could it be that he is a powerful person in the Tianzun realm?"

In his thoughts, the more he thought about it, the more curious he became.


Qin Yang looked at his thoughtful expression, squinted his eyes, and felt speechless.

I just said a few words.

Why is this old man on standby and silent?

This psychological defense doesn’t work either!

If the defense is breached then... the system shouldn't deny it, right? !

"Then where is your uncle now?"

At this time, Liu Wushuang raised his eyes again, looked at Qin Yang and asked: "I have something important to ask him..."

"Are you looking for him?"

When Qin Yang heard this, he curled his lips and said, "But up to now, you haven't said what you have to do with him? If you don't explain clearly, I can't be reckless."

"I asked you to go over and look for someone. Why are there so many things happening?"

Liu Wushuang's face turned a bit angry.

To know.

Since the death of Lord Suzaku.

The Beast God Sect and its leader all thought it was their own fault, and they were blamed for this.

If he doesn't find the Jianghai Arrow God as soon as possible... he will make the lie come true, and he will really be blamed for it.

Think of this.

Liu Wushuang suddenly became furious.

"Let your uncle come out! Stop playing tricks with me here!"

He glared at Qin Yang, gritted his teeth and said angrily: "I must teach him a lesson! How can you, a junior, interfere in the disputes between seniors?"

The words fell.


The surrounding star pressure increased suddenly, the flowers and plants in the courtyard were destroyed, and strong winds swept out.


Qin Yang's hair was messy and his face was full of question marks.

Everyone is confused!


Have a holiday? !

From the beginning to the end, I only shot one arrow. When did I provoke him?

If they had not taken action at that time, Mr. Li and the others would have been on the list of mourning beasts!

Think of this.

Qin Yang spoke directly and comforted:

"Senior, please be patient! My junior uncle will definitely be able to find it, but before that, you have to tell me the whole story of this matter. The situation was critical at that time, so my junior junior uncle took action."

"If you are reasonable, I will definitely be able to help you find him!"

The words fell, and the sentences were calm and reasonable,

The star pressure in the courtyard has indeed dropped a bit.

"Are you talking to a junior like you?"

Liu Wushuang frowned and looked Qin Yang up and down. It wasn't that he didn't want to explain in depth, it was just that the blood spirit contract was involved.

There are too many things involved, too broad.

The more he knows, the more danger he will bring to this junior.

"Hmph, why do I need to talk to you about this supreme matter?!"

Thinking of this, Liu Wushuang simply continued to act evil.

Directly apply star power and gather star pressure.

next moment.

The star pressure that had just dissipated gathered again, all falling on Qin Yang.


The ground collapsed and cracked!

The star pressure that is enough to cause fainting in the acquired world comes!

"It's time for you to say it now, right?"

Liu Wushuang raised his eyebrows and looked at Qin Yang in front of him.

At this moment, he showed pain on his face and the veins on his neck popped out, trying to straighten up in the courtyard.

"Good boy!"

When Liu Wushuang saw this, he felt a bit appreciative.

Able to withstand star pressure and stand up.

This disciple of Jianghai Sword God indeed has backbone!

"Aren't you going to say it yet? I asked you to do it, just do it, why bother yourself? The star pressure will be even greater next, even if it doesn't hurt you..."


Qin Yang hissed through his teeth, still looking extremely painful, as if he was really being crushed by the pressure of the stars.

But in fact…..

This outfit also consumes a lot of energy!

Just this little star pressure covering the body is nothing at all. The acquired state is like a breeze blowing on the face, and the innate state is like a strong wind. Only when you reach the master state can you barely feel it.

As for the star pressure of the Supreme Realm.

This old man is not that arrogant.

Exerting that kind of power to a junior would not only lose his identity, but also lose his face. Qin Yang understood exactly this.

From the beginning, Liu Wushuang had been deceived.


in the courtyard,

The two were silent.

The star pressure around Qin Yang was maintained, but he remained silent.

"Hmph, what a good character, I will give you some more!"

Liu Wushuang frowned, feeling quite surprised. He raised his finger again and pointed at Qin Yang's position.

next moment.

The star pressure in the Xiantian realm dropped.

The ground cracked and cracked. In Liu Wushuang's eyes, the intensity of this star pressure was huge, and it had long exceeded Qin Yang's ability. No matter how talented he was, he was still in excruciating pain at this moment!

"You still don't want to say it?"


Qin Yang bent his knees slightly.

His expression became more and more distorted, and he gritted his teeth and looked at Liu Wushuang in front of him, continuing to maintain a painful expression.

very hardworking!

Your acting skills are even better!

If he keeps pretending like this, he will almost win an Oscar. At the same time, his impression of Liu Wushuang will become even worse.


Who says this guy is a good person?

This is simply full of malice! !

Is it a bit too much to do this to a junior?

Between thoughts.

The cracks on the ground expanded. Qin Yang lowered his head and saw the situation. He understood that this was already approaching the extreme state of innateness. If he could bear it any longer...

I'm just afraid that my secret will be revealed.

"It's almost time."

Thinking of this, Qin Yang did not hesitate. His body softened and was on the verge of falling. He could not hold on and fell to the ground in the next second.



The pressure of star power around him suddenly dissipated.

"Finally I couldn't bear it anymore."

Liu Wushuang mastered the timing and quickly withdrew the pressure, saying calmly: "How? Can you say it? You are also a tough guy, and you can actually hold on until now..."

The words fell.


Qin Yang gasped for breath and simply sat down on the grass with his hands on the ground, "Do you think... Qin is a person who is greedy for life and afraid of death?"

Now the "Heaven and Earth Live Together" package has been prepared.

If the worst happens then, just run away and leave the villas!

Then he led Liu Wushuang to self-destruct. Even if the explosion didn't kill him, he could fake his own death and escape.

Everything is under control.

The arrangements are clear!

"You are looking for death, boy."

Liu Wushuang shook his head, with harsh words on his lips, but appreciation in his heart.

"Sword God disciple, you really have some backbone."

The words fell.


More powerful star power descended, surrounding Qin Yang, constantly increasing pressure and testing, and he was about to reach the grandmaster level.

at this time.


"Don't hurt my master!!!"

A little white-haired loli jumped out of the balcony and ran towards Liu Wushuang, howling and baring her teeth and claws, running over menacingly.

He rushed straight towards Liu Wushuang.


Liu Wushuang held Xiaobai's head with one hand and watched her randomly swinging her fists with surprise on her face, "King-level star beast?"


Qin Yang, who was sitting on the ground, was also stunned.


What was this silly fox doing when he jumped out?

Didn’t I just tell her to stay in the house?

"You called him master?"

Liu Wushuang glanced at Qin Yang, then looked at Xiaobai in front of him. Remembering what she called her just now, he understood a little. He put his palm on Xiaobai's forehead and applied a little force.

Star power rebounds!

next moment.

As soon as Xiaobai endured some force, he flew out directly and landed accurately in Qin Yang's arms, meeting his eyes...

Eyes blinking.

"Master, are you okay!?"

Xiaobai jumped up and held Qin Yang's head with his backhand, "Don't worry, I will protect you!!"

As she said that, she winked at Qin Yang.

She has been watching the battle from the balcony since just now, and she has already understood it.

Isn't it just acting?

I promise to cooperate with you!


Qin Yang pressed his head against Xiao Bai's chest and was so suffocated that he couldn't speak.


Xiaobai giggled, holding Qin Yang in his arms, thinking that Xiao Jiujiu was already happy and could think of the future.

Wait until this acting is over.

The master will definitely make this fairy lick her enough! !

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