207:Give me a face (request automatic subscription)

Uchiha Madara they have been in the extreme cold secret realm has been staying for some time, naturally not because they can not pass, in fact, is to take the opportunity not to participate in this mission, the purpose is naturally want to see the strength of the Ye family village.

To be precise, it is to see what strength is hidden behind the guide, this group of ambitious players, has already focused on Ye Xuan, in their view, Ye Xuan is just a more powerful player, not impossible to replace it.

I have to say, Uchiha Madara’s ambition is indeed terrifying, he came here, he has already made plans, through this foreign invasion, to see the real strength of Ye Xuan, and also for his next move to plan.

This is why they, the top Uchiha combatants, did not choose to fight, but in order to avoid the disgust of the guide, they specifically chose to pass through the extreme cold secret realm at this juncture.

And they have the same idea World government is also the same, in Im still to come to this world, he is already thinking about this matter, this time is an opportunity, so before this, he also found an excuse to take the guild’s top battle force to sail to the Bebo Sea.

The people in the village of Han Run Run looked at the two major guilds are not moving, he also smelled the smell of conspiracy, but thinking of the village chief the night before he left to explain his mission, he chose to calm down, quietly waiting.

Today’s guild ranking, Whitebeard pirate group is still the first, followed by the daughter country, Senju group is still the third, but the Great Qin Empire and Uchiha two guilds are the same number, and then behind is the World government guild.

Now, the first two guilds are ready to take on the enemy, Senju Group and the Great Qin Empire have chosen to fight on their own because they don’t have a president in, while the fifth and sixth guilds have chosen to avoid war, making the situation confusing.

“Xiao Yan, you say, we should participate in the war?” Outside the field, Tony also saw some clues, and asked Xiao Yan.

Such a generous reward, how to participate in the battle is not a loss, but Tony is looking farther, now his Avengers team is building up strength, and the battle means depletion, now the vast majority of players have joined the battle, diluting the reward, but also let him become hesitant.

He guessed that Uchiha and World government must be trying to build up their power secretly for the same reason, and then overtake the previous guilds.

Although now it seems that the guild ranking is not much use, but smart people are clear, with the continuous development of the game process, the more the front ranking of the guild will certainly be able to take advantage of the first opportunity, and may even have resources to tilt.

Hearing this, Xiao Yan looked up at the gray sky, thinking of the village chief who rarely appears, recalled the shock of the sword, adjusting his mind, said in a firm tone: “Participate, must participate, and the whole team, even if the depletion is okay.”

Tony was puzzled: “Why?”

Xiao Yan looked at him and smiled lightly: “I think this is the village chief wants to shuffle the cards, do you believe?”

The words came out, Tony immediately understood the causes and consequences, showing a sudden realization of the expression, and immediately proceeded to prepare.

Ye Xuan had a clear understanding of the situation in Ye’s village at the moment, and the inaction of the world government and Uchiha had also fallen on his heart, but he still did not care.

Now the Ye army has marched towards the north of the village head, soon saw a tower standing there, magnificent.

The Flute of Echoes plot triggered by Luffy has been completed by him, and more exaggeratedly, he also exploded a defensive weapon, the Vajra Cauldron, which can withstand a blow from a peak of the Five Mansions realm, really is the son of luck.

The tower of sacrifice is very high, a glance can not see the head, brick and stone pile of the tower body is a magic wind, and in the surrounding, countless demonized beasts are lurking in it.

The Ye army has already found those demons, just waiting for them to send a sneak attack, and then all wiped out.

Such a strong team in a short time to clear out the tower of sacrifice around the demons, each person has a good harvest.

Ye Xuan instructed Yaso to turn off the live broadcast, and then the group stepped into the first level of the Forbidden Tower.

This first layer just entered, the crowd immediately ushered in the demon attack.

[Cannibal butterflies,265 are good at moving in groups]

The butterflies are coming towards the crowd, and their sharp teeth are dazzling in the darkness.

“I’ll do it.” Medusa stood in front of the crowd and said in a deep voice.

The words just fell, she held the dragon blood sword, a sword cut out, only to see a light blue sword qi across the void, fiercely attacked the cannibal butterfly, a large cannibal butterfly into experience and gold coins.

Then she released the sword qi again, several sword qi from all angles seamlessly impacted, a face, seemingly aggressive food butterfly all buried here.

“~This is too good.” Luffy looked at this scene, very envious, thinking that next time must grab the first attack.

The second level, this time, the crowd is facing a group of arrow-wielding demons.

[Poisoned arrow goblin ,270level coated with neurotoxic arrows will always be a nuisance)

See these are covered by a blue cloak, only to reveal a pair of green eyes of the magic, Luffy just want to say I come, but then saw a figure stepping forward.

The first of these is a child’s cut, and the first of these is a poisoned arrow, and then the arrows coated with neurotoxin rain towards him.

“And with the wind and walk.” A bloodthirsty voice followed, Aso crossed the knife cut through the void, a huge wind wall in front of the blocked, those poison arrows are blocked to dissipate.

With a firm gaze, he bellowed: “One sword, one thought.

The words have just fallen, the whole body has rushed to the poison arrow small demons, the residual shadow in the air, followed by countless knife light in the darkness (get money) light up, such as daylight, dispersed all the darkness, and with the demise of a number of poison arrow small demons.

The company’s main business is to provide a wide range of products and services to the market.

Now, Luffy couldn’t help himself and jumped out and said, “Gentlemen, give me face, the next level, let me do it?”

Everyone smiled at each other and nodded.

Then the crowd arrived at the third level, the spirited Luffy has jumped to the front of the crowd.

However, when you look at the demon, it stops in its place.

[Paralyzing jellyfish ,280class, water-based demons that come to land sound even more terrifying]

Looking at the dense floating paralytic jellyfish, Luffy a big head, you know, with Devil Fruit he is most afraid of is not seawater.

However, the others did not do anything, Luffy had no choice but to go on. Not,

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