Robin heard Kaido’s words, and she said slowly:”Sanji’s thunder gossip? I think that is too simple, so be it, if you do it in half an hour If you still can’t suppress me, please leave here.”

Half an hour?

Kaido felt that Robin was insulting him. He was one of the Four Emperors after all. Even if Robin went to Soul Society, could he be so strong in such a short period of time? Kaido cannot believe this no matter what.

“No, no, it doesn’t take half an hour, as long as you catch my three thunderous gossips, I’m willing to leave here.”Hundred Beasts Kaido directly asked me to pick it up, but he didn’t believe it. He would use Thunder Bagua with all his strength later, and he could do nothing with the little girl in front of him.

“Okay, then you have to keep your word.”Robin’s pretty face was very serious. At this moment, the people at the temporary naval headquarters base also watched this scene through the live broadcast phone.

Nami and others did not expect to see Robin going to fight with Beast Kai. In this one-on-one scene, they immediately spoke, but instead of worrying, they cheered

“Come on, Robin”

“We all believe that there is absolutely no problem for you to catch Sanji’s thunderous gossip.”

“Yes, you must know that we are students of Soul Society’s Central Spiritual Academy.”


Their words made Hyakushou Kaido almost angry to death. Since when did the Yonko become so worthless?

Kaido’s body is also huge. He has grabbed the mace and appeared in the sky above the warship in a blink of an eye.

“Thunder gossip!!!”Hundred Beasts Kaido made an angry sound, and suddenly waved the mace in his hand. In an instant, the air and other layers were broken. This stick, with great power, rubbed against the space and caused thunder and lightning, which was directed towards Robin hit him hard.

Robin snorted, and the Zanpakutō struck forward with a clang.

The Langya Bang and the Zanpakutō’s power collided together. Because of the power of the pause, Thunder Bagua’s A lot of power was consumed, and now Robin resisted Kaido’s first thunderous gossip.

The marines on the navy warship saw it right, and the pirates of the Beast Pirates present were also dumbfounded.

The navy Temporary headquarters base.

Crocodile was also stunned, not knowing what to say at all.

He was depressed, why was the person who entered Soul Society not himself but Robin? What was Robin’s strength before? No one could compare to him. Crocodile knew better that the Blossom Fruit was actually a devil fruit with little use at all.

But now Robin was able to fight against Kaido the Beast in a short period of time.

Crocodile was really jealous. Hateful, he was also thinking about when the Need Circle would come out again. This time he would join Hueco Mundo at all costs.

Crocodile, on behalf of the Baroque Works Society, joined forces with the Admiral to steal their information and use it as a vote of confidence. , handed over to Hueco Mundo, the people at Buddha don’t know this

“Impossible, this is absolutely impossible!”Hundred Beasts Kaido shouted, and raised the Langya Bang in his hand again. The second Thunderous Gossip struck again.

This time, Hundreds of Beasts Kaido was angry and smashed out the hammer. At least it was normal. 120% of the power of Thunder Bagua.

When this hammer went up, the entire sea area was shaken. If this hammer really hit the sea, many Neptunes under the sea would be killed.

Robin snorted, The Zanpakutō in his hand used the pause ability again, and then the pause ability consumed the power of Thunder Bagua, and the Zanpakutō and the hammer collided together again. The pirates on the Beast Pirates looked at each other, not expecting that their own The captain’s price has indeed dropped now.

He can’t even defeat Robin, the son of the devil.

“It seems that the era of pirates is really over.”

“Yes, the pirate era started by Roger is over. Robin has only joined Soul Society’s Central Spiritual Academy not long ago, and he is so strong. Why are we still fighting for the Pirate King? This is already meaningless”


Most of the people in the Beast Pirates are now dejected, and

Beast Kaido’s domineering look, of course, also noticed their voices.

Kaido of the Beasts gritted his teeth. He knew that if he could not defeat or kill Robin today, his Beasts Pirates would collapse sooner or later and be disbanded.

“”Thunder Bagua”

At this moment, Lei Ming Bagua used all the power of the Overlord’s domineering energy!

This time, the Hundred Beast Kaidu spent even more of his energy and blood, and struck out Thunder Bagua again. With a bang, the mace and Zanpakutō They collided together, and then the air wave headed towards 4, setting off a huge billowing wave.

Robin used his Zanpakutō to resist the thunderous gossip of the 3rd strike, but Robin’s face also turned a little pale.

Princess Weiwei looked Nodding at this scene, she immediately said:”Okay, you can stop fighting. Kaido, as the Four Emperors, you should keep your word. You just said that as long as Robin can block your thunderous gossip, Just willing to leave, you can leave now”

“Of course the Yonko keeps his word!”

Baishou Kaiduo gritted his teeth, feeling aggrieved and angry.

“But didn’t Robin just say that he wants to fight with me for half an hour? If I can’t suppress her in half an hour, I will leave. Then let’s fight again!”

Hearing Baiju Kaido suddenly say these words, even Huoshaoshan on the warship couldn’t help but frown slightly. Robin just said that he would fight Baiju Kaido for half an hour, but Baiju Kaido refused, and now Kaido of the Beasts has used this excuse again. This is so shameless.

……Revolutionary Long and others watching the live broadcast also shook their heads.

The aunt of the four emperors even swore:”I didn’t expect Kaido to become like this. He and I became the four emperors, and I felt so ashamed!” The revolutionary soldier Long said that he could understand the beasts. What did Kaido do?

“Kaido, I think he should not be like this, but now in order to prevent the Beast Pirates from collapsing, he must win. He can lose, but not to a small character like Robin!”

Fo Zhi Warring States nodded. He and the leaders of some forces feel the same way. Of course they can lose, but if they lose to an unknown guy, the impact on their reputation will be too great. No one can Can bear this blow

“It seems that Robin and others are going to lose. The three major disasters among the Beast Pirates will help Kaido no matter what.”

In Buddha’s Warring States Period. After telling his prediction, watching the live broadcast, Princess Nami Weiwei and others also pulled out their Zanpakutō! They called out at the same time.

Buddha’s Warring States Period:”……”

My face hurts so much!

Kaido has his pirate brothers, but now Robin also has sisters who have also awakened the Zanpakutō……._To read the underlined version of the novel, please download the Feilu Novel APP!

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