225:Uninvited Guests

Faced with the sudden attack of the female ghost, Ye Xuan but still no change in expression, a dodge out of the female ghost’s restraint, looking at her coldly said: “A ghost formed by resentment, really think they are lawless?”

The words just fell, he raised his sword fiercely, the sword pointed at the sky.

“Today, I’ll let you feel the real hell!”

Ye Xuan holding the sword of the devil king, the sword body endless fury diffuse, a moment directly, the field suddenly as if in a sea of blood, even Kaido and the royal see all the corpses everywhere, blood flowing into a river, countless ghosts howling scene, the spirit of shock.

The female ghost has never seen such a battle, actually rose to the sky, want to run.

Ye Xuan did not give her a chance, the sword of the demon king waved violently, the sword light into a black dragon, whistling towards the female ghost, instantly tore her into pieces.

The sky cleared up again “nineteen seventy”, the female ghost was Ye Xuan a sword erased, as for the two remaining evil spirits in the small building, also by his sword erased, so that the evil weapon nourished out of the evil spirits were completely eliminated.

【Congratulations to the player killed the horrible evil spirit, complete the task, get the task reward: ghost island control, the cursed boat.

The cursed boat, from the alien tribe of a great man hand forged things, by the seventy-seven forty-nine pure soul nourishment, emitting endless fury, can affect a region of all living souls mind, but also can erode the king realm strong mind.

When the female ghost was killed, the system alert sounded in Ye Xuan’s ears, I did not expect the reward to be so rich, especially the cursed boat, but can erode the mind of the king realm powerhouse, exactly what he needs now.

After completing the mission, Ye Xuan also really became the controller of this ghost island, everything here is known to him, including the past and present life of the ghost of the dead well, as well as the countless hidden evil spirits, and some deep-seated demons, can not be hidden from his perception.

“You can go back now.” Ye Xuan looked back at Kaido and the royal.

Kaido nodded gratefully, “Thank you village chief, how should we go back.”

Ye Xuan looked at the two, then said: “This dangerous trip, you did not get nothing, at least your spirit was forged, I believe that after returning, you will feel more deeply, as the village chief, I myself rewarded all your participants five thousand gold coins.

Ye Xuan was very happy to get this dangerous reward, so he naturally became generous.

“Thank you, village chief.” The two were not polite, and soon, they were teleported out.

It seems that they stayed in the ghost island for three days, in fact, the outside world has only passed nine hours,.

However, when it was learned that Kaido and the others were teleported out, immediately private messages exploded, and many people asked what happened inside and what happened to the players who were suddenly upgraded.

In this regard, Kaido also did not hide, let the Emperor published an article on the forum, the general meaning of the evil spirits in danger, including the village chief appeared in the end, saved them, as for what the village chief got the reward, but do not know.

This is the first time that the player defeated the danger, but also the first time to see the danger of the powerful, the player’s heart palpitations also look forward to their own encounter with the danger, after all, can make the village chief out of the horse, there are bound to be good things.

As for Kaido, he chose to go into seclusion after he got out, including the other players involved in this adventure.

The crowd thought they were scared out of their wits, so they need to ease up for a while, in fact, they are in this dangerous situation, the spiritual power subliminally occurred many changes, this is an opportunity, naturally will not let go.

As for the village chief, and did not return to the Ye family village, but also stay in that dangerous place, and do not know what is doing.

Ghost island, where the other ghosts are not affected, perhaps because of the special nature of the island, they are like living people, still doing their hands.

Night falls, in a street somewhere in a house, a young couple is nervous to turn off the lights in the room.

“Xiao Mei, don’t worry, this time the horror film is I spent a lot of money to get, I heard that people who watched it all died bizarrely, it must be very scary. “The young man said.

The young woman called Xiao Mei, however, said disdainfully: “You can’t be lying, right?

“Why, you’ll see.” The man said, then put the video tape in.

At that moment, the TV turned on, but the picture was snowy white.

“This thing is not for you to see, it will kill you.” Suddenly a voice rang out.

“Who?” The two men were startled and asked in a panic….

Only to see the television, a man in a white sweatshirt out of the video tape, looking at the two people: “ghosts and monsters, rather believe it, not believe it!”

After that, he walked towards his door, opened it and left.

Two people look at each other, a long time, the man said: “Our house into the thief?”

Xiao Mei is also terrified, and then said loudly: “What are you still standing there, call the police!”

Leaving the couple’s house, Ye Xuan took the tape to the dry well and threw it in.

“It’s time for you to be relieved, too.” Ye Xuan said.

Only to see the dry well, a white smoke rose, apparently, the evil spirit satisfied to leave.

After this matter is settled, Ye Xuan plans to stay here for a while, just for cultivation.

Three days later, the dangerous things are finally replaced by other new things, and countless players joined, as players continue to increase, some powerful guilds are slowly showing their strength, including team brushing bosses, secret pass, scouting new areas, etc., the role of the guild is growing.

Now, the Whitebeard Pirates Guild is firmly in first place, with a large number of people and the strongest, followed by the Daughters, and thirdly by the Great Qin Empire, which created the Great Qin Village, followed by other guilds.

Including Tony hit the Avengers Alliance, Uchiha Madara’s Uchiha, Imu4.2’s World government, Tsunade’s Senju group, Luffy’s Straw Hat Pirates, Gai Nie with a group of casuals and Qin Shi Ming Yue players created the European Union, as well as from the world of Valloran heroes alliance, it is worth mentioning that, as Valloran The man of Aeolian, Aso but went to Senju group..

These are currently the most powerful guilds, of course, can not be ignored is the Sun Wukong this top battle power strong, a person can resist a guild’s battle power, and he is generally outside are wandering, for this so-called guild groups, and do not care.

Just when the players are still playing monsters and practicing, the black dragon who came from the thorny bush of death finally came to the front of the Ye family village, he looked at the Ye family village in front of him, the corners of his mouth crossed a smile, dressed as a human model he swaggered over, and even took the initiative to greet the players on the road.

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