Cyborg Sora’s death can naturally be exchanged for Kurosaki Ichigo. As for Kurosaki Ichigo’s two sisters, Bai Xiu thought they could be packaged and given to him together, because the strength of these two sisters was negligible, and the appearance of Kurosaki Ichigo’s two sisters would also be beneficial to the construction of the Central Spiritual Arts Academy. If it is helpful, they can definitely be admitted to the Central Spiritual Arts Academy to study.

After Bai Xiu nodded, he flicked his fingers, and three rays of light appeared. Then Kurosaki Ichigo and his two sisters immediately appeared in front of Kurosaki Isshin.

Kurosaki Ichigo and his two younger sisters, Kurosaki Kari and Kurosaki Yuko, looked at the unfamiliar environment in front of them and blinked their eyes, looking very confused.

At this moment, Kurosaki Ichigo is Kurosaki Ichigo who has not awakened the Zanpakutō at all, which is the Kurosaki Ichigo in the first episode of”Bleach”, but the powerful potential in his body was still noticed by Shirosaki.

“Dad, why are you dressed like this?”At this time, Kurosaki Ichigo had not yet come into contact with the Shinigami and did not know what the Shinigami was. When he saw his father wearing a Shinigami costume, his eyes widened. Even his two younger sisters looked surprised and secretly thought that he was old. Dad won’t become a bad middle-aged man, right?

Before Kurosaki Isshin could explain, Kurosaki Masaki’s voice sounded first.

“It’s Ichigo, you’re Ichigo, right? You’re Ichigo, right?”

Masaki Kurosaki was very excited. She asked the same question three times in succession.

Ichigo Kurosaki and his two younger sisters also looked over immediately. When they saw Masaki Kurosaki’s appearance, their bodies couldn’t help but move. Trembling.

This trembling is very strange. It is not just fear, but also joy, confusion and other unknown emotions.

When Kurosaki Ichigo’s two younger sisters were young, their mother had passed away, but Kurosaki Ichigo He has always hung photos of his wife on the wall, so these two sisters also know Kurosaki Masaki.

Now Kurosaki Ichigo and his two sisters are dumbfounded


Masaki Kurosaki couldn’t help but walked over. Ichigo Kurosaki stretched out his hand, but he didn’t dare to get close to Masaki Kurosaki. He was afraid that this was an illusion. Ichigo Kurosaki had always blamed himself. It was his relationship. Killed his mother

“Ichigo, what are you doing? This is what happened……”Kurosaki knew that his child could not accept such a dreamy reality, so he told the existence of the God of Death one by one.

Ichigo Kurosaki and his two sisters looked at each other, and they all saw the shock in their pupils, but it was not unacceptable to them, because they often saw things that others could not see.

Kurosaki Ichigo has now confirmed that the person in front of him who looks like his mother is really his mother


Kurosaki Ichigo has always behaved like a delinquent, but in front of Kurosaki Masaki, Kurosaki Ichigo finally cried, and his tears couldn’t stop flowing out.

Kurosaki Ichigo’s two My sister is like this too

“Don’t cry, this is a great event, something that makes people happy, right?”

Isshin Kurosaki immediately walked up and said slowly.

Ichigo Kurosaki and his two sisters nodded. Now they are finally reunited as a family. In their opinion, there is nothing better than this in the world.

Everyone in the battle on top and watching the live broadcast looked at each other in shock. They didn’t expect that things would develop like this. At the same time, many people wanted to ask Soul Society for help. They also had dead family members and didn’t know if they would have a chance to see each other again. To them.

Bai Xiu smiled slightly and said slowly:”We can leave now.”

As soon as he said these words, the people who had been frightened by Buddha’s Warring States period were finally relieved.

The battle on the top was completely over.

But was it really over so easily?

……At this moment, Nami has made a huge bamboo raft and asked the sisters above Douban Island to go with her. However, many sisters were afraid and only two girls who looked as big as herself followed.

One is named Elle and the other is named Imni.

These two are very beautiful girls. In Nami’s opinion, the beauty of these two girls is no less than her own.

The other girls on Beijia Island are trembling with fear and refuse to leave the Wei family’s island. They feel that it is too scary outside. They are willing to live alone on this island until they die of old age.

Just when Elle and Imni boarded Nami’s raft.

Copying the Five Old Stars knew that it was time to take action on his own, because Im once told him that he should let the wind rise on the sea at this time and send the bamboo raft to the direction of the Navy Headquarters.

Now there are three girls on the bamboo raft. The Five Old Star Copyers know that one of them must be Lady Yimu, but which one is Lady Yimu? Copying the Five Old Stars is not yet certain.

But he carried out the order as he had said before. Suddenly, the wind blew on the sea. Nami, El and Imni were on the bamboo raft. Of course, the strongest among them was Imni. She was a bit mature and would Nami and Elle were in her arms. Under this strong wind, the bamboo raft was flying at a speed, heading towards the Navy Headquarters. Of course, the current Navy Headquarters was just a ruin.

Bai Xiu, who was about to leave the navy headquarters and enter the boundary gate, also noticed the arrival of this wind.

The wind is getting stronger and stronger. At first, the wind can only speed up the bamboo raft, but then it has a power that can destroy everything. The bamboo raft rushes into the naval headquarters. At this time, the strong wind starts It strengthened violently and seemed to be chopping with blades.


“Who will save me?”Nami and Elle were so frightened that they screamed in panic. Only Imni, who looked very mature, gritted her teeth and did not call for help in fear. Before

Bai Xiu could speak, the gods of death had already… I went to protect these three girls. The responsibility of the God of Death is actually protection and justice.

This wind and wave was slashing towards the Navy Headquarters, and the earth was cracked inch by inch.

“let’s go!”

After Bai Xiu glanced at the three girls who had been rescued by his subordinates, he found that these three girls were actually not very powerful.

They were ordinary.

His body directly entered the world-piercing gate.

The gods of death are now also going to kill the three girls.

The children were brought into the door.

Of course, before entering, Kuchiki Byakuya gave them three pills.

These were pills invented by Urahara Kisuke in advance, which can turn the body into a spirit body.

After taking this pill, In this world, it is a human body, but in Soul Society, it is a woman’s body.

This was invented by Urahara Kisuke by combining some technologies from the pirate world.

The Shinigami left and the world-traveling gate was closed, but this strong wind did not disappear. Copy Wulaoxing didn’t know the situation at the Navy Headquarters, so he blew out the last gust of wind, and then left the distant island. The last gust of wind bombarded the Navy Headquarters, and suddenly the entire island completely collapsed and was shattered. , many navy admirals were seriously injured due to the battle, and now they have fallen into the sea.

The same is true for the live broadcast phone bug. Now that the live broadcast is completely over, people all over the world are looking at each other, not knowing the fate of the navy and the Whitebeard Pirates. What will be the fate of the pirates?

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