229: Xia Qingxian appear, Qi Tian Da Sheng great exhibition Kamui (for automatic subscription)

The players around looked at each other, have offered the ability to detect, but not the slightest effect, generally this situation, only against the human race is not NPCs will appear, the crowd was relieved.

“This sister is too beautiful.” Jia Bai Li stood in the crowd looking at the stunning beauty in the field enviously.

Not only her, but everyone else was enthralled.

Ye Xuan but incomparably calm, for him, the unknown is the most dangerous, in addition, the other party can not see the strength at all, so he asked: “You mean? Why does it appear?

“My name is Xia Qingxian, don’t be nervous, I am also a human.” Xia Qingxian smiled faintly, this smile, like the stars in the night sky, dazzling, so that the side of the players look straight eyes.

“I know you’re a human, so what are you doing here? “There are good and bad human beings, Ye Xuan- still with a wary face.

For the other party’s hostility, Xia Qingxian does not care, but is a soft voice to explain: “I just passed by, happened to be attracted by your battle, when I came over, you have already finished, I was surprised, did not expect you only four elephant peak realm strength can kill the king realm, could you also come out of the forbidden land? Who is your master?”

For Xia Qingxian words, Ye Xuan heart a sigh of relief, fortunately the other party did not see their own use of the cursed boat, and then heard the two words, immediately said: “I do not have a master, where is the forbidden land?”

After saying that, he also did not forget to immediately release an announcement in the game.

“From now on, all of you are not allowed to reveal any news about the game to people outside the game, you are now all from four different regions of the human race, if there is a violation, the system detects it and directly erases it.

This announcement, the crowd immediately returned to their senses, apparently, the name of the king realm of the foreign matter let the game has the risk of exposure, especially now and human strong people descend, the village chief began to be alert.

After doing all this, the risk of exposure of the game of natural disasters is basically reduced to zero, regardless of whether the other party is good or bad, Ye Xuan intends to borrow the speculation of the previous black dragon, posing as the Ye family village has the greatest treasure left behind by the strongest of the human race, in order to be so powerful.

Faced with Ye Xuan’s question, Xia Qingxian bland Kaidō: “Since you are not out of the forbidden land, you do not need to know, but you do not have a master can cultivate so powerful, it seems to be an extraordinary opportunity.”

Ye Xuan immediately Kaidō: “This is my personal matter.

Xia Qingxian smiled faintly, no more questions, no matter what opportunities the other party has, that is representative of the powerful human race, she did not think of robbing the other party’s opportunities, just said: “I see you are gifted, three months after the Holy City Selection Conference, I hope to see you.”

“Holy City Selection Conference? What is it? Where is it?” Seeing that the other party did not reveal the slightest hostility, Ye Xuan also lowered his guard and said.

“You will know when the time comes, as for the Holy City, you keep going west and you will see a human city, see you then.”

After saying that, Xia Qingxian whole body light a flash, is actually directly disappeared.

Ye Xuan looked at the place where the other party was standing just now and muttered: “Holy City, the selection meeting, it seems to have to go to see.”

“And the goddess is gone? Woo hoo!”

“I haven’t added my contact information yet, it’s too hard.”

“I unilaterally announced that the goddess is mine, oops.. who hit me? Who?”

“Quickly go to the village chief and ask the name of the other party.”

The surrounding players see Xia Qingxian leave, have opened their mouths, the scene is very noisy.

Ye Xuan then glanced at the crowd, and the noisy crowd was suddenly silent.

“Practice well, there is a world outside of people! “Ye Xuan left these words and left.

Ying Zheng was sitting under a tree, looking at the direction where the two people were standing just now, and sighed: “There are people outside the sky, I have to work hard for the Great Qin Empire.”

Not only him, after seeing Ye Xuan and the king realm strong battle and the mysterious beauty appeared, the players realized the gap between people and people, have put into the practice.

At this moment, the death thorn bush, the strongest of the alien race Heavenly Gate realm is still waiting for their commander to return, just at this time, the door suddenly came an unexpected guest.

“Who are you? Dare to intrude into the territory of the foreigners, looking for death?” A strong captain of the four-elephant realm looked at the other side of the hairy face thunder mouth look angry rebuke.

“This foreign tribe looks big, just enough for my old Sun to plunder general. “The person coming is not someone else, it is Qi Tian Da Sheng Sun Wukong.

See the other party does not return their words, the four elephant realm foreign captain anger holding weapons directly toward the Sun Wukong kill.

……… is asking for flowers…

Sun Wukong scratched his face, palm to the mouth, a gentle exhale, suddenly the wind suddenly, the four elephant realm foreign captain was directly blown away.

“Strong enemy attack, quickly notify the commander! The other” the foreigners saw the situation immediately in a mess.

Soon, a few Heavenly Gate Realm powerhouses appeared at the door with a group of Five Mansion Realm minions.

“Just in time, save my old Sun continue to look.” Sun Wukong looked at the other side of the neatly arranged battle, very satisfied.

“You demon, are you from the demon tribe, and you dare to attack the foreigners?” A strong man of the Heavenly Gate realm roared in anger.

Sun Wukong lazy nonsense, directly out of the golden hoop stick, a stick swing, directly smashed the alien, then turned into a golden light rushed to the others.

There is no kingdom sitting, these foreigners for Sun Wukong can easily take down, even if there is the existence of the Heavenly Gate realm, in front of Qi Tian Da Sheng is just a hard stubble that can be destroyed.

After half a day of killing, Sun Wukong finally destroyed the largest foreign tribe in the entire Floating Cloud Mountain Range, and also reached the achievement of the title of foreign race hunter and killer.

These “gold coins are enough for me to get that boy Nezha over here.” Sun Wukong looked at his account and left very satisfied.

Two days later, a new team of foreigners came here, originally they wanted to question each other why they did not apologize, but saw the whole tribe was destroyed by the tragic scene, scared head back to the Jade Mountain Range.

Soon, the Jade Mountain Range, the great commander heard about this matter, was also scared, according to spies to inquire, far away to see a woman in a white dress waved off a foreign tribe is too scared to go out of the mountain.

In the opinion of the Grand Commander, the other party at least false god realm, and possibly even to the real body realm, which is his little king realm early can be provoked?

So, he immediately let all the foreigners in the Jade Mountain Range cower in their territories, and at the same time sent a distress signal to the king’s capital, hoping to send strong people to regain control of the Floating Cloud Mountain Range and shelter the Jade Mountain Range in the meantime.

The capital of the alien race is located in the southernmost part of the floating cloud mountain range, through the countless mountains, you will see a boundless grassland, grassland, there are countless alien cities, and the middle of the largest city is the capital of the alien race. Thousand,

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