261: Ye Xuan’s Arrangement (Request for automatic subscription)

In the face of the powerful attack of the tiger, the wilderness moved with it, the original static space was instantly broken free by him, the whole person rushed up to the sky, and soon, and then fiercely fell, the right hand holding the sword, sword Qi into a hurricane, smashed into the sharp claws of the tiger.

Fatal tiger claws have a monstrous momentum, not the slightest fear, meet up, moving like thunder, huge body in the air like a small flash, claws waving, there are countless blood light appeared, into a long blood-colored dragon, the sound of the dragon roar out.

“Dragon Technique? Lord Demon King got the divine ability of the ancestral dragon clan, really invincible.” A white fox strongman suppressed the shock in his heart and said.

Several blood dragons emitting palpitating dragon power, desolate as if ignored.

“Invincible? I’m the one who’s invincible!”

Restored voice from the sky fell, the hands of the sword immediately enlarged, endless power from all directions, the sword, incomparably stunning, fell, the blood light immediately turned the whole sky.

The sky is red, like the sunset, red red red, and then the group of white foxes will see the air, a long blood-red river emerged, a huge river, rolling, a sword wrapped in endless power, blast to the tiger.

The tiger 24felt a sudden increase in pressure, the several blood dragons into the river, tumbling, the whole river are boiling up, the desert gaze like a torch, the haze from the whole body emitted, looking at the blood dragon in the river fusion, and suddenly a sword stabbed out.

This sword, there is no longer blood light, but lightning and thunder, like a heavenly calamity came down with a bang.

Road tiger again waved claws, and blood dragon rushed out, hit the lightning head-on, there was a bang bang bang several loud sounds, the blood dragon again was broken, pointed directly at the face of the tiger.

“What kind of power is that? Even the Dragon Transformation Technique can break it? It is terrifying to the extreme. “There were white foxes who were dumbfounded.

In the field, the fury of the fury, the attack was defeated, it issued a deafening tiger whistling sound, the body flashed out, rushed to the front of the desert, sharp claws fell fiercely.

Desolate horizontal sword chest, the sword blocked the claws, while the top also began to appear dense cracks, longsword is too weak to block the claws attack.

At this moment, the tiger approached the front, the blood-basin mouth opened again, wanting to bite directly to death Desolate, Desolate suddenly raised his left hand, backed up, a fist smashed out, accurately smashed in the head of the tiger.


This fist, condensed the invincible divine ability of the wilderness, a fist blast, like several lightning blasts, the entire body of the tiger was smashed by this fist flew backwards, eyes sparking, the sky spinning, and hit the ground heavily.

“Lord Demon King! ” exclaimed the white fox.

In the huge pit, the tiger jumped out with a run, green eyes staring at the wilderness, full of fierce light, in the heart is very shocked.

The human in front of it and it is the same, are false god realm early, thinking that with the power of their own body, can suppress the other side, but did not expect the other side is not only powerful, strength is also so strong, just a punch, if not his body hard, is estimated to be directly blown to pieces.

In the air, Arai looked at each other from a height, and just then, someone sent a private message.

Then he said helplessly, “You are indeed very strong, it will take some time to kill you, but I don’t have time now, so I will see you next time, but next time, I definitely want to try the delicious taste of tiger meat.”

After saying that, the desert towards the south and left.

“Lord demon king.” Seeing Desolate leave, a group of white foxes hurriedly ran over.

The fierce tiger’s whole body light all in one, once again turned into a middle-aged man, the corners of the mouth blood flowing, the breath is depressed.

“What do the People want to do?” Luhu said in a deep voice.

So openly provoke the demon race, the human race is not afraid to attract the wrath of the demon race?

At this time, the white fox and they also arrived, obediently standing next to, dare not speak.

But the tiger did not even look at them, turned into a stream of light, towards the north.

Returning to the land of ice and snow, Desolate did not stay, through the transmission array, directly back to the Ye family village.

When he came to Ye Xuan’s house, Arai asked, “Village chief, what do you want from me?”

Ye Xuan glanced at him, sensing his unsteady breath, and asked in return, “Did you go to fight?”

“I had a fight with a tiger, and if you hadn’t called me back, I would have eaten tiger meat at night. “Arai said with carelessness.

“You went to the realm of the demons?” Hearing Desolate’s words, Ye Xuan instantly guessed.

Desolate nodded: “I didn’t expect the demon race to be quite powerful.”

Ye Xuan reminded: “The demon race has the most powerful people inside, they are hostile to the human race, do not go deeper.”

After saying that, he paused and continued: “The guild war is about to start, get ready and follow me to Kunlun Mountain.”

So, the two left the Ye family village, towards the Kunlun Mountain.

Kunlun Mountain is located in the central and southern junction, the mountain range is very long, stretches for thousands of miles, and here is distributed the eleventh legion of the foreigners, a total of three units, a unit of more than 3,000 foreigners, respectively, located in the upper and lower sections of the Kunlun Mountain Range.

Ye Xuan and Desolate stood in the air, looking down at the Kunlun Mountains below, and not long after, Nezha, who had been at sea, also came in the air.

“Village Chief! “Nezha enthusiastically greeted, then noticed the desert on the side, felt the other party’s powerful breath, can not help but marvel.

Ye Xuan nodded, and then pointed to a part of the area and said: “You are responsible for the desolation there, to prevent the strongest people above the Heavenly Gate realm from blocking the players. On the other side Nezha is responsible, I am responsible for the middle.”

Teng San is not in, but the Eleventh Legion still has many strong, and the middle of the mountain range is the home base of the Legion, have to ensure that this group of players do not have the power210 to fight back.

Desolate looked at his area, frowned and said: “Village chief, I am responsible for the middle.”

Ye Xuan gave him a guarded look and said, “I know you want to fight, but now is not the time.”

The wilderness is helpless to be seen through the mind, a side of Nezha is very serious, after coming to this world, he feels his strength has a breakthrough, each breakthrough, he has more and more respect for the game, Ye Xuan the village chief also more and more admiration.

“Just need to block them? Village Chief. ” asked Nezha.

“Hey, other than that, you are not allowed to interfere in anything and let the players handle it themselves.” Ye Xuan Kaidō.

After explaining a few things, Ye Xuan let Arachha and Nezha leave, but stayed behind.

On the way, Nezha and Desolate were walking parallel and asked in passing, “Are you the strongest player? I’m Nezha, what’s your name?”

“You can call me Arai. “Arai Kaidō.

Nezha nodded: “You and a friend of mine are very similar, like to fight, next time there is an opportunity to introduce you to each other.”

“Hungry? How is his strength? “Desolation came to the fore.

“Not as powerful as you, but if you know you, he will definitely find a way to break through himself, and then fight you fair and square. “Nezha said, he was talking about the Monkey King, this guy never read the forum or something, naturally do not know the existence of the desert.

“Then I’m looking forward to it. “Arai Kaidō.

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