Chapter 269 Zhang Yuan’s Intention

Luo Qiongyao’s voice was quite loud, and Lin Yan soon heard it.

After Lin Yan heard her voice in the cave, she was very surprised and did not expect Luo Qiongyao to be outside.

What was even more unexpected was that Luo Qiongyao had already been attacked so quickly.

I originally thought that Luo Qiongyao was safe and sound now, and that nothing would happen again.

He didn’t expect Luo Qiongyao to encounter a lot of trouble now, but this time he was very surprised.

Hearing this voice, Lin Yan quickly walked away, he didn’t expect to see Luo Qiongyao’s bruised body.

Luo Qiongyao is now being chased by a tiger, and this tiger looks very difficult to deal with.

I saw the tiger rushing towards Luo Qiongyao quickly, scratching Luo Qiongyao’s face with its claws.

If Luo Qiongyao didn’t hide, she would definitely be scratched by this claw, and seeing this scene, Lin Yan’s face also showed a shock.

I didn’t expect to see such a tragic scene, and now Luo Qiongyao sees him, and his eyes are full of hope, but he didn’t expect to see Lin Yan here.

10 Lin Yan is like a savior, like a life-saving straw, seeing Lin Yan she feels that she has great hope.

She originally thought that she would be able to make a good run here, but she didn’t expect that she would be unable to deal with just a tiger.

This time, she was shocked, it seems that her strength is not as strong as the special police as she imagined.

Originally, I thought that in the sect, I was considered a young man among the younger generation, so I could swept everything outside, and I could run wild.

But when she reached the Shiwan Dashan, she had already encountered such a danger, and it could be seen that her strength was only stronger in the sect.

It really is that there are mountains outside the mountains, there are people outside the people, and there are days outside the sky.

If she hadn’t gone out for a while, she would have always thought she was a strong man.

The funny thing is that she is obviously so weak that she doesn’t even have the ability to protect herself. This situation makes it very difficult for her to accept, but now she has to accept such a fact.

Because the wounds all over her body told her that it was really difficult for her to protect her own life now.

Maybe if he doesn’t meet Lin Yan, he will be killed by the smiling tiger, or killed by other beasts.

Wild corpse!

This fact made her very difficult to accept, and now she has to accept such a cruel fact.

Luo Qiongyao is very sad now.

Seeing Lin Yan, she took Lin Yan as her target.

Because Lin Yan’s strength is too strong, every time Lin Yan saves her, so she can’t help but start to imagine that if she can have the strength of Lin Yan, she can also save life one after another like a savior.

Is it possible to lead their sect on a more glorious path?

When he thought of being able to share his father’s worries and solve problems, he could do more things for the sect.

She felt that she was very honored, and felt that she was worth it no matter how much she paid.

But reality told her.

Even if she doesn’t even have the strength to protect herself now, she is frightened by this, and her strength is too weak.

But she has always been the Tianji teenager in Songmen.

But even like this, you have no way to protect yourself, is it from the sect?

Others have no way to protect themselves.

If this is the case, then the overall strength of their sect is not too inferior.

When she thought of this, she suddenly felt a very strong sense of crisis, and she couldn’t wait to return to Songming’s side to tell the sect master, let daddy train the people in the sect to get close to the resources, and train these disciples well. .

Otherwise, even if you take a hook to protect yourself, it will be difficult to do it, let alone do some things.

It can be said that it is too fragile, and she can’t wait to implement these until now.

Only Lin Yanji could save her.

She had to escape from the tiger’s claws and take a detour. Lin Yan in the cave heard his voice and walked out, and saw that she was hurt all over her body.

“You deal with it.”

Lin Yan touched the black bear’s head and said something outrageous.

Luo Qiongyao’s eyes widened in fright.

How can it be?

How could a black bear possibly listen to him?

Could it be that this black bear has become Lin Yan’s contracted spirit beast?

But the problem is, she didn’t see the rhythm of the six-pointed star formation!

That is, there is no such thing as a contract between Lin Yan and this black bear.

In this world, if human beings want to make the spirit beast their own contract spirit beast, they need to establish a contract with the spirit beast.

There are three kinds of contracts, one is the master-servant contract, the other is the equality contract, and the third is the battle contract that is difficult to achieve.

There are three kinds of contracts, and each contract requires the rhythm of the beastmaster, and the hexagram will appear during the contract.

But just around…

Obviously there is no such formation!

Lin Yan asked the black bear to deal with the laughing tiger first. Are you sure it’s not a joke?

Unexpectedly, a miraculous scene happened.

This black bear even nodded its bear head and walked staggeringly towards Xiaomianhu. Every step made Xiaomianhu so frightened that he couldn’t help but step back.

Soon, the black bear ran after Xiaomianhu.

Luo Qiongyao breathed a sigh of relief, and looked at Lin Yan in shock while saying the difference, with joy and gratitude in his eyes.

“Thank you, thank you for helping me.

“This time, you saved me again!

Lin Yan said nothing, fed Luo Qiongyao a few pills, and asked him to protect himself here, Luo Qiongyao agreed.

Two days later, Zhang Yuan was covered in injuries and saw Luo Qiongyao. 027

Luo Qiongyao was facing a big enemy, Zhang Yuan said that he had no malice.

Luo Qiongyao still had feelings for him before, and temporarily believed it, and helped him heal and take good care of him.

Zhang Yuan also heard from Luo Qiongyao that Lin Yan was in the cave, and he planned to seek revenge for Lin Yan when his injuries healed. Luo Qiongyao didn’t know this, Luo Qiongyao was roasting the rabbit, Zhang Yuan went around behind her and put a knife on her neck.

“Why, you want to kill me?

If Qiong wanted to ask Zhang Yuan why he did this to him, would he not be afraid of being discovered?

“Ah, do you think I really like you, not your identity?”

Zhang Yuan said with a smile, the knife light swayed on Luo Qiongyao’s neck.

“You… despicable!” Luo Qiongyao was stunned and said in pain.

Unexpectedly, she was betrayed by the people around her!

“If you weren’t the sect master’s daughter, I would approach you? I would pursue you? You don’t need your poor head to think about it. There are so many good-looking women in the sect, and you are not the most outstanding. Right. Why do I have to pursue you? Ah, it’s not because of your identity!

“You… it turns out that you have been using me!”

Zhang Yuan said that as long as she was killed and blamed on Lin Yan, no one would know. Unexpectedly, Lin Yan saw this scene at Jimen after the retreat ended.

“Help, Lin Yan, save me!

Luo Qiongyao shouted for help,

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