201: the preparation of the foreigners, all forces emerge (for automatic subscription)

Floating cloud mountain range, the core area of the foreign tribe, here is located in the entire mountain range of the largest foreign tribe, just four elephant realm are dozens, there are more than a dozen five realm strong, the heavenly gate realm also has seven or eight, and the tribe leader is the name of a king realm of the most powerful, named black dragon.

At the beginning, in the face of the sudden appearance of the human race in the floating cloud mountain range, the men let the black dragon do not need to worry, they can solve, the result directly buried seven four elephant realm strong, and thousands of soldiers.

This makes the black dragon incomparable anger, several four elephant realm captain was actually executed on the spot, even the five realm were affected, this floating cloud mountain range of foreign ruler has always been temperamental, its anger once the outbreak, no one dares to stand out.

As for why Black Dragon did not let his men go to revenge in the first place, because he wanted to explore the specific situation there, he is not stupid, know yourself and know the enemy a hundred battles will be won, this is a phrase he saw from the books of the human race once, but also let him go all the way to this position.

At this moment, the center of the tribe24, the huge house, the black dragon sitting in the first place, sitting below are the heavenly gate realm five realm experts, the four elephant realm can only stand in the back.

“You said it was just a small village? ” asked the black dragon in a deep voice, seemingly suppressing his anger.

“Yes, Great King.” The Four Elephant Realm alien below replied with trepidation.

“Just one village can exterminate seven Four Elephant Realm? ” asked Black Dragon rhetorically.

Only to hear the alien below immediately Kaidō: “King, although only a small village, but I saw a lot of human appear, a large number of people, although the surface strength are not to the four elephant realm, but the fighting power is amazing, I personally saw a metamorphosis realm human kill a transcendent realm beast.”

“Oh?” The black dragon hesitated, suddenly fell into thought.

Can fight beyond the level of the basic are one in ten thousand existence, but that small village appeared many, obviously there are secrets, which makes him extremely interested.

“And what realm is the strongest in the village? ” the black dragon asked.

After “my subordinate’s observation in the past few days, I only found the existence of the Five Mansion Realm.” That foreigner immediately Kaidō.

Upon hearing this, after thinking for a while, Black Dragon ordered, “Deadwood, you take six Five Mansion Realm to exterminate that village and make sure to find its secrets.”

The foreigner called Kuki is a very handsome looking man, he holds a paper fan, looks similar to the human form, but the pair of dark green eyes look very demonic.

“Follow the order, the king. “Kuki said, he is a strong Heavenly Gate realm, he led the team, plus six five province realm, a number of four elephant realm, is already a very strong lineup.

Originally, Black Dragon wanted to go directly to take that village himself, to see what secrets, but as the commander of the Floating Cloud Mountain Range, he also had to prevent the sneak attack of the Jade Mountain Range next door.

You know, the alien race, there is competition, especially now the alien race is getting stronger, we are like each other, like a vassal, just waiting for each other to reveal a breach, and then stormed the attack, swallowed each other’s territory.

Floating cloud mountain range and jade mountain range between the fight has been a long time, black dragon had to prevent.

At the same time, Ye Xuan had already led his team to the west of Ye’s village. Some of the team wanted to follow secretly, but after being warned by Ye Xuan, they had to give up.

At this time, Yasso timely opened the live broadcast, will be their team all the way to the matter of things played to everyone in detail.

“And Aso clever, also let everyone see how fierce the village chief really is.” A pop-up screen floated by.

“The village chief fierce that is not undoubtedly? I mainly want to see what monsters I can encounter.” A colorful pop-up screen floated by, obviously brushing up on the gift.

In an instant, live, countless pop-ups appeared, everyone wanted to see Ye Xuan’s first time leading the team will happen, incomparably curious.

The first thing you need to do is to look at the gold coins that are coming into your account.

The western part of the Floating Cloud Mountain Range is relatively more inhospitable. Through some mountains, the Ye family army also encountered some fierce beasts, but for Ying Zheng and Medusa, it was a piece of cake.

As for why to go to the west, because the old ancestor of the stars once said, when the foreign invasion, the western part of the continent is the most prosperous place of the human race, even if the human race later fragmented, there are still some large forces located in the west.

This time, Ye Xuan also wants to see how the West is doing now.

On the other hand, Whitebeard, who did not catch up, had to turn around again and continue to go deeper into the ocean, the great man of the same generation as Roger, even if he came to the world of natural disasters, he still yearned for the sea, for freedom.

Several previous trips to the sea, Whitebeard Pirates are very rewarding, but this time, perhaps Whitebeard did not realize that his guild is about to encounter a huge change.

In the village of Ye, Uchiha Madara created a new guild: Uchiha, joined by Orochimaru, Black Zetsu, Obito, and raging, although only less than ten people, but as soon as the establishment of a direct brush through the foreign tribe (small) this copy of the record.

The first copy of this player discovery, people are brushing it every day, while the record has been maintained by Win Zheng before, the clearance time of three and a half minutes.

Now Uchiha Madara with Orochimaru, Black Zetsu, Obito, four people, directly three minutes to pass the level180, attracting the attention of a number of players.

If you can pass in such a short time, you must be strong, obviously, Uchiha guild this wave of action, will attract a lot of followers.

Every few years, Uchiha Guild has been in the top 10, and its president, Uchiha Madara, has come up with a bunch of player benefits for its members, as well as the first guild fund.

In the Hokage world, Uchiha Madara is very ambitious, and when he comes here, together with Orochimaru and others, he must have some plans, and the first one is his Senju group.

Now that the guild leader Tsunade has left with the village chief, Uchiha Itachi fears that Madara will turn against the guild.

Although Ye Xuan does not allow players to fight within, he has now left and some of the restless elements are getting restless again.

In addition to the emergence of the guild Uchiha, Imu, with Sengoku, Marine III Admiral and others, also created a guild, and the name is World government.

Obviously, the world of pirates World government also wants to come to this game to get a piece of the pie.

Ye Xuan did not expect, with their own departure, these ambitious forces also began to plan what, and by the Kuki led by the alien troops are gradually approaching, do not know this time, Ye family village and what will happen.

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