284: Desolation and Xia Qingxian’s encounter again (request automatic subscription)

Human front, the south, where there is a magnificent wall, stretching for thousands of miles, through many barren mountains, impenetrable walls, became the most important defense line of the human race, stopping the mass attack of the alien race.

This wall by more than a dozen great emperors spent countless heavenly treasures to build, its hardness, even the great emperor realm can not be easily destroyed, coupled with the wall comes with a defensive killing array, resulting in the foreigners finally did not choose to attack in force.

Once, the foreigners thought from the desert side, bypass the wall, but through the desert, the mountains, also contains only the foreigners can be inspired by the trap, as the killing machine.

Countless human blood coalesced out of this hard fortress, has become the last pure land of the human race, but the harsh environment, so that the ordinary people of the human race to extinction, only some practitioners left, can not help but “two two seven” let people sigh.

For various reasons, the foreigners gave up the plan to exterminate the tribe, and instead, they set up troops in front of the city walls, and the human race looked away from them, and the thousand-year-long war began.

Earlier, the human race sang all the way through the walls, broke through the city, took back a position from the foreign side, became the first line of defense, only with the second legion tore the camp, the human race once again back behind the walls.

At this moment, on top of that city wall, there are women looking away, she is in light armor, beautiful appearance, in the front line, looks particularly conspicuous, bumpy body is like a beautiful scenery.

She looked at the distant alien camp, her gaze firm, holding a sword in her right hand, the whole body breath surging, so that the surrounding soldiers, respect and away.

She is known as the goddess of martial arts Xia Qingxian, once wearing a white dress of the fairy, now become the god of killing on the battlefield, the whole body is covered with killing intent, a do-not-approach breath in the floating.

At the beginning, after the desolate self-destruction, for Xia Qingxian welcome a chance to live, after vowing to avenge the desolate she Kaidō the Holy City, came to the front, began their own revenge journey.

Today, she does not know how many foreigners she has killed, the fearsome title spread on the battlefield, she has won the admiration of countless human beings, many of the younger generation will worship her as an idol, and even the older generation feel that she is the real future of the human race.

Today, the human counter-attack failed again, the foreign side suddenly appeared two great emperor strong, the human side of the great emperor strong person was seriously injured, had to retreat, and she did not choose to go to the selection meeting, for her, seems to have no meaning, only in the battlefield to find meaning.

She looks away, her heart is far away.

In the distance, on top of the city walls, a figure slowly walking, he moved lightly, seemingly very slowly, as if hesitating, step by step, like a walk, and the surrounding tension formed a sharp contrast.

He is the desolate, from the Holy City, looking at the not too far away, he finally found each other, the corners of his mouth raised a smile.

Even if the road is long, there will be an end, the desert finally walked next to Xia Qingxian, he looked at each other, said softly: “Long time no see.”

A familiar voice sounded in Xia Qingxian’s ears, she thought she heard wrong, turned her head slightly, but saw the familiar face, the original indifferent face immediately raised the color of shock.

“You’re …you’re alive? Why? How is that possible?”

Xia Qingxian dumbfounded looking at the desert, thought he was hallucinating, but the other party is indeed alive, countless question marks emerged from the mind.

“This is my bottom card, I am still me. ” explained Desolate with a smile.

Because of Ye Xuan’s ban, they can’t reveal any content about the game, so they can only answer this way.

Xia Qingxian smiled, like the spring breeze smile became the most beautiful scenery, laughter is very sweet, sweet into the heart, this is her so long, the first time to laugh, laugh so sincerely, laugh so happy.

Unknowingly, the corner of her eyes, a tear fell, dropped on the ground of the walls.

Desolate looked at each other, said softly: “I came to tell you that I am still alive.

Xia Qingxian nodded: “I know, thanks, I thought I would feel guilty for the rest of my life.”

“No need to feel guilty, everyone has their own choice, to protect the loved ones around, to protect the people you want to protect, no guilt.” Arable replied quietly.

Xia Qingxian stretched out her delicate hand, wiped the corner of her eyes, said with a smile: “You do not go to the selection conference?”

“I do not like, as opposed to, I prefer to put the sword in my hand, facing the alien …desert as it is.

Xia Qingxian smiled lightly: “Now I also think so.

“Fellow travellers!” Desolate smiled.

On the other hand, Ye Xuan was looking at the ranking on the stone tablet when he suddenly heard someone beside him say, “It is said that all those demonic geniuses have gone to the stone forest to prove their might.”

“Well, I’m going to check it out later, too.” His companion Kaidō.

Ye Xuan asked in an aside voice: “What is the stone forest?”

Subsequently, he received an explanation, the stone forest has a mountain peak, the peak is entangled in lightning, countless lightning in which blossoms, various runes in which appear, is a place of great danger.

It is said that only the strong can enter that stone peak to leave their own traces, and the stronger the person, the higher the traces left, the only said to be the young generation is very desirable place.

But the stone peak, dangerous, some do not know what the genius is easy to fall in it, can leave a mark in the above is not a demon genius.

For example, the purple moon immortal – kun, the first famous, is in that stone peak is about to the peak of the mountain, leaving a trace, the prestige shock, only known to the world.

Not only the purple moon immortal -kun, and those geniuses out of the forbidden land, the central past of the strong, all like to leave marks on that stone peak, as a way to show their own terrifying strength.

It can be said that the stone peak is considered a higher level of stone monument, compared to the artificially written ranking, the4.2 ranking of the real material shown, but also more convincing.

Ye Xuan decided to take a look, but also has the idea of wanting to compete with those famous geniuses, he came here, it is exactly for this reason, naturally will not let go of this opportunity.

So he went, to the west all the way, through the mountains, finally was to see a stone forest, that one after another stone pillars stuck in the ground, as if naturally formed, showing a magnificent scene.

Many cultivators sitting on top of stone pillars, closed eyes cultivation, at the end of the stone pillars, where there is a mountain peak, above the lightning and thunder, emitting palpitating breath, these cultivators are precisely with those breath in cultivation.

Ye Xuan look, that is the stone peak, also known as the Thunder Peak, far from the look, indeed, the horror.

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