Everyone who is about to become a god of death and awaken his Zanpakutō will definitely enter a world that only he can enter, where he will see magical sights, magical creatures, and even some weird people.

They are actually slashing swords.

As long as you call out their name, your Zanpakuto will appear in the world.

Now Bai Xiu quietly looked at Robin and others who were stunned on the spot, seemingly in a trance.

Warranty hopes that they can awaken their Zanpakutō.

At the same time, Bai Xiu took a special look at Imni. Is this guy an Imni above the Five Old Stars?

Bai Xiu doesn’t know this yet.

Of course, it doesn’t matter even if it’s Yim. Bai Xiu doesn’t think that Yim can be his opponent if he awakens his Zanpakutō.

【.Ding, mission completion level 20%】

Bai Xiu thought about it and said,”The system will start now.”

With Bai Xiu’s words, the system also began to create O’Hara in this world.

O’Hara was originally Robin’s hometown. The World Government considered the threat of interpreting historical texts, so when Robin was 8 years old, it launched the Demon-Slaying Order to destroy O’Hara, leaving only Robin as the survivor.

The place O’Hara should have completely disappeared, but under the power of the system, this place has now reappeared.

……Kaido the Beast is now leading his pirate group to search the sea area and start looking for the remains of Obara.

In fact, there are no ruins in O’Hara at all. Even where O’Hara was originally, it has completely disappeared from the map, but Kaido still knows which sea area it is probably in.

Following Kaido’s order, his pirate group dispersed and began to look for O’Hara.

Kaido of the Beast knows that it is unrealistic to find a destroyed O’Hara, but he still has some hope in his heart, hoping to find some clues about super ancient weapons, which is also good.

Without super-ancient weapons, Hyakushou Kaido felt that he could not return to the majesty of the four emperors.

There is Soul Society, there is Hueco Mundo, when will he, Kaido the Beast, be arrogant?

Now, the Ocelot Pirates have come to a sea area.

This group of pirates is an affiliate of the Beast Pirates. They are now searching the sea area. However, they have been busy for a day and haven’t seen anything.

Captain Ocelot couldn’t help but sigh.

I originally thought that life would be much easier after joining the Beast Pirates, but I didn’t expect that life would be so difficult now.

His vice-captain walked up step by step. He was a figure similar to Crow, the captain of the Black Cat Pirates.

He was very cunning. He rolled his eyes and said,”Actually, we don’t want to search so seriously at all. O’Hara can’t be found at all. We just need to search casually and then go back and fool him.”.”

The captain of the Ocelot Pirate Ship nodded, and he also felt that the other captains of the Beast Pirates must have thought the same way.

But just when he thought so, his eyes suddenly widened, and his fingers trembled as he pointed at the green island in front of him.

“So…then what is this?”

The vice-captain turned his head and looked stunned.

Not to mention them, the other people on the pirate ship looked at each other as if they had seen a ghost.

“No, we were here just now. There was no such island just now.”

“This is too weird. When did this island appear?”

“So do we still want to go to this island now?”

Everyone on the pirate ship looked at each other, feeling numb. There are islands on the sea, which is normal.

But the appearance of this island is so weird, no matter how you think about it, it feels very wrong.

There was nothing just now. In the blink of an eye, this island came out?

The captain of the Ocelot Pirate Ship, who can also be regarded as the biggest pirate in the new world, gritted his teeth and said:”Don’t you think this island looks like the legendary O’Hara?”

As for the pictures of O’Hara Island, the Beast Pirates can still get them.

But once the Navy Headquarters issued a demon-slaying order, everyone in the sea knew about it. So the question is, what happened to O’Hara?” Maybe it happened again?

“This thing is so weird, I think we should go back and tell Captain Kaido!”Captain Ocelot does not dare to go to this island.

As he finished speaking, other people nodded, and they thought so too.

But at this moment……

“We want revenge!”

“What did we do wrong?”

“We want revenge……”

The beautiful island of O’Hara, with its many green vegetation, changed in an instant, becoming deeply gloomy, and then came out a series of terrifying sounds that made people feel hairy in their hearts.

At the same time, arms suddenly rushed over from the island. No one had ever seen such a long arm. This arm now grabbed the pirate ship and pulled it in the direction of O’Hara. passed




The scholars above O’Hara have turned into resentful spirits at this moment. They are close to virtuality, and some scholars have even directly turned into virtual existences.

The tree of omniscience also appeared on this island, and he also became a void, not just an ordinary void.

The next moment, there were screams above the sea. These miserable screams resounded all around. Even Kaido of the Beasts and some passing navy warships also heard it.

The cry was terrifying.

Kaido of the Hundred Beasts came to take a look with the three major disasters. Unexpectedly, he saw O’Hara. The originally green O’Hara, all the green environment disappeared, and it was filled with an evil atmosphere.

Kaido was stunned for a moment. The aura in it was so weird. Even he, Kaido, the beast, was conflicted at this moment. Should he go in?

The passing navy were even more frightened. They just went out for a patrol and discovered that the once-annihilated O’Hara Island had reappeared.

Lieutenant General Huo Shaoshan on the warship also participated in the Demon Slaying Order.

He still clearly remembered that the island had been destroyed by them.

But what is going on with the island in front of me?

Huo Shaoshan immediately took out his phone bug and contacted the navy headquarters.

“I am the Warring States Period of Buddha.”The person who answered the phone bug was Buddha Sengoku. He was arguing with Charlotte Lingling and others about who would dominate after the alliance!

Unexpectedly, at this time, the phone bug started calling.

“it’s me……I saw……I……”Huo Shaoshan didn’t know what to say. On the O’Hara island in front of him, evil voices gradually began to sound…….Come in and be our guest……We are human beings……We at O’Hara are very hospitable.

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