228:Kill the king realm strong person (request automatic subscription)

Looking at the two people in the field, and Cang Wolf have the same idea there are many players, they are one pale face, are unaware of Admiral Vice information revealed to the foreigners, afraid of the village chief after the erasure of them, forget to look uneasily, only hope that the village chief can erase each other.

At this moment, Ye Xuan looked at each other with a light smile: “How can you come to my village as a guest and not tell me the village head?”

“Humph, hand over that human treasure, I can let you live.” Black dragon body breath Ling River, voice like thunder, rolled.

Ye Xuan but calmly took out the sword of the demon god, looked at each other, slowly said: “Before I have been suffering from no sword, so I dare not rashly attack you, now I have a sword, and you send yourself to the door, it seems to be time to understand.”

The words have not yet fallen, his body a flash, the whole person disappeared in the void, only to see a flash of sword light, and then look, Ye Xuan has rushed to kill in front of the eyes.

“Good sword!” Off the field, Win Zheng looked at the sword and marveled.

The black dragon looked at the sword, in his line of sight, Ye Xuan’s speed was constantly slowed down, until the other side came to the eye, he clenched into a fist, a fist blast out.

This fist, plain and simple, swept through the air, but issued a huge sound of gas explosion197, a fist blast, there is the momentum of lightning, majestic spiritual power poured out, fierce collision with the Devil King’s sword together.

Monument –

A muffled grunt, the demon king’s sword that pervades the fury directly dissipated, revealing the black body of the sword, the huge impact through the sword body into Ye Xuan’s arm.

Ye Xuan spun around, unloading the power of the fist, and then he shot his sword again.

This sword, even more powerful, the horrible fury again diffuse, the whole space seems to be in a purgatory, powerful sword Qi into the shot and out, straight stabbing the opposite side of the door.

“Not self-conscious!” The black dragon reprimanded, his body aura erupted, the spiritual power rose to the sky, behind, the spiritual power into the door appeared, in which, contains the endless prestige.

“Calling the king realm is not something you can fight against.” Black Dragon roared.

The spiritual gate behind him released several waves of light, towards the sword qi, and in an instant, it stirred up the sword qi, and blasted straight to Ye Xuan.

Ye Xuan is not afraid of danger, the body flickers between the attack, can avoid the attack, retreat to a safe distance away.

” F*ck, what’s that?” A pop-up asked.

“Heaven’s Gate, Heaven’s Gate realm strong people can only control the Avatar, the power contained in the door is mysterious and powerful. “There are pop-ups replied.

Field Ye Xuan looked at the huge incomparable spiritual power of the heavenly gates, the body of spiritual power poured out, the hand of the devil’s sword pointed straight to the sky, then the wind and clouds changed color, dark clouds closed, the earth trembled, a sword actually led to the might of heaven and earth, really terrifying.

He fell in the direction of the black dragon with a fierce sword.

The black dragon stared at the sword that, suddenly the earth cracked beneath his feet, revealing a huge gully, gully, countless souls emerged, issued a tragic and ear-piercing wail, as if the whole person came to the infernal hell.

He locked his mind, behind the gate of heaven sent out several rays of light into the lower, fierce light under the irradiation, countless souls ashes.

At the same time, Ye Xuan has rushed to kill, the hand of the Devil King’s sword swung up, the blinding sword light cut through the void, the next second has landed on the neck of the black dragon.

The black dragon can not avoid, the neck of the golden light appears.

A crisp sound rang out, the sword of the devil king did not break through the black dragon’s defense, was blocked in the neck an inch.

Black Dragon said in a deep voice: “You are very strong, but it is not enough!”

The words fell, behind him, the door of heaven moved, it is straight towards Ye Xuan pressure.

Ye Xuan wanted to draw his sword back, but the sword of the devil king was held there by a strange force, unless he abandoned the sword, or the might of the Heavenly Gate, not he could withstand.

“The Cursed Boat!

Finally, Ye Xuan took out the bottom card, behind him, a black body of a small boat quietly floating in the air, just appeared, the original fierce momentum of the field suddenly scraped a (ceec) burst of gloomy wind.

The cursed boat, from the foreign tribe of a great man hand forged things, by the seventy-seven forty-nine pure soul nourishment, emitting endless fury, can affect a region of all living souls mind, but also can erode the king realm strong mind.

When it appears a, endless fury from all sides towards the black dragon, even around the closer players are invaded by this fury, the whole person fell into a state of madness, fortunately, other players shot fast enough to subdue them.

Black Dragon looked at the boat, inwardly shocked: “The prison king’s weapon, why is it in your possession?”

Not waiting for him to speak, the endless fury has invaded his body, even the dazzling light of the heavenly gate also in the terrifying fury of the light gradually weakened, until it disappeared.

That seems to come from the nine hells of the fierce Qi killing in the invisible, crazy attack on the heart and soul of the black dragon, Ye Xuan took this opportunity to retrieve the sword of the devil king, then a sword stabbed at the chest of the black dragon.

Even though the black dragon wanted to reach, but by the attack of the evil Qi, he faced Ye Xuan full force of a sword, has been unable to reach, a sword ruthlessly pierced his chest, the sword ripped the vitality of the body, an instant, the black dragon turned into a corpse fell heavily.

“Win, the village chief is awesome!”

“What is that treasure? So evil, it’s a good thing I wasn’t there, otherwise I would have turned into a monster.”

“The village chief 66666!

In the live room, the original three or two pop-ups became active with the defeat of Black Dragon.

Ye Xuan put away the cursed boat, the face is slightly white, this kind of thing still can not just take out, one is to consume the mind, the second is easy to accidentally hurt, the few affected players had no choice but to kill.

If it were not for the existence of the cursed boat, the victory would not have been certain.

[Kill the king realm alien strong, level +5, full attributes +5, reward alien hunter title, get all the treasures of the black dragon

【Foreigner hunter title, players who are given the title of foreigner hunter will receive a full attribute bonus of 300 when facing foreigners】.

Ye Xuan put away the Demon King’s sword and watched the corpses in front of him dissipate, before he breathed a sigh of relief.

Interesting” interesting, I did not expect that the king realm of the foreigners were killed by you.

At this time, a clear and pleasant voice sounded.

All those present heard these words, like a spring breeze, refreshingly sweet.

The crowd looked at the sound, only to see a graceful body in the air slowly fell beside Ye Xuan, the person a white dress, with a beautiful appearance, giving a light and fresh feeling.

“Fairies descending to earth?”

This is the voice of all players, except Ye Xuan.

At this time, Ye Xuan has once again taken out the sword of the Devil King, with a wary look on the opposite side, his face calm.

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