One thing Kaido didn’t know was that Robin was actually a facade. Her Zanpakuto seemed to be able to match him, but it was actually impossible.

Robin’s Zanpakutō is stronger from the front, but weaker from the back!

Every time she pauses Kaido’s power, she pays the price.

For example, Robin feels very tired now.

She is pretending to be fine.

But Kaido Kaido couldn’t tell. He thought Robin had suddenly become as powerful as him.

“Golden hope, golden land!”

Nami shouted loudly

“The white clouds in the sky, the wings of angels, the Feather Emperor!”

This is Nicole’s voice.

“All lands in the ten directions are the Kingdom of God. Suppress it and shine!”

This is Elle’s voice

“I want to rise, I want to be the king! Oriental madness!”

This is Imni’s voice

“All hopes are stored here, shine, hope!”

This is the voice of Kerra.

At this moment, they pulled out their Zanpakutō one by one.

The appearance of the Zanpakutō was different!

Buddha Sengoku and others watching the live broadcast:”……”

Not to mention them, even the Beast Armor Duo had his eyes widened with astonishment. It was already difficult for him to beat a Robin in a short time. He felt that if he beat Robin himself. Robin can be defeated, the key is time.

But now so many people have awakened to the so-called Zanpakutō, he was surprised.

Kaido the Beast didn’t know what to do for a while.

“Go together.”

As Kaido of the Beasts gave the order, the pirate ships of the Beasts Pirates rushed towards here, and the three major disasters rushed over one by one to help Kaido of the Beasts.

Immediately The two sides were fighting together.

Bai Xiu was actually watching this scene in the dark at this moment.

He was standing high in the sky.

He was more concerned about Imni, and he had always suspected that this guy was above the Five Old Stars. Im, even after destroying the Holy Land last time, Mariejoia didn’t see Im coming out. I guess Im had other plans.

But after he glanced at the Zanpakutō in Imni’s hand, he felt that something didn’t look like it.

But It is actually a bit difficult to see clearly what a person is like based on his Zanpakutō abilities.

When Shiro Xiu was confused, the Robin Beast Pirates were fighting back and forth.

Shiro Xiu nodded, and outsiders looked at him. He didn’t come out, thinking that Robin was waiting.

But he knew that the freshness was enough to suppress the Beast Pirates at the beginning.

Zanpakutō, everyone’s Zanpakutō is different, and

Zanpakutō is different from The Devil Fruit is different, and here is the sea.

With a few points, it creates the illusion that Robin and a few others can match the Beast Pirates.

Bai Xiu can see it.

But many people can’t see it.

……People watching the live broadcast of Buddha’s Warring States looked at each other in confusion, not knowing what to say for a moment.

Nami and the others went to Soul Society and became so powerful in such a short period of time. This was really unreasonable.

The powerful Rangbutsu Sengoku and Revolutionary Army Dragon in Soul Society, Auntie and others all have complicated eyes.

Of course they don’t know that it’s impossible for everyone who goes to Soul Society to become so powerful. Of course they can become very powerful in the future, but to become the same as Robin Nami in a short period of time, this It’s impossible.

You must know that Bai Xiu is the captain, he is not a philanthropist, and he cannot treat anyone the same way he treats Robin!

Then he doesn’t have to be busy to death!

And although Robin and others obtained such power in a short period of time.

But they lack combat experience and their foundation is not very good.

The reason why they were able to fight Hyakuju Kaido to this point was because Hyakuju Kaido was not yet familiar with their Zanpakutō abilities.

Otherwise, Kaido would have won long ago, so if Robin and others want to defeat Kaido, they must seize the time while Kaido is not yet familiar with their Zanpakutō abilities and are still shocked by the corpses. In these three words, when you don’t dare to make a real killing move, you should take the opportunity to turn defeat into victory, otherwise Robin and the others will lose. Kaido, one of the four emperors, is not so easy to defeat.

Now the three major disasters, as well as the pirate group, and others have begun to attack.

The strength of the three major disasters is actually still higher than Nami and others. But Nami’s Zanpakutō is equally rare. Therefore, Drought Jack and the others also faced the same dilemma as Kaido, that is, they were not familiar with Nami and others’ Zanpakutō abilities, so at the beginning they were unable to take down Nami and others, and they acted a little panicked and at a loss.

The other pirates of the Baise Pirates swarmed forward, but were quickly stopped by Huo Shaoshan and others.

Because Huoshaoshan temporarily received a communication from Buddha’s Sengoku, the Kaido Pirates refused to form an alliance with them. Now the real goal of their alliance is Hueco Mundo, and Soul Society and Hueco Mundo are hostile. There is no absolute in this world. Friends, are there absolute enemies? From this point of view, Soul Society is a friend of their alliance.

So Huo Shaoshan gave the order, and the naval soldiers and the pirates began to duel.

Kaido of the Beasts gritted his teeth. If he was familiar with Robin’s abilities, he could defeat Robin in ten minutes.

But Hyakju Kaido still doesn’t understand Robin’s Zanpakutō, so how can he agree with everything?

Is it to be touched by the Zanpakutō, or something else?

If this was not observed carefully, it would take at least two hours for Kaido to capture Robin.

This battle is definitely Kaido’s most depressing battle.

Half an hour later, Robin said calmly:”Half an hour has passed and you still can’t defeat me, so you can leave as promised!” The three major disasters and the pirates have stopped. He took his hand and looked at Kaido Kaido, hoping that he would make a decision. Are they really going to leave now? Want to withdraw?

“Stop joking, who are you to tell me about promises?”

Hyundai Kaido knew that if he left like this, his reputation would disappear completely. Now Kaido gave the order and decided to continue fighting.

Robin frowned slightly, holding on for half an hour was already the biggest challenge for her. The bottom line is reached. If she continues to hold on, she has no confidence that she can keep the true secret of her Zanpakutō.

As long as Kaido knows how her Zanpakutō agrees with everything, then Kaido can defeat him in ten minutes.!

“As a Yonko, you are a bit shameless.”Robin’s face turned dark and he gritted his teeth and said.

Kaido of the Hundred Beasts looked serious:”Promises are not important at all. There is only one important thing on the sea, and that is that the winner is the king and the loser is the bandit.”

After the words fell, Kaido of the Hundred Beasts waved his hand. He and his pirates decided to continue the attack.

Bai Xiu watched this scene in the dark and shook his head slightly. The mission this time was actually to let Robin The souls of O’Hara were buried so that he could obtain the Invisible Empire, but he did not expect to encounter Kaido of the Beasts.

In other words, Kaido of the Beasts blocked the progress of his mission.

This made Bai Xiu not Very happy.

Bai Xiu suddenly thought of something and smiled slightly at the corner of his mouth

“It seems it’s time for the Masked Legion to come out too!”

As Bai Xiu’s words fell, the system immediately dropped several figures from the False Life Legion behind Bai Xiu, _Fei

Lu reminds you: three things about reading – collection, recommendation, sharing

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