Chapter 268 Well-informed

“Ah! Black bear!”

When they saw the black bears, those scumbags were so frightened that their faces turned pale. I didn’t expect to see a black bear here. Could it be that they really provoked the black bear’s den, but why did Zhang Yuan keep letting it go? Lin Yan came up?

Could it be that Zhang Yuan is trying to make Lin Yan come up to toss with these black bears?

This is intentional to kill Lin Yan, right?

What other laws of nature are used as an excuse?

But where are the laws of nature here?

They didn’t feel it at all.

Of course, they understood Zhang Yuan’s thoughts.

I also know why Lin Yan brought them all up, it must be because Zhang Yuan provokes Mao Xiao Lin Yan.

Lin Yan has been staring at them all the time now, making them frightened all of a sudden, never thought that they would offend a “zero twenty seven” god like Lin Yan.

“Really! Where is the law of nature? I think you are doing it on purpose. You want him to come up and die. There are black bears here. You want him to come up to meet these black bears and be killed by the black bears, right? , so he will be so angry, and then that it will affect us all!

A young woman said angrily, while the other bastards began to criticize this young woman one by one.

“How can Zhang Yuan be blamed for this? Isn’t it because if Lin Yan said he was a strong person earlier, wouldn’t it be fine? The loss also made us worry, thinking that he would bring us a great deal of power. Burden, otherwise, can I have the present thing?

I think Zhang Yuan either doesn’t want it to drag our entire team, or he doesn’t know that there are these black bears on it, this is a misunderstanding!”

“I know Zhang Yuan’s temperament, I know that Zhang Yuan is not the kind of person who will cheat people at all, how can I get to know Zhang Yuan at this time and I haven’t seen you scolding anything there, but now I am in danger You just have to use the pot for Zhang Yuan!”

“Yeah, I don’t think any of you have said anything just now. It’s not because of Lin Yan’s ability to be hooked, so you want to please Lin Yan, and hope you can take this opportunity to go on, but I tell you, you You have already offended Lin Yan. Naturally, it is impossible to continue, and aren’t you a bit bullying? Is it so obvious?”

These bastards accused this woman one after another, because they were all from Zhang Yuan, so when they heard Zhang Yuan was told by the police at this time.

Of course, to blame those people and see this scene, other people have stayed away from them.

These guys are really good enough, obviously it can be seen that Zhang Yuan harmed them.

As a result, at this time, the police did not know what benefit Zhang Yuan gave them, but made them so willing to be a scumbag with Zhang Yuan, and even lost their dignity.

It can be said that these guys have no future to speak of.

At this moment, the black bear suddenly pounced, and his black bear claws pointed directly at Zhang Yuan’s dog’s legs.

Just following the caller’s favorite dog leg, he was instantly slapped by the giant palm of the black bear.

A slap shot out several meters away, causing him to fall to the ground, his entire back was scratched by a boulder, dripping with blood, and the flesh was blurred, looking extremely terrifying.

Seeing this scene, the others took a step back one after another.

But where would the black bears let them go?

The black bear saw them at a glance, and it was impossible for these humans to forgive them.

This is the black bear’s own territory being offended by these humans, and it is naturally impossible to let it go.

– A group of stupid humans, who actually want to make trouble in his territory, how could they be forgiven.

The black bear gnawed, and Zhang Yuan’s communication dogs wailed. Zhang Yuan on the ground was reluctant to tell Lin Yan that with this black bear, everyone wanted to run away.

Luo Qiongyao asked Zhang Yuan why he really wanted to do something to her. Zhang Yuan was actually not reconciled and was jealous that Luo Qiongyao treated Lin Yan so well.

Luo Qiongyao was heartbroken, and the black bear pounced on Luo Qiongyao’s side. Lin Yan shouted angrily, and then the black bear stood beside the cave obediently, not daring to move.

Zhang Yuan originally thought that Lin Yan would die, but was so happy to see this scene that he was stunned.

“What’s the matter, did you raise this black bear?

Luo Qiongyao asked Lin Yan if the bear was raised by Lin Yan.

Lin Yan shook his head helplessly. He didn’t expect to be asked by this guy, but he immediately said no.

Lin Yan admits that this is the black bear who let him die last time.0

Since there is such a thing, he naturally wants to find the only advantage. He wants to discuss with this guy as much as possible, hoping that this guy can let them go for the sake of fate.

Lin Yan’s purpose this time was to find medicinal herbs and try his best to communicate with the black bear, but he did not expect to succeed.

This time it was really unexpected.

I didn’t expect all of this to come so suddenly and so quickly, this black bear is a relatively worthy question.

He never thought that these things would go so smoothly before, and he felt a lot more relaxed all of a sudden, and he was quite happy for this matter.

I felt that the communication with this black bear was too smooth, and other people looked at Lin Yan gratefully when they saw this scene.

I didn’t expect Lin Yan to be able to communicate with this black bear. It seems that Lin Yan can’t be offended no matter what.

Because Lin Yan is indeed an expert, an expert they can’t afford to offend.

Regardless of whether it is the favored son or the useless firewood, they all respect the strong.

Lin Yan showed his supreme strength, and naturally he can be admired by everyone. Lin Yan doesn’t think it’s a big deal.

It’s just that he still remembers the faces of these guys.

The black bear took Lin Yan under an ancient tree. After arriving here, he kept waving the bear’s paw. The meaning was obvious, there must be something strange here.

He made various actions to imply that Lin Yan opened the 1.8 ancient tree, and found that the ancient book turned out to be a barrier.

This turned out to be a place where immortals ascended.

Lin Yan was shocked that there could be immortals in this world. This scene really shocked him. He didn’t expect to see such a scene, it was really eye-opening, and now that he could see such a scene, he couldn’t help but start to take a deep breath.

I feel that today is really an eye-opener, and I have seen a lot of strange things about SWAT.

At any rate, I was well-informed before, but I didn’t expect to be shocked by this scene today.

There are still more than a dozen bottles of this medicinal pill on the offering platform, Lin Yan carefully put away, feeling that this is a good place to heal, Luo Qiongyao was attacked by another beast outside, his strength was not enough, he dodged many times, and kept going. call Lin Yan,

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