【There was a power outage yesterday, so I really can’t give you an update. The power outage started on Friday night…….】

“How is this possible?”Fo Zhi Seng Guo picked up the phone, and after listening for a while, his eyes were so surprised that he almost flew out of his head. He shouted, which also attracted the attention of the four emperors, the Eight Treasures Marines, etc.

In the heart of Buddha Zhi Seng Guo A stormy sea surged.

O’Hara, this is the island that was destroyed during his reign.

The destruction was an order given by the Five Old Stars himself.

In the Warring States Period of Buddha, Akainu and Aoki led several lieutenant generals To do it.

With the level of ruthlessness and the terrifying level of the demon-slaying order, it is impossible for O’Hara to continue to exist in this world.

At this moment, the astonished Buddha’s Warring States also attracted everyone’s attention.

“What happened to the Marshal?”

Akainu and other admirals asked one by one.

At this time, Buddha of Warring States looked at Akainu and Aokiji.

“Do you remember when the Demon-Slaying Order destroyed O’Hara?”

Admirals Akainu and Aoki nodded one by one.

The Demon Slaughter Order is a special order ordered by the World Government, which means destroying everything.

Some admirals in history may not be able to execute it once in their lives.

Between Akainu and In Aokiji’s life, the number of demon-slaying orders is also limited.

Of course they remember such things.

Not to mention Akainu and Aokiji, even the Yonko Aunt and others clearly remember this matter.

Just let them What is puzzling is why the Fori Warring States period suddenly mentioned this matter again?

“O’Hara reappeared.”After glancing at everyone, Buddha’s Sengoku said this to them in a solemn voice.


The most unbelievable among them are Akainu and Aokiji.

The destruction of Ohara Island back then, It’s their fault.

They clearly remember that O’Hara was indeed destroyed.

“It seems to be related to Hueco Mundo.”

At this time, the revolutionary Long suddenly spoke, and everyone looked at the revolutionary Long.

At this time, Long’s demeanor was very steady, and he said:”Have you forgotten? If the captain of the Gotei 13 team asks Kuchiki Byakuya to take over!”


Buddha’s Warring States reacted quickly and notified Huoshaoshan via a phone bug:”Open the live phone bug and use a private live broadcast.”

In this case, the live broadcast will only be seen by one party, and will not be seen by everyone in the world.

Huo Shaoshan on the other side also nodded and opened the private mode of the live broadcast phone bug.

This is the phone bug modified by Vegapunk after the Hueco Mundo incident in the East China Sea.

At this time, the revolutionary Long Long was in the temporary naval headquarters base. Wait, the four emperors and the other aunts all watched the live broadcast one by one.

The strange island now appeared in front of the live broadcast screen, and there were screams in it, and the voices were plaintive, miserable, and infiltrating.

O’Hara seems to have really turned into an island of the dead, and imaginary roars can be heard from it.

Now, the revolutionaries and others are looking at the people in the navy. What is wrong with O’Hara?


The destruction of O’Hara proved to a certain extent the extremism of the World Government and the Navy Headquarters.

At this moment, O’Hara’s undead has returned.

This is basically the disaster planted by the Demon-Slaying Order.

Buddha’s Warring States Period:”……”

He feels that he seems to be the target of a thousand people now……

“What happened back then was an order from Wulaoxing, and I didn’t have the slightest power to resist!”

Buddha’s Warring States Period has now begun to throw the blame to the Five Old Stars.

Of course, in the Warring States Period himself, he is not asking the Five Old Stars to take the blame, but that the pot should belong to them in the first place.

“look! Kaido and the others are actually nearby too?”Yonko Auntie looked at the live broadcast and suddenly noticed the pirate ship that faintly appeared in the live broadcast screen, and just shouted.

Now everyone looked at the live broadcast, and sure enough, except for the patrol navy of Huoshaoshan near O’Hara, In addition to the warship fleet, there are also the Kaido Pirates and a group of his affiliated pirate groups.

Many forces already know that Kaido wants to find a place to find super-ancient weapons.

They also understand why Kaido is in Austria. Near Hara.

The Yonko’s aunt now said helplessly:”I hope Kaido won’t say anything stupid. Don’t act rashly. You must know that he still owes me.”……”

At this point, I actually stopped talking about it. Even those who called me Buddha’s Warring States looked speechless.

……At the same time, he was in the narrow room of Soul Society’s Central Spiritual Arts Academy.

The first person to open her eyes was none other than Robin. She finally knew the name of her Zanpakutō.

Bai Xiu nodded, knowing that the mission should continue.

【Ding, the mission completion degree is 50 at this moment%】

“Robin, did you know that O’Hara has reappeared!”

After Robin gained the power of the Zanpakutō, she was so happy that she didn’t know what to say. She finally had the strength to protect herself. However, she didn’t expect the captain’s sudden words to shock her whole body.

Robin will never forget that O’Hara is her hometown.

Robin will never forget the destruction of O’Hara in her life.

Nor will she forget that her relatives died in the O’Hara incident.

From that day on, She truly became an orphan.

She worked hard to survive

“Robin, you have read a lot of books since you came to the Central Spiritual Academy. You should know how we should deal with them now!”

Hearing this sentence, Robin gritted his teeth and said two words

“Soul burial!!!”

Bai Xiu nodded with satisfaction.

At this moment, Nami, El, Nicole, Imni and others also opened their eyes one by one.

With the help of the captain Bai Xiu , they also awakened their Zanpakutō very quickly,

“Now I give you a task!”

Originally, students from the Central Academy of Spiritual Arts rarely perform tasks.

But that doesn’t mean they can’t do tasks.

With the voice of the squadron leader Bai Xiu, everyone came to their senses one by one and clicked. nod

“Please give the captain’s orders.”

Nami nodded.

Bai Xiu nodded and glanced at Imni without noticing. To be honest, he also wanted to take this opportunity to observe whether this guy was Imni.

“Your mission is to assist Robin!”

After Bai Xiu said this, he turned around and left.

“I will open the gate for you, right at the intersection between the narrow spaces. Go ahead.”

As long as he completes this incident, he will unblock the invisible empire, and it can also be said that he will obtain an invisible empire…….Robin waited for this moment and walked towards the boundary gate at the narrow intersection one by one.

At the same time, above the sea, the atmosphere on O’Hara Island was still terrifying.

Huo Shaoshan didn’t dare to approach, so he could only live broadcast from a distance.

But Kaido finally couldn’t hold it any longer.

No matter what happened with O’Hara’s appearance,

Kaido felt that he had to give it a try, maybe he could get the whereabouts of super ancient weapons.

“Fire off!”

He wants to try it first to see if the cannonballs can have any effect on the undead.

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