197: alien traitor duo (for automatic subscription)

Wang Chao at this time said very confused, I did not do anything ah, you guys couch harjo, so long to repair, this a middle-aged look, Laofei are blushing for you.

Wang Han: “You two kowtow xenos, Geng Hacho, have not seen the blood of middle-aged people? Besides, I have a family, not gay.”

Many players are amused by this scene, do not care about these two transcendent realm alien, not to mention the transcendent realm, even if the two four-elephant realm alien, how can, they just killed seven four-elephant realm alien ah!

The killer alien yelled: “You archery, I’m going to shoot you out, you damn near gave me an asshole to burst!”

After saying that, they pretended to be ready to go forward and do it, not caring about the crowd of Transcendental Realm players watching.

Wang Jian looked at the aggressive foreigners, his eyes showed a trace of caution, the foreigners are not like those floundering, is definitely the pride of the foreigners in the sky.

Wang Jian looked at Ying Zheng, indicating that he had run out of aura and could not participate in the exhibition.

A draw the emperor’s sword, ready to swing a fatal blow, but kill the horse alien but waved his hand: “Winning brother, you give way, little brother to you to clean up the unreliable underlings!”

The crowd was stunned once again when they saw the seriousness of this horse killer’s face and his impatience with Ying Zheng’s meddling.

Immediately afterwards, some players opened the chat log, flipping through the pictures, and soon, someone flipped to the two traitors laughing, and immediately said: “They are the foreign traitor Xiao Yan!”

The crowd then realized, all the fingers pinch the flavor of the ring, eyes with killing intent, slowly approach.

The horse-killing alien looked at the step-by-step player, panic in the heart of a group, swallowed a mouthful of saliva, and hurriedly ran to the green-faced fang alien side.

Tony: “Xiao Yan, what to do! They seem to hate traitors more!”

Xiao Yan slapped Tony’s head: “Laofei is a serious natural disaster game players, in order to make the second event less stressful, vowed to enter the alien tribe, cheat a group of explosive equipment of the alien, Han your head ah traitor”!

Then the green-faced fanged alien to the front of the station, before the dry open mouth, was a sledgehammer snatched to the face.

Xiao Yan: “I day you a fairy board! Which is not long-eyed guy did it, if I disfigured, absolutely will not stop!”

But soon, a thick thunderbolt shines down on the head of Mangyan.


Xiao Yan was instantly fainted by electricity, the whole body scorched black, but despite being split into charcoal, there are still many people viciously come forward a few feet, which is the heartfelt disgust of the traitor.

Xiao Yan was awakened by these few feet, and then grabbed the fist and hit it head and face.

I don’t know who shouted: “Traitor Xiao Yan, fuck how dare you hit me in the face! See if I will kill you!”

Then, more players were hit by Xiao Yan’s fist, are furious to fight back, almost instantly, here to open a big fight, especially the Winning Whitebeard, the fight is the most vigorous.

“Traitor Xiao Yan, I hate traitors, today I was lucky to meet you, I don’t have to live unless I kill you!”

“Take a hammer from me!


Instantly, the place stirred up a burst of dust, eating many people straight cough.

And Xiao Yan is also cheap, directly a blowing fire palm hit out, instantly burned many players’ clothes, so that they become scorched and black as himself.

Instantly, most people are confused, how so many traitors Xiao Yan it?

Then directly regardless of, wheel up a big fist, on the deadly fight.

And Xiao Yan sneaked towards the outside of the battle circle.

Suddenly, a hand grabbed Xiao Yan’s ankle and threw him into the crowd, then shouted: “The traitor Xiao Yan is here, kill him quickly!”

Xiao Yan heard, this is not Fuck’s Tony? Yesterday with the opposing side of the labor!

Immediately after that, he was punched in the face, bleeding all over his face.

Xiao Yan cursed: “Dog than Tony, you fucking pit Laofei!”

Tony a confused, then suddenly realized, he just dragged is the real Xiao Yan ah! This Fuck even if it is long ten mouths can not say clearly ah!

Not long after, Xiao Yan and Tony were lying on the ground, breathing in less, breathing out more.

And the players do not have a trace of sympathy, but also full of disgust.

“Xiao Yan Tony, two big traitors, I’m ashamed to be with you!”

“I don’t know if I can explode the equipment by killing these two traitorous aliens!”

“Exploded equipment Laozi are too disgusting!”

Xiao Yan then moved a finger, breathlessly said: “You go to ask the village chief, I’m not a traitor!”

Immediately thereafter, he passed out.

Kaido on the side of the thieving smile, look at the poor look of Xiao Yan, they have a kind of unexplained sense of joy.

Jabelli busy busy contact Ye Xuan: “village chief, Xiao Yan Tony two should be traitors, they have become foreigners (with Xiao Yan Tony foreign photos)

Ye Xuan dry good not long ago cultivation and a hint of refinement, at this time is reviewing their own practice of gongfu, a hint of dissection, and then recovery.

Suddenly an alert sound made him open the chat interface and saw the message sent by Jia Bai Li.

Ye Xuan: “”~ As long as the betrayal, the system will be directly erased, regardless of the original world or the world of natural disasters, will evaporate.””

Then it occurred to him that he and Kaido had talked about it, so the two of them were still beaten into that half-dead state?

It is simply miserable beyond belief.


The crowd sucked in a breath of cold air, this betrayal is so serious ah!

These days, they are afraid to be spies.

Then the crowd looked at Xiao Yan Tony two, this Fuck also old miserable it!

JABALI: “So, should we treat them?”

Ying Zheng rubbed his temples, just played the most vigorous is he and Whitebeard: “Baili save them, otherwise it will not last un.

Immediately after the transfer of troops back to the Ye family village, the vast army, envy no (get money) number of players ah!

Jabelli hurriedly threw two healing spells to them, and then ran away without looking back.

Once the crowd saw, also embarrassed to see the two of them, they each slipped away.

For a long time, Xiao Yan Tony which slowed down, Xiao Yan felt that the whole body bones are broken by them, at this time want to sit up, can not.

Xiao Yan: “Tony, these birds do not owe a fight? Not to understand the group beat us, I really want to beat them back one by one! Otherwise, I can be angry!”

Tony: “If you want to count who is the most ruthless, you have to win the government Whitebeard, Ying Zheng 10,000 troops, Whitebeard many sons, what do you fight with him, by head iron?”

Xiao Yan instantly quit, to stand up and his theory, but the whole body pain is unbearable, but did not do up.

Xiao Yan: “Tony, we were White Hits this time?”

Tony said helplessly: “Next time we don’t upgraded clan, Fuck’s will take a day to change back!”

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