There is no doubt that people all over the world are watching this live broadcast now.

They all also heard what Shiro Xiu, the captain of the Gotei 13, said.

Bai Xiu’s words seemed like a violent storm, sweeping every corner of the sea.

What did they just hear? Quincy?

What kind of existence is a Quincy? Many big figures on the sea began to ponder, secretly thinking that they had never heard of the existence of the Quincy. Could it be that the Quincy and the Shinigami, like Hueco Mundo, were both incredible beings?

At the same time, Bai Xiu just said that Kurosaki Masaki’s power is comparable to that of a captain of the Shinigami.

You must know that the current captain levels are existences like Hitsugaya Toushiro, Kuchiki Byakuya, and Zaraki Kenpachi. Each of them can single-handedly defeat the Five Old Stars and kill them.

So isn’t this Masaki Kurosaki’s power also so powerful?

What exactly is a Quincy? So how many Quincy are there in the world?

Thinking of this, many people feel numb.

I can’t imagine it, I can’t believe it.

A Soul Society has already turned the world upside down, and Hueco Mundo’s Aizen has already shown a terrifying power that is invincible.

Now, with the addition of a Quincy, the terrifying existence is completely unknown.

Many people on the sea suddenly felt that the world they knew before was wrong. In the past, they thought that the most powerful ones were the World Government, the Navy Headquarters and the Four Emperors of the New World.

But I didn’t expect that the God of Death, the Hollow, and the Quincy would appear in the world now…

So has a new era arrived? Should the World Government, the Navy, and the Four Emperors abdicate? The person was pulled down forcefully.

They seem to become something from an old time.

Some are no longer keeping up with the trend.

Doflamingo from the Navy Headquarters also stared at this scene blankly. He was originally full of confidence and felt that he could become the Pirate King, but because of the emergence of Soul Society, he felt that he had been hit. The achievements in Soul Society were beyond his imagination.

He was eager to seek help from Hueco Mundo, but he didn’t expect that he had not cooperated with Hueco Mundo yet, and now he met the so-called Quincy, an existence comparable to the God of Death.

“The three words”One Piece” are no longer valuable!!!”

Doflamingo couldn’t help but murmur to himself at this moment, and said this sentence. Roger’s death opened the era of great pirates, but how many people are now pursuing the word”One Piece” on the sea?

Corpse Soul The emergence of the world, the emergence of Hueco Mundo, and the emergence of the Quincy have gradually proven that pirates do not seem to be powerful.

“Yes, I decided to give up being a pirate.”The person beside Doflamingo is Crocodile. He heard Doflamingo’s words and he agreed with Doflamingo’s words. Whitebeard is dead, but Crocodile always has a feeling, It is impossible for Whitebeard, who is not simple, to die like that. Maybe he will become a god of death or a hollow in the future.

By then, Whitebeard’s power will be even more powerful. After Crocodile thought of this, he felt that he could not No longer standing still, pirates belong to the old era, and Crocodile must enter the new era to gain strength.

At the naval headquarters, Buddha’s Sengoku was also stunned and didn’t know what to say. Cyborg Kong He is his teacher. He is very clear about his teacher’s thoughts, but now he feels that his teacher seems to be seeking death.

A woman who originally thought he could defeat easily turned out to be destroyed with a mysterious color. Master

Garp, Lieutenant General He had a complex expression on his face, secretly wondering whether today’s Cyborg Kong would be like the Vector Five Old Star, ending his legendary life and then die in this place.

“Do not make jokes!!!”Cyborg Kong could notice the pitiful looks in others’ eyes when they looked at him. They were all sympathizing with him. They finally chose a woman as their opponent. They didn’t expect that this woman was also comparable to Captain Death. They felt that he was Cyborg. Kong was too pitiful.

Such a look made Cyborg Kong furious. Now the Iron Giant’s fist had been raised, and it was covered with armed domineering energy. The Iron Giant’s fist fell hard, the space was shattered, and the air was hundreds of miles away. , are all turbulent, which proves the terrifying power of this fist, enough to destroy everything.

But facing such a powerful fist, Kurosaki Masaki looked calm, showing the calm quality that a Quincy should have.

Now Kurosaki Masaki is the bowstring of the bow of light that is slowly pulled.

The arrow of light on the bow of light is aimed at the chest of the steel giant.

This is the power of the Quincy, and most Quincy use it All were bows and arrows of light.

Bai Xiu looked at this scene with interest. He was really curious about the strength of the Quincy.

At the same time, Bai Xiu also asked the system

“Aizen’s template has reached 100%, so will you give me a new boss template? For example, Yohabach!”

When the system heard this sentence, his answer was”It’s not that easy.

The current Soul Society has not completely started to develop.

Although the construction and other things are complete, normal operations have not started.

For example, the Central Soul Society The Academy of Arts has not recruited new students at the moment.

If you think about it carefully, aren’t Robin, Princess Vivi and others very talented? At the same time, the white beard in Hueco Mundo has now turned into a hollow head.

Don’t you think he Is it very potential to become one of the Ten Blades in Group 2?]

The system is changing the topic, but Bai Xiu knows that one day in the future he will definitely get a new boss template, that is Yhwach.

But what about this template? operation, it depends on what kind of tasks the system will release at that time.


Finally, Kurosaki Masaki’s light arrow was launched.

The speed was too fast.

It was like a meteor flashing by.

This arrow was so fast that Hawkeye and others could not see clearly.

In their hearts Trembling.

If I face such an arrow, I will definitely die.

“I can definitely resist it.”The steel giant transformed by Cyborg Kong punched the arrow of light with a heavy punch, but!


Under the arrow of light, everything was destroyed.

Cyborg Kong had disappeared in the next moment!

There wasn’t even time to scream!

The Quincy’s power was also terrifying.

The majestic Cyborg Sora just now disappeared in the blink of an eye…….

Buddha’s Warring States Period and others were all sweaty and frightened inside.

He felt that the Navy Headquarters must recuperate and stop thinking about things. It is unrealistic to be an enemy of the God of Soul Society.

Masaki Kurosaki looked at Shiro Xiu immediately:”The person I killed seemed to be the commander-in-chief of this world. So if I kill one person, can all three of my children appear?”

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