224: the trap of the evil spirits (for automatic subscription)

This is the first time the player met this kind of horror, at least in addition to some strong-willed big brother, live in the hearts of other viewers is left with a great shadow.

At this moment, the emperor noticed that the sink in the pocket of the corpse there is a Buddhist scripture, she took it, the right hand immediately felt a cold and bone-chilling breath came, the chest of the clear heart talisman immediately issued a faint light, a warm breath spread throughout the body, she dropped the scripture, face greatly alarmed.

“The scriptures are useless, contact them immediately. ” said the emperor.

She is talking about the players who died, at this moment, the players resurrected and appeared in the Ye family village.

“Lu Renjia you when the evil, but also took me away?” Xiao Bing B indignantly said, he live open well, the gift has not been brushed.

Lu Renjia scratched his head: “I know, yesterday I suddenly found myself in a place where you can’t see your fingers, you can’t even walk out, I thought I couldn’t resurrect it, I was desperate, I didn’t expect to die suddenly. It’s good, it’s better than being in that hellhole.”

And Lu Renjia has the same situation is another player, he hard to smash his companion to death against the mirror, resulting in that companion is still looking at him with an unhappy face.

Soon, this information reached the ears of the emperor, the emperor’s face stony, frowning, a long time before snapping his head up: “The five people who died yesterday saw who turned into a horrible appearance?”

It didn’t take long for the five people who had died long ago to immediately give their names, which happened to include Lu Renjia and the player who suddenly attacked.

The Emperor looked at the list in front of him and felt bad that there was still Apu’s name in it.

“Get out, it’s a trap.” In a flash,- the royalty shouted.

She said, she wanted to run downstairs, but was surprised to find that the other people did not move, she looked, only to see five people are standing in place, pale, turned together, with a grim smile to look at her.

“Where are you going?” A female voice from the five mouths in unison, as if the devil king whispered, shocked the soul.

At this moment, the emperor realized that five people are invaded by evil spirits, can no longer care so much, here, can not use spiritual power, she can only run towards the stairs down.

“Sister, don’t go.” At that moment, the ankle of the queen was suddenly grabbed by something, and she looked down sharply, and it was that horrible child again.

At this time, the chest of the clear heart spell again launched, the ghost child’s hand as if touching something hot, screaming, white smoke, and let go.

The royalty once again ran toward the floor.

“Ah! Hurt my son, give me death.” Upstairs, a horrible female voice came out of the mouths of five people, and then five people chased towards the royalty.

The queen had to sacrifice a long sword, the long sword in the hand towards the back, a chopped off Jack’s head, flopped on the ground, rolled down the stairs, she stopped, with a flexible body has a strong sense of combat, will be the remaining four people all killed.

“Hahahaha, in my domain, you can not escape. “Five people died, that the business of evil spirits but from all sides, the emperor only feel a gust of Yin wind blowing towards themselves, fierce Yin wind blocked her pace, the chest of the clear heart talisman issued a bright light, in the wind, crazy swaying.

Finally, the royal protection against the wind, came to the first floor, looking at the door that is close at hand, she did not hesitate to rush in, the next second, the sky spun, the picture distorted, her figure disappeared in place, the clear heart talisman fell to the ground with a snap.

Open your eyes again, but the Emperor appeared in the darkness, and in front of you, a man holding an iron bar, ferocious-looking man is staring at her.

“You are also that little bitch and others born?” The man’s face was twisted, his hand waved the iron bar, and said while viciously smashing towards the Emperor.

The Queen was surprised to find herself unable to move, watching the iron bar smashed down, could not help but close her eyes, then, the imagined pain did not appear, open her eyes again, she returned to the first floor of the small building.

Looking at the clear heart talisman that fell on the ground, she hurriedly picked it up, ran towards the gate, opened the gate and rushed out.

“Ah!” Behind him, the scream of that direct mind jolted out, and the bailiff rushed outside shakily.

Kaido was seen with a big knife in his hand, and all the players around him fell in a pool of blood, and Apu was no exception.

At that moment, the sky clouded up, the original bright surrounding instantly darkened, Kaido looked at the Emperor, concerned: “Are you all right?

…… request flowers ……

But the queen looked at him warily, she could not guarantee that Kaido was not infested with evil spirits.

Kaido, however, smiled helplessly: “I’m not affected, but by the looks of it, it’s about time.”

He said he looked up to the sky, dim sky without a trace of light, around the gloomy wind again, the cold atmosphere throughout the region, even the ground vibrant grass also withered in an instant, in the doorway of the small house, a cloaked, covered in blood, full of fierce eyes of the woman is standing there.

Kaido was holding a large sword, and his inner body was unleashed with green dragon blood, but these were all physical powers that just made him look stronger.

“You can’t handle it, I’ll do it.”

At this time, a gentle voice sounded, the original gloomy surrounding suddenly changed back to the original, a young man dressed in white sweater came out.

“The village chief!” The two people looked at the young man in surprise and breathed a sigh of relief, the village chief came, then it’s okay.

Ye Xuan walked up to the two men, confronted the evil spirit, and said indifferently, “Are you the evil spirit spawned by the evil thing?”

The female ghost did not speak, surrounded by suddenly emerged countless white ghosts, dense, just looking at people’s scalps numb.

Ye Xuan watched quietly, and the sword of the devil king appeared in his hand.

Submit”? Or die?

Icy voice from Ye Xuan mouth, followed by the sword of the devil king suddenly emitted a horrible fury, rushed to the surrounding and when the ghosts.

Those ghosts just contacted and let out a terrible scream, and then turned into white smoke and dissipated.

The female ghost stared deadly at the sword of the demon king, and then issued a piercing cry, the sound stirred, and suddenly an incomparably powerful cold breath came, towards Ye Xuan attack.

Ye Xuan face expressionless, fierce swing sword, the sword light flashed, but the breath has not dissipated, straight towards him, directly through his body.

In an instant, Ye Xuan felt a cold hand catch his neck.

Behind them, Kaido and the Emperor saw the cloaked female ghost on Ye Xuan’s back and felt cold and immobilized. Chi,

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