200: Pick the player, when the time comes Tony asked for automatic subscription)

A stone stirred up a thousand waves, Ye Xuan looked at his private message directly exploded, suddenly a series of helpless, thinking: I just want to find some cannon fodder, these people are so positive?

Ye Xuan does not know, in the eyes of other players, following the village head, that is certainly to eat and drink, how can miss, a team invitation like snow have floated to.

“Damn it, increase the horsepower, we have to hurry back, this is a big opportunity ah.” Still floating on the surface of the Whitebeard anxious, urging his men to increase the horsepower, hurry back.

Kaido, who has been recovering from his injuries, feels extremely unlucky, and in his current state, it is estimated that the village head can not see him, and can only watch this opportunity to miss.

Ye Xuan out of the house, outside has long been crowded, a group of home three circles outside three circles around the water.

“The village chief, take me with you, I am responsible for “one eighty” shout666. “Someone shouted at the top of his voice.

“The village chief, look at me look at me, I Aso ah, the thief6. “Aso stood in front of the side of the jump, said.

“Stop.” Ye Xuan also did not expect but a simple exploration, but caused such a big shock, immediately said a, not loud, but fell in everyone’s ears.

A moment, the people closed their mouths, even breathing are much slower, the village chief issued a message, do not listen is looking for death.

“Village Chief, I…”

At this moment, a discordant voice broke the silence, and it was Xiao Yan who came late.

But he just opened his mouth, instantly hundreds of eyes fell on him, Xiao Yan still wondering what happened, suddenly someone fiercely pulled him aside, followed by countless fists on his body, and I do not know who gave him the mouth stuffed, so he could not shout.

In this way, the innocent Xiao Yan suffered another beating, and this time, he did not even dare to retort, understand the causes and consequences of his glad that the people next to the fight quickly, or the village chief angry, he may have disappeared from the clouds.

Soon, Ye Xuan looked around, standing in front of basically all the players on the leaderboard, strong, since it will cause so much commotion, he decided to choose their own group of players.

And the first to be eliminated is the leap of Bennett, with this God, he is estimated to have no luck in life.

The most powerful nurse, that is essential, in addition to his Medusa and Ying Zheng can follow, these two warfare peak existence, just for him to explore the way.

6The reason is that Ye Xuan appreciates his courage to go forward, and when it comes to emergencies, let him break the back that is certainly the best solution. Luffy, the son of luck, must be taken along.

Now there are five people, still need one more, so the seven-person team is complete, if not the maximum limit of seven people in the group, it is estimated that Ye Xuan has to bring half of the people.

“Village chief, take me to blow, I am very strong.” Han ran and squeezed in front, looking at Ye Xuan, full of expectation.

Then Ye Xuan excluded him without surprise, he thought to himself: do I not know how your nickname Han Run Run came from? Take you, it is estimated that the danger has just come, people have no shadow.

After thinking about it, Ye Xuan decided to bring Tsunade, who makes others “big sense”?

In this way, the seven-person team was officially established, and other players who were not selected have been greatly regretted, missed is missed, this is the opportunity.

But if they know that the so-called opportunity in their eyes is actually for Ye Xuan, but to find some cannon fodder, I wonder what will come out of it.

In any case, the squad has been established, Ye Xuan is naturally the leader, the squad channel, Tsunade first sent a message: “Village chief, you give the squad a name.”

After thinking about it for a while, Ye Xuan replied, “Then let’s call it the Ye Family Army.

Tsunade immediately replied: “Nice name, as expected of the village head, the name is so Haki extraordinary.”

The first thing you need to do is to look at the words of the flatterer, Yasso a pity, hating himself for not typing first, once the village chief replied, directly copy and paste, now miss the opportunity to befriend the village chief, indeed, a pity.

Ye Xuan does not care what they have in mind, casual Kaidō: “Get ready, tomorrow we leave, it may take a while.

With the teleportation scrolls, he can instantly return to the village, think there are still these players in, as well as the three old ancestors sitting in the town, even in the face of the foreigners, the Ye family village also has a battle, he can also rest assured to go to other places to see.

“Received Village Chief. “A series of replies…

All players know that the village chief to explore, the forum even directly on top of an article “on how should and the village chief team adventure to brush good feeling! 》

After this article appeared, in just a few minutes was topped, the number of hits up to more than 300, to know that now the entire Ye family village players only more than 100 people, the average of each person to read twice, is indeed horrible.

And this article deserved to become a paid article, and after everyone clicked on it, found that the author was Xiao Yan, but some of the places do make some sense, and no one cared.

The company’s account is very happy, as for the article, as a travellers, he has seen countless online articles, this kind of skill to befriend the strong, that is a perfect, handy.

The next day, as expected, Whitebeard did not arrive after all, and Kaido missed his chance. The seven chosen by Ye Xuan stood straight in the center of the village and waited.

Ye Xuan came here, before leaving, took a look at his Heavenly Calamity stone statue, only to see the stone statue emitting white light, another player was selected to enter the world of Heavenly Destruction.

(The world randomly in the random success, determine the world for: Marvel world)

[Start Summoning]

With the system’s voice sounded, the stone statue in front of the flash of light, followed by a human figure appeared.

Ye Xuan4.2 took a look, the comic book world he is considered very familiar with, came are also some familiar people.

Among them, the United States team came, Tony’s little sidekick Parker also came, and Hawkeye, SHIELD director Fury, gas gold player Black Panther, Ant-Man

Ye Xuan some surprise is that a purple-skinned exterminator also came, along with his three followers.

“Wow, you guys are finally here.” The crowd, Tony flew out, full of tears, looking at the familiar old partner, a hand will be Parker hugged.

“Uncle Tony, what happened to you?” Parker had never seen Tony look like this before and was concerned.

He did not know, just before, in order to establish the guild, Tony made what unimaginable things.

But now well, the Avengers Alliance is finally coming, he Tony finally do not have to be bullied again.

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