262:The scheme of attacking the heart (for automatic subscription)

The first thing you need to do is to get a good idea of what you want to do.

The most powerful is the early stage of the False God realm, there are five king realm, more than a dozen heavenly gate realm, and a number of the five provinces realm, the lineup is very powerful, players want to attack here, basically impossible.

“We have to find a way to get these foreigners to leave.” Ye Xuan mused.

Then slowly step here, get disguised his breath at the moment and the foreigners are not much different, all the way, no one gap to abnormal, he slowly walk into, then see a spacious avenue, and the end of the avenue, is a magnificent building, that is the legion’s main camp, the so-called Zhenjun treasure is also hidden in it.

Both sides of the avenue, from time to time there are alien squads patrolling, these heavily armed alien troops, all unified in a realm, under the combined attack, but can kill the enemy of a realm higher, the cohesion out of the aura is very extraordinary.

For Ye Xuan walking on the avenue, they did not care too much, perhaps too long in comfort, how they would not expect the human race will come here so openly. Thought it was an ordinary person reporting information.

Ye Xuan so openly walked to the ground in front of the building, which is a slightly ancient building, gray and white masonry carved into the mold of the fortress, a total of five floors, each floor of the balcony, there are foreign soldiers standing guard, the higher the realm, and in the surrounding dense jungle, there are countless foreign soldiers lurking among them.

Immediately upon reaching his door, an alien stopped him in his tracks: “Which unit are you from? What’s the matter?”

The third “detachment, our detachment leader has important information to pass to the people above~.” Ye Xuan had already prepared a pretext.

“Is there any proof? ” the alien soldier asked.

“No, this is a big matter, about the treasure of the town army, you go to report will naturally let me in.” Ye Xuan said very naturally.

The foreign soldier heard the four words of the town army treasure, respectful, turned and walked in, and see each other go in, Ye Xuan but did not stay, but is ready to leave.

“Where are you going?” Another Fae soldier called out to him.

Ye Xuan, however, simply replied, “You will know when the time comes.”

The alien soldiers were confused and did not understand what Ye Xuan was doing, but watched him leave the place and go towards the next jungle.

In fact, what Ye Xuan is trying to do is not to infiltrate, he is delivering a message, a message from another region, and that message is a seed called doubt.

In the information transmitted by Han Li, the Eleventh Legion has three detachments, and the three detachments do not deal with each other, the highest commander of the Legion is responsible for balancing, but privately, everyone looks down on each other.

Now stationed in the corps base camp is the first detachment, as Teng Sanfa family team, its status, it goes without saying.

The third detachment in Ye Xuan’s mouth is the most powerful detachment of the Eleventh Corps, located in the area in charge of the wilderness, and the deepest hatred between the two detachments.

This time, Ye Xuan pretend to come here in the name of the third team, and then suddenly disappear, will certainly cause the first team of suspicion, the two sides will naturally have contact, after contact, the two sides will certainly not talk smoothly, and the disappearance of Ye Xuan naturally become a breakthrough, cast the mouse, wait for the players to attack the eleventh legion, in order to be cautious, they naturally have to guard the treasure of the town first.

As expected, when the alien soldier brought Ye Xuan’s words to the highest level of the fortress, the first detachment leader made a suspicion, and then everything as Ye Xuan expected, the third detachment side insisted that they did not send people over, and finally did not end, but the first detachment leader was in a deep silence.

They simply did not think it would be a human ploy, because the central mountain range of the human race in their view are lost dogs, but there are strange things, everything and can not be explained, and so, this suspicion will be in the first team brain lingering, when the time will naturally play its role.

Ye Xuan who left the base camp of the Ten – Legion went to the area where the second team was located, where Nezha was in charge, with his realm, not enough to stop these people, so he set up a set of formations here, still no one noticed, the comfort for too long the foreigners are not alert after all.

After all this, Ye Xuan left.

When I returned to the village, I saw that many players had suddenly appeared on the road, the announcement had come out, they were all preparing for the upcoming guild war, and on the forum, there were also many raid posts flowing, it seems that everyone was enthusiastic.

But some players are worried, after all, there will be a penalty for not taking the first, compared to the previous mission, this time seems a bit cruel.

Three days quickly passed, the sun shone high, the center of the Ye family village stone statue, dense stood full of players, if not the Ye family village again expanded, it is not necessarily standing under so many people.

Ye Xuan appeared in the sight of the crowd, the original noisy environment suddenly silent.

“~ I’m sure everyone is clear, I’ll be waiting for everyone in Ye’s village, whoever hands over the Zhenjun’s treasure to me, which guild will win.” Ye Xuan’s voice is not loud, but clear.

The crowd held their breath and waited until Ye Xuan announced the official start of the guild war, and immediately started organizing themselves as a guild group to go towards the outside of the village.

No one knows where the treasure of the town army is, the probability is located in the middle of the base camp, these players are already clear, so some guilds go directly towards the middle of the Kunlun Mountains.

Ye Xuan noticed that these guilds privately also surprisingly) formed a temporary alliance, such as the Aurora side of the guild, formed two alliances, the Great Qin Village side one, the daughter country chose to follow the Great Qin Empire accounted for.

The vast number of players is like a dragon entering the sea, towards the Kunlun Mountains.

On the way, on Ying Zheng’s side, there were five guilds united, while on Whitebeard’s side there were four, and World government and Uchiha came together logically.

At the front was Ying Zheng’s guild, with more than 1,000 players in total, and World government and Uchiha were at the end.

“Where did you send Orochimaru and the others? ” Sim asked softly, looking at Uchiha Madara next to him.

“Didn’t you let Garp and Sengoku go, too?” Uchiha Madara smiled lightly Kaidō.

Not only them, other guilds have strong people out of the group, naturally they want to take advantage of the first opportunity.


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