285: Ye Xuan ascent of the Thunderbolt [automatic subscription requested

The scope of the stone is not large, but attracts the attention of many cultivators, Ye Xuan did not see the so-called demon genius, I do not know whether they have entered the Thunder Peak.

Walking to the stone forest, Ye Xuan looked at the thunder peak, towering into the clouds, at the moment the sunset, the wine shines in it, golden, giving a sense of sacredness, and under the sacredness, hidden is a huge crisis.

Suddenly, there is a cultivator rose to the sky, towards the thunder peak, his whole body was a blue light wrapped, powerful breath in the void vibration, like lightning, want to enter the thunder peak to leave their own traces.

Soon, he encountered a thunderbolt, the lightning speed is amazing, almost an instant to fall, fiercely smashed on top of the blue light, immediately the cultivator shake, the blue light cracks, began to break.

The man gritted his teeth, the great light, blue light more and more dazzling, towards the mountainside, soon, he encountered countless lightning, as if the rain poured, pouring out, emitting deafening sound.

,24The blue light in the lightning as if the sea under the storm boat, lost control, scurrying around, finally can not carry the lightning, from the thunder peak, a wreck, fell to the ground, seriously injured.

The power of the thunderbolt, really terrifying, that person’s strength is extraordinary, trying to leave a trace here, but did not even reach the mountainside, they were knocked down, causing a sigh of relief.

Ye Xuan just watched quietly, and then headed towards the Thunder Peak, he wanted to climb this dangerous peak.

“Fellow Daoist, you want to climb the peak?” A cultivator noticed Ye Xuan’s movement, the man sitting on the stone pillar, was basking in the terrifying aura emanating from the lightning, and his gaze looked towards Ye Xuan.

Ye Xuan looked back at him and nodded, “I want to see it.”

“Take care, do not force yourself to climb.” The man kindly reminded.

Ye Xuan nodded, he is not as loud as the previous cultivator, just towards the thunder peak, even so, still attracted the attention of some people.

Thunder Mountain bottom, the thunder and lightning is not strong, there are some cultivators even sitting in this practice, each emitting a terrible breath, are tough and strong people.

Ye Xuan looked at this Leifeng, and there was a mountain road spreading upward.

There is no road in the world, but when there are more people walking, the road will appear naturally.

That narrow mountain road is the trace left by the previous people step by step, there are countless geniuses towards the peak, under the true body realm, but no one really set foot on the peak.

Ye Xuan walked towards the mountain road, towards the top, the fierce lightning around him, for the time being can not hurt him.

Soon, as he traveled upward, countless thunderbolts fell, the sky is lightning and thunder, the sound of rumbling incessantly, the monstrous thunderbolts into a terrifying light, blasting Ye Xuan, his body, there are flashes of light, resisting the power of lightning.

Brilliant lightning constantly flashes, forming a splendid picture, Ye Xuan’s chest, a blue head emerged, it is the hair ball.

Before Ye Xuan into the holy land, for unnecessary trouble, it was put in the system comes with the pet space, out when it came out, this moment is also woken up by the roar of lightning.

“So noisy!” Hairball’s divine sense reached Ye Xuan’s mind.

Ye Xuan smiled faintly: “You are too lazy, should also try the power of lightning.”

The hairy ball but ignored, buried its head into Ye Xuan clothes, beat it to death it is impossible to come out.

In this regard, Ye Xuan lightly shook his head, then took out the sword of the devil king, aimed at the front, fiercely swing the sword, this sword is very terrifying, strong sword light broke through the majestic lightning, hard opened up a road.

The lightning at the foot of the mountain was not strong, and under the sword of the Demon King, these lightning had to be avoided, allowing him to easily continue his journey towards the top.

But soon, the thunder and lightning power more and more terrifying, the monstrous lightning into palpitating light chains, intertwined together, towards Ye Xuan shot.

Ye Xuan hastily dodged, the speed brought by the line word secret makes him like a ghost, leaving a residual shadow in place, the person has appeared in another area.

And before the place where the light chain fell, the earth was instantly pierced, scorched black soil splashed out, leaving a bottomless black hole, the light chain was so powerful.

The light chains did not attack Ye Xuan, the light chains again condensed into shape, this time, into a net of lightning, covering the entire void, want to directly capture Ye Xuan.

Ye Xuan frown, these thunderbolts after long years of accumulation, the birth of a faint spiritual intelligence, very tricky, this is only half a mountain, he will be a bit of a struggle, no wonder the younger generation is sought after.

The thunder and lightning has prepared a large net attack, Ye Xuan’s right hand clenched the sword of the Devil King, sweeping out, countless sword light flashes, sword intent rampant, the void collapsed, trying to cut those chains of light.

However, although the sword is powerful, under the vertical, also cut off some light chains, however, in this thunder peak, the light chain condensation is very rapid, those broken light chains is only a small part, will soon be replenished, thousands of sword qi is only a drop in the bucket.

Seeing the terrifying net of lightning about to kill him, Ye Xuan roared, “Break!”

The sound is very big, the momentum is magnificent, a leap up in the hand, the sword of the devil king cut to the light chain, the whole person bathed in divine light, countless sword explosion, as if fireworks bloom, set off a monstrous momentum, a sword after a sword cut to the light chain.

This is a very scary picture, Ye Xuan figure in the lightning seems extraordinarily small, but the release of the sword gas and so terrible, forming a very rare image, as if there is a giant god 227alone fighting thunder and lightning, shattering the void, dazzling full.

Some cultivators noticed the sight there, have wondered: “not choose to dodge, but choose to hard attack, that is stupid, or confident?”

That is a gorgeous picture, look far away, only to see the thunder and lightning, countless sword rampage, as if the sky is collapsing, dazzling light in which appears, countless spiritual power into a terrifying image after another, the earth shakes.

“So domineering, so powerful!” On the stone pillar, someone opened his eyes to see this scene and let out an awe.

“Who’s that? Which fierce person on the ranking? It is so terrifying. Some cultivators exclaimed, the sky is full of lightning, they can’t really see.

Could it be that “is the White Sword God?” Someone looked at the monstrous sword intent and speculated.

“Impossible, the White Sword God is currently a guest of the Ten Thousand Swords School, will not come here. “Someone immediately refuted.

“Such a terrifying sword intent, I wonder how it will be against the white-clothed Sword God?”

A realm of profound cultivator eyes on the lightning in the figure, asked.

He had seen the sword of the white-clothed Sword God, just looking from afar, you can see the endless creative sweeping a sky, countless divine powers eclipsed, that is the purest sword intent, and at this moment, the sword intent in the lightning, although less than, but also very terrifying.

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