Kurosaki wanted to kill a very powerful person. The meaning of his words was heard by the Vector Five Old Stars and others. At this moment, the cloned Five Old Stars on the distant island lost their ability to control the bodies of Vector Five Old Stars and others..

Because the copy five old stars heard the voice of Lord Im

“Now let the situation at the Navy Headquarters develop freely.”

Copying the Five Old Stars did not dare to disobey Lord Im’s orders at all.

……This is Doubi Island. This was once one of Vegapunk’s islands. Vegapunk developed many weapons for the Navy Headquarters. The Navy Headquarters naturally rewarded him with many things, including many islands. Bega Island is the nearest island around Marinevando where the Navy headquarters is located. Bega Punk has already left here. There should be no one here, but Im once ordered to copy the Five Old Stars and put many girls there. Caught here.

No one knows why Im trying to copy the Five Old Stars?

But at this moment, Yi Mu’s figure entered Beijia Island, and then she took off the noble royal robe worn by the king. She also put on an ordinary girl’s clothes, and then blended in with the group of girls on Bejia Island. among.

Why did Im do this?

At this moment, no one still knew her plan.

Im used the power of rules again.

What she wants is that no one will see that she has great power.

At the same time, she also set a rule. She wanted to become friends with these girls from childhood to adulthood.

This is equivalent to tampering with the memories of these girls.

With the combination of the two, Im also lost something, such as an indifferent heart.

But Im still remembers his identity and his purpose.

Now Im and the girls on Bejia Island are playing together in a friendly manner

……This is the naval headquarters, Marineland.

It’s a mess here.

It was a wasteland with no buildings at all.

Now that everyone had regained control over their bodies, they looked at the Vector Five Old Stars one by one. They felt that the object Isshin Kurosaki was talking about should be the Vector Five Old Stars..

The forehead of the Vector Five Old Star was drooping, with drops of cold sweat.

Now only two of the five Five Old Stars are dead. The Vector Five Old Star really doesn’t want to die anymore. He immediately stretched out his finger and pointed at Ganggu Kong.

“You are the strongest here, and the person he is talking about is you, oh, just go up and fight him.”

Cang Gukong felt that he had always been loyal to Wulaoxing, but he didn’t expect that at this point, Wulaoxing would actually push him into the water.

Cyborg Kong clenched his fists. She still had her ideals unfulfilled, naturally. He was unwilling to die, so he looked at Akainu

“Chiquan, I think your behavior is the most annoying in Soul Society. The person they are talking about should be you!”

Akainu was even more angry when he heard this. When Cyborg Kong ordered everyone to attack Soul Society just now, no one in the navy headquarters listened to Cyborg Kong’s words. It was Akainu who could stand up. , Akainu originally thought that Goku Kong would specially reward him and let him become the future marshal of the navy, but he did not expect that Goku Kong would actually reward him and reward him to die.

Now the world government has become noisy, and they are arguing. Who is going to die?

Kurosaki looked at them with some confusion. He thought of something, suddenly realized, and said slowly:”I seemed to have made a mistake just now. Killing someone can bring my wife back to me, but I still Have three children.”

Hearing this, everyone on the World Government side and everyone on the Navy side fell silent.

Doesn’t this mean that four people have to die?

At this moment, Akainu showed the vector of the Five Old Stars and Cyborg. A decision that Sora does not have

“Did you hear that? Did you all hear that? What he wants is four people. If they don’t resist now, they will die faster in the future!”

At this moment, Akainu no longer cares about the issue of superiority and inferiority.

Originally, the Navy wanted to use Whitebeard as a stepping stone through the war, but they didn’t expect that things would evolve into this situation. Whitebeard He was indeed dead, but the Navy’s face was not picked up, but was thrown further, and the Navy’s dignity was trampled even more severely.

Akainu was also broken now, and he headed towards the Vector Five Old Star and Cyborg Kong He roared angrily, even if these two people don’t let him become the marshal of the navy in the future, so what? The marshal of the navy at the moment is the most shameful position in the world. Who wants it? I have to say that Akainu is very angry.

The Vector Five Old Stars and Cyborg Kong nodded.

They felt that what Akainu said was indeed reasonable. If they don’t resist now, they will definitely die later.

Now Cyborg Kong, the Vector Five Old Stars, and Akainu are all at the same time Of course, there were members of cp0 as well.

The pacifists also followed closely.

As for Buddha’s Sengoku and Garp, Aokiji, Fujitora Yixiao, Golden Emperor, Green Bull and others, after they gained control of the body , they don’t want to continue fighting.

They feel that what they have to do now is to cease the war, recuperate, and there is no certainty at all that they will continue to fight.

At this moment, the power of the pacifists, Akainu, Cyborg Kong, etc. are gathering again They came together and blasted away fiercely.

The power they gathered seemed to be as bright as a shooting star, coming all the way towards Kurosaki Isshin.

Kurosaki Isshin used the ghost path.

At this moment, he became more and more He is familiar with the power in his body, and the self in his prime is constantly coming back.

When he thinks of fighting, he can have his wife and children appear by his side at the same time, making the family completely happy.

Kurosaki Isshin feels that he is full of fighting spirit.

Now, he Released the ghost path,

“”Ghost Bullet” is a skill with an obscure name.

However, in the original Death God, he once used this skill to hit Aizen…….


Kurosaki concentrates spiritual pressure on his fingertips and releases a huge shock wave by flicking his forehead.

The shock wave and the power of Vector Wulaoxing and others collided together, boom!

A huge sound, roaring.

The girls on the Beijia Island, which is the closest to here, can naturally hear such a sound.

The girls on this island are trembling with fear.

Yi Mu is hiding in it. What happens to the other girls, so does she. Of course, Yi Mu is hiding in it. Mu has already thought about it. She needs to change her name. After all, she is not sure whether Soul Society already knows the name”Im”.

Here, there is only one girl who is not afraid, she is Nami.

After she and Luffy separated, she was accidentally caught by the Five Old Stars and brought to Beijia Island. Having experienced hardships since childhood, she deeply understood the principle of self-improvement.

Finally, she built a huge bamboo raft. ,

“Sisters, who is willing to leave here with me?”……On this side, the power of Vector Five Old Star and others was completely torn apart. Kurosaki Isshin’s blow came with killing intent.

Vector Five Old Star was the first to bear the brunt.

His eyes widened.

He didn’t want to die yet.


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