208: the foreigners attacked, all the people are soldiers (for automatic subscription)

“Rubber machine gun.”

Just see Luffy use their rubber ability, suddenly accelerated, like a machine gun like a rapid punch, half a second, there are hundreds of attacks fell, blasted at those jellyfish.

However, those jellyfish, suddenly countless seawater emerged, turned into a turquoise blue barrier in front of him, followed by seawater, there are flashes of lightning, flashes, all fell on Luffy’s body, although rubber insulation, but the paralyzing effect is a real existence, he immediately lost control of his arms.

“Purify!” At this time, a milk voice sounded pleasantly, Bai Li cast his own purification, a soft white light fell on Luffy’s body, immediately dissolved his paralysis effect.

Luffy took the opportunity to cross the seawater barrier and rushed to a group of paralyzed jellyfish.

“Rubber whip.

His right leg suddenly infinitely elongated, followed by a rapid wave of paralyzing jellyfish, an instant, under his huge impact, all dissipated.

After solving the paralyzing jellyfish, Luffy landed in place with embarrassment, just then, in front of him, a golden light flashed, and exploded goodies.

Luffy reached for it and got a ring180.

[Paralysis ring, can resist paralysis effect, but also can release paralysis attack. Grade: Purple)

There are six grades of items: white, green, blue, red, purple and orange, and above the orange grade, there are God-grade treasures, like Ying Zheng’s Sword of Great Xia, which is a God-grade weapon.

The company’s luck is also no one’s. Just kill a bunch of small monsters, and burst out a purple treasure, this luck is also no one.

Luffy put on the paralysis ring, turned back to the crowd, the crowd is a look at the jealous eyes of the emperor, while the parties are still embarrassed by the fight just now.

Floating Cloud Mountain Range, the strongest squad led by Deadwood has roughly figured out the overall battle power of the Ye family village.

“Not even the Heavenly Gate realm, I really do not know where the courage to provoke us. “Deadwood said disdainfully.

After saying that, he looked at the crowd and said: “Go, come with me to destroy them.

The following party was immediately greeted with enthusiastic echoes.

“Brothers, this time the alien race is rampant ah, the lowest have transcendent peak, and the existence of the heavenly gate realm, the weak chicken do not send the head.”

At the same time, the world channel, there are players to detect the relevant information, shared out.

“I’m together, so exaggerated? I thought I could participate in the war, directly deprived of qualifications ah.” Someone cried and replied.

“Recently learned a new move of concealment skills, following the big brother pulling heads.” Someone is proud of himself.

“The alien troops are coming, everyone get ready. “The players who always keep an eye on the movements of the foreigners sent a message.

And Ye’s village has long been ready, they came directly to that the only road leading to the village, countless live broadcast has opened, those players who are not able to participate in the player, sagely hiding in the dark to open the live broadcast, early has appeared here is Whitebeard Pirates.

White beard like a bull’s horn, President Bai holding a blue dragon supine sword, standing there, as if a giant, behind a group of crew members have also been ready to go.

“That is the fire fist Ace, realm Wood Expulsion name eleventh, I heard that before also in the trial field kill death, trial points came to the top ten, is a proper werewolf ah.” Live, some players look to Whitebeard behind the topless, hanging with an evil smile of the man, can not help but say.

“The last time I saw him fight a 350class beast and kill it with a single blow, I thought I was dreaming. “Then there are players look Ace to the next mute looking man, the words still have palpitations.

“Look, the daughter country is also here, it is really pleasing to the eye, I also want to go.” At this time, a colorful pop-up screen floated through the live broadcast.

Only to see the empress with their own members came over, each one is a beautiful appearance, not only good-looking, but also each of the strength of the terrifying.

“Hankook (ceec), forever dropping God!” At this time, the pop-up screen was suddenly swept by these words.

Walking with the wind Hancock stood beside Whitebeard, Whitebeard looked down at her, a look, only to see the waves, very magnificent ah!

He hurriedly withdrew his eyes and thought, “The little girl who was only worthy of looking up to me has become my biggest competitor, I really didn’t expect that.”

The two guilds are fighting against the alien powerhouse, and countless players are lurking in the jungle on both sides of the road, waiting to attack them.

Han ran hidden among the players, looking at this lineup, slightly shaking his head, could not help but clench his fist.

Every time long, on the other side of the road, a huge squad of foreigners led by Deadwood had appeared, and Deadwood, riding on a black horse, looked at Whitebeard and Hancock with narrowed eyes.

“Letting two Transcendent Realm players play up front? Looking for death? ” said Deadwood angrily.

The words have not fallen, the two behind the four elephant realm of the foreigners understand, the first to rush over, want to kill the two.

“Just two Four Elephant Realm people? I think you guys are the ones looking for death?” A pop-up mocked.

I saw that the two four elephant realm of the strongest speed, not a moment later appeared in front of the two, holding a sharp blade, an amazing aura.

At this time, suddenly two sword light flashed in the air, in an instant, the two four elephant realm foreigners even head, all but a few seconds past.

The bodies of the two Four Elephant Realm Fey fell heavily to the ground.

Whitebeard saw a man with two swords, a big hat, green pants, a big light blue cloak, and a trademark curved beard standing there.

“Wow, foil bist, strong!” A pop-up screen immediately brushed.

This was followed by a screen full of 666crosses.

Kuki looked at the man holding two swords, but the realm of transcendent mortal, the eyes sank.

“A second to kill across the ranks, this village is really weird.” Kuki muttered, and then slowly continued to approach Whitebeard.

The players on both sides are holding their breath, they are waiting, waiting for a chance to sneak in.

In a short while, the squad of several dozen people led by Deadwood appeared in front of the crowd.

“Human, tell me the secret of the village, I can let you go, or I will let your bones. “Kuki sat on the back of the horse, looking at the three meters tall Whitebeard, threatened.

“Humph, I’ve never been threatened before.” Whitebeard sneered.

The hands of the blue dragon crescent knife slowly raised, then fiercely fell to the ground, then a huge shock wave through the ground, towards the foreigners and.

A moment, the black horse under the dead wood will be impacted, hissing, immediately fell to his knees, above the dead wood a turn, landed steadily on the ground, and behind the foreigners are also shocked by the shock wave, a long time to stabilize their bodies.

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