I crushed an insect to death, and the system actually said I killed a dragon?

Chapter 210 Liu Wushuang's visit triggers the system prompt again!

Fuhai Villas.

At home.

The crystal chandelier is bright, and the TV is playing a movie channel.

Qin Yang rests his head on Xiao Bai and slowly closes the "Staff Rules and Regulations". He has almost finished reading the job rules book in the museum.

The steward's schedule and work schedule are all clearly understood. He just needs to wait until the time comes to take office and try the effect of slacking off.

After a while.

"It's almost time."

Qin Yang calculated the time, then put down the book, glanced at Xiao Bai lying beside him, and said leisurely: "You have licked enough now, it's time to return the heart of the law, right?"

"Ah?! So soon?"

Xiao Bai was stunned when he heard this, his two furry ears stood up, and he took out his mobile phone reluctantly and looked at the time on it.

In a blink of an eye.

An hour has passed.

Now it's time to return it to the owner!

Happy time is always so short.

"Master, give me another hour..."

Xiao Bai was reluctant to leave. She stared at the Heart of Law in her hand and Qin Yang, and said coquettishly: "I can do anything..."


She activated the illusion, and her charming voice was pleasant to the ears.

"Time is up."

Qin Yang was unmoved and was not affected at all.

She stretched out her hand to take the Heart of Law back.

"Hmph! Stingy, stingy!!"

Xiao Bai hugged her chest with her arms, turned her head to the side, took out her mobile phone, and skillfully opened the short video software.


Qin Yang heard the complaint, but he didn't bother to care. He held the Heart of Law directly, and his consciousness sank into the enlightenment space, and began to comprehend the content of the law.

The Heart of Law is different from the Law of Thunder, the Law of Wood...such concrete existence, but the center of thousands of original forms, which is of great help to condense the power of the law.

At this moment in the enlightenment space.

Qin Yang wandered among thousands of Dharma forms.

Thunder, wood, space, fire...the phantoms of various laws intertwined.

The understanding of the law progressed rapidly.

Time passed slowly.

After a moment,

Qin Yang opened his eyes again.

Suddenly he looked at the night outside the window and sensed a special breath approaching Fuhai Community.

"Is this... the Supreme Realm?"

"Is it someone from the Beast God Cult?"

Qin Yang frowned, turned his hand to put away the Heart of Law, and slowly left the sofa.

"What's wrong, Master?"

The slave and the master are in tune with each other. Xiaobai sensed a trace of Qin Yang's emotions and whispered, "Is there anyone outside? Do you want me to..."

"It's okay, you stay at home and don't run around."

Qin Yang shook his head slightly, and after saying this, the surrounding star power fluctuated, and he disappeared instantly.


At the same time.

Outside the villa.

Liu Wushuang swept the evening breeze and slowly descended to the sky.

Overlooking the layout of the entire villa complex. Relying on mountains and rivers, Qimen Bagua.

The spiritual energy between heaven and earth gathered there, and all residents were nourished, as if they were settled in a treasure pot.

"Yes, it's really mysterious. Is this a formation made by the Li family's formation master?"

Liu Wushuang looked around and sighed.

Even if it was placed in the imperial capital, such a ground-level formation was rare.

As a result, I didn't expect to see it in this ordinary coastal town. It was really beyond my expectations.

"Forget it, it's more important to find the young man surnamed Qin first..."

"When I find the whereabouts of the Arrow God, this Supreme will also find a chance to get a house here."

Liu Wushuang flew down, his eyes swept across the villa complex, and following his memory, he quickly locked Qin Yang's location and was about to start settling down.

But at this moment.


The mysterious formation buzzed!

A layer of vague empty membrane opened, spreading like a bubble, wrapping up the periphery of the villa and completely isolating it from the outside world.

It was hazy and misty, reflecting the moonlight, like a white gauze curtain.


"There is actually a small formation here?"

Liu Wushuang was surprised and caught off guard. He subconsciously released the star power to spread out and linger around the white gauze to detect.

It is really a formation!


This small formation is more powerful!

It is far more exquisite than the large formation outside.

"What a crouching tiger, hidden dragon, there are actually masters?"

Liu Wushuang sensed the star power emitted by the formation and was secretly surprised. He had been promoted to the Supreme Realm and had seen at least hundreds of formations.

But this powerful home-guarding formation is really the first time I have seen it. Its strength is slightly inferior to Jiang Hai's city-guarding formation.

Could it be...

This Qin Yang is also a master of formations! ?

"Hmph, whatever...After all, it is just a home-guarding formation. I can break it with just a raise of my hand."

Liu Wushuang snorted coldly, scanning the surrounding movements, raised his hand to release the law, distorted the nearby space to prevent too much impact, and then took off the black bow on his back.


The black bow trembled in response.

Liu Wushuang raised his eyebrows, stretched the bowstring, and aimed at the center of the formation below.

He held his breath and mobilized the star power.

The next moment.

The brilliant star power condensed at the tip of the arrow, and the sharp shadow reflected the cold moonlight.


Liu Wushuang let go of his fingers.


The bowstring was tightened and released!

The star power flowed, condensed into a point in an instant, and pointed directly at the core of the formation below.


A line of light passed through!

Thousands of lightnings climbed up, and the trajectory passed by.

The tip was blessed with the power of the law, as if a round sun was intertwined with thunder, directly causing a hidden crack in the void.

One arrow split into two and then became three. In an instant, a rain of arrows spread out horizontally and struck the formation crazily, erupting into a sound wave visible to the naked eye.

Boom boom boom! !

Densely packed arrows bombarded the formation.


However, after the hit.

There was no fragmentation.

I saw those arrows splitting up, hitting the edge surface of the light yarn, and then dissipating away, like a mud cow entering the sea.

In an instant, the hazy water mist formation easily defused the menacing attack! !

"How can it be?!"

When Liu Wushuang saw this scene, his pupils shrank suddenly.

Although his arrow was random, it was enough to kill the king-level star beast!


This time, it just shook for a moment?


"What a good boy, you are worthy of being a disciple of the Sword God. You really have something!"

Liu Wushuang squinted his eyes slightly, feeling a little embarrassed.


Just as he was charging into battle.

Inside the villa.

First floor.

Buzz buzz——

The trembling sound of the formation reached my ears.

Qin Yang sat cross-legged, with several star stones coiled around him, firmly maintaining the stability of the house formation. Feeling the power of this arrow, he was equally surprised.

"This man's archery skills are quite high."

It was actually able to shake the town house array!

To know.

This is a formation that I personally arranged. If you don't break your head at the Grand Master level, you can't even get in. Even at the Supreme level, you have to attack continuously for a period of time before you can successfully break the formation.

"This move... you have to reach the Supreme Realm. It seems that you still have to play in person."

Qin Yang rolled up his sleeves, stood up from the ground, and walked towards the courtyard, ready to welcome this uninvited guest.

But at the moment of taking action.

suddenly! !


A familiar system prompt sounded!

"Ding, the aura of an Emperor Senior Realm expert has been detected, please host to escape quickly!!"

The words fell.


Qin Yang raised his eyebrows, and the steps he just took stopped, hesitating a little, sensing Liu Wushuang's aura outside the villa,

This guy actually….

Is it also an existence that can live to five hundred years later? !

To have such strength,

"It's almost the same as the blood monster last time."

Think of this.

Qin Yang thought deeply, hesitated a little, and began to think about the opportunities he could take advantage of.

Breaking defenses, capturing alive...all the ways to trigger system rewards quickly flashed through his mind.

It’s not easy for a fat sheep to appear.

This time I have to hit him hard! !

I missed the blood demon last time, and if it appears again this time, how can I let it go by accident?

At this moment in my thoughts.

The phone in his pocket suddenly vibrated with a message.

Qin Yang took out his cell phone and took a look.

It was a message from Li Qinghe.

[Master, Mr. Li asked me to tell you something. 】

[Tonight there may be a senior named Liu Wushuang who will come to you to ask for information about Senior Arrow God. There is no other malicious intention. 】

"Liu Wushuang? Who is this guy? Is he the person above?"

"Come to me? Are you looking for the God of Arrow to ask questions on my head?"

When Qin Yang saw this, he thought about it for a moment and understood the general idea instantly.

Liu Wushuang was unfamiliar with this place...how else could he find this place?

I'm afraid they sold me out...

But the matter has come to this, and it is useless to say more. Now that I have entered the Supreme Realm, I don't seem to care so much about this kind of thing.

The sky is high and the sea is vast, these things are just passing clouds.

And say it again.

In this middle set, they didn't even break their real vests!

"It's better to calm down this trouble first."

After thinking about it, Qin Yang took out the blood, summoned the second clone and walked out.


at the same time.

On top of the villa.

Liu Wushuang lowered his eyes, looked down at the large formation below, and then glanced at the mysterious bow in his hand. He really didn't believe in evil in his heart.

Even if I didn't use my full strength just now.

But after all, he aimed at the formation's eye and fired a few more tentative arrows!


Still can't escape the fate of being devoured by attacks.

Thinking that I am in the supreme realm, but I can't even break the formation of a junior. If the news spreads, will I be ridiculed by those supreme allies? !

"I want to see who is behind you!!"

Liu Wushuang opened his mysterious bow and pointed the formation.

But that's it.


Without waiting, he continued to draw his bow and shoot arrows.

The formation suddenly buzzed for a few breaths, then slowly dissipated, and the stars fell.

Immediately afterwards, the glass door of the courtyard below slowly opened, and Qin Yang walked out leisurely wearing a nightgown and slippers.

He looked at Liu Wushuang at the top and yawned.

"Junior Qin Yang has met senior Wushuang."

The words fell.

Liu Wushuang frowned, feeling the aura on Qin Yang's body...it was all restrained, as if he was integrated with the world, not visible.

"With a restrained cultivation, this is a good seedling."

Liu Wushuang was shocked and doubtful, and in his thoughts, he had already landed in the center of the courtyard.

"I wonder why senior came here?"

Qin Yang threw the star stone in his hand, looked at the moonlight in the sky, and said calmly: "It's already dark now, why don't we go inside and talk?"


Liu Wushuang snorted coldly, "Boy, don't fight with me, there's no need to go in, just get to the point!"

As he spoke, he stared at Qin Yang and said:

"...Are you Qin Yang, the eldest disciple of Jianghai Sword God?"

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