Only Shiro and the Shinigami know what kind of reward Kurosaki wants.

But Wulaoxing and others didn’t know this at all, they just thought it was money or something.

“I can give you half of the world government’s wealth as long as you do things for us.”

Vector Wulaoxing was manipulated by the copy Wulaoxing, and then said these words

“In fact, you don’t have to work for us all your life, you just need to do this one thing, join us in killing the God of Death in Soul Society”

“As long as you do this, most of the World Government’s property will belong to you.”

Whether it is the copying old star or the vector five old star, I think this strategy should be successful, because Kurosaki Isshin’s performance is different from other Shinigami. When Kurosaki Isshin spoke just now, there was a philistine atmosphere between his eyebrows..

But Kurosaki Isshin shook his head. He was a philistine because he wanted to be a father and a mother, and he planned carefully to raise his children, so it became like this. At this moment, Kurosaki Isshin rejected them:” I���It’s not money or anything, but a person.”

Wulaoxing didn’t notice Kurosaki Isshin’s tone. He had become completely cold, and he just said:”Human? who? Is it a woman? As long as you do something for us, I can get any woman and give her to you.”

But in Kurosaki Isshin’s view, Wu Laoxing’s words were simply an insult to his wife. For a moment, a cold murderous intent enveloped the entire heavy rain, and even the air stopped under Kurosaki Isshin’s terrifying murderous intent.

“Wulaoxing is really good at seeking death.”As Bai Xiu looked at this scene, he couldn’t help but secretly think in his heart that Isshin Kurosaki loved his wife very much, and Bai Xiu could see this.

In the original work of Death, the Quincy of Isshin Kurosaki, Once you die, you can never come back.

When Bai Xiu watched the Bleach in his previous life, he always thought that Kurosaki Isshin’s wife would come back in the end, but he never expected that he would never appear again.

At that time, many people watched the Bleach.

When this anime started, I thought that Isshin Kurosaki’s wife would not really die like this, but I didn’t expect that after the anime and the manga ended, there was still no sign of Isshin Kurosaki’s wife appearing.

The world of

Bleach is wonderful. , but it was a bit unfinished. This is a matter of public opinion.

On the other side, the Vector Five Old Stars had already noticed Kurosaki Isshin’s murderous intention, and his expression suddenly changed to shit.

What did the people from Buddha’s Warring States Period and Garp Cyborg Kong guess? , all frowned slightly, looking a little unbelievable.

Vice Admiral He is one of the few smart people in the navy. She now said slowly:”Now I think we all have the same guess, right? He wants to The person he wanted was actually his wife, and his wife was already dead!”

Then Soul Society is really the place where the dead go after death.

Does Bai Xiu have some kind of power to resurrect the dead?

Thinking of this, everyone present felt their scalps go numb. If Bai Xiu really mastered this It is almost impossible for people to master the power, then this world is destined to belong to Soul Society.

Think carefully, if Soul Society has such power, will some dead beings continue to appear in the future.

For example, there are One day Roger and Rocks will appear in front of them. Thinking of this, Buddha Sengoku and others are even more frightened.

Kurosaki Isshin knows that they have guessed the reason, and he doesn’t want to hide anything, so he just nodded.

“Your guess is right, my wife is dead, but the captain has the ability to resurrect her!”

As he said these words, everyone in the space suddenly became silent.

They looked at each other in disbelief.

In this way, this Soul Society is really the world after the death of the dead, and this Bai Xiu is even more He has incredible abilities.

Everyone on the sea is terrified when he thinks about it.

This is a new world.

All the pirates in the Kaido Pirates who were watching the live broadcast looked at each other, and they all saw what was in each other’s eyes. The deeply hidden look of astonishment

“Boss Kaido, do you think this is true?”

Drought Jack stammered.

He can be regarded as the great pirate in the new world, and he is also a well-informed person.

He also learned the news from Baroque Studio, and many forces around the world also knew it. This news, but no one believed it at the time because this kind of thing was too absurd.

But now that things have developed to such a point, they seem to have no choice but to believe it.


Kaido’s eyes were full of shock.

Kaido, who used to be fearless, is really scared now.

Soul Society is a world where the dead go after death. At this moment, it was completely established that people all over the world believed this.

Kaido suddenly thought of something and his body shivered, thinking that Rocks would reappear in front of him one day.

Kaido felt like his body was shaking uncontrollably!

Rocks, that’s a pervert!

“Boss Kaido, what do you think we should do now?”

At this moment, everyone in Kaido’s child head looked at Kaido, hoping that Kaido could tell them what to do in the future.

This Soul Society is really powerful. Every Shinigami has such a hateful power, not only That’s all, they are actually in the world after death. They do not exist somewhere in this world, but in another world.

“Shut up, I don’t know!”

But Kaido is already upset now. Facing Soul Society, he doesn’t dare to provoke them now. Even if people from Soul Society appear in front of him, Kaido will feel that he will definitely retreat..

Kaido doesn’t want to mess with this force in Soul Society.

Unless he can find ultra-ancient weapons.

……Not only that, but the aunt, one of the four emperors, was also trembling.

Auntie originally thought that she could have a child with someone from the Soul Society, but now this idea has disappeared.

Auntie is just praying to Soul Society not to come to the new world.

At present, the scope of activities of the Soul Society is still in the first half of the Grand Line, and has not reached the second half of the Great Line. If they really come, the Four Emperors feel that they will have a huge headache, and they don’t know how to deal with the corpses. world relationship.

Do you want to send your daughter as a gift? ? ?

Now the four emperors’ aunt couldn’t help but think of such a way……Now, Kurosaki Isshin raised his Zanpakutō and pointed it at the Vector Gorohoshi and others.

“Who among you has the highest status?”

The sword is sharpened to the pig and the sheep!

Kurosaki Isshin can’t hold it anymore and wants to quickly kill a big shot in this world and resurrect his wife.

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