196: green-faced fangs and kill the alien [automatic subscription]

Soon, the foreigners were cleaned up, blood limbs and bones all over the ground, during which attracted countless desperate beasts, but before entering the battlefield was killed by the Qin soldiers strong.

Especially the ground those golden light, the most dazzling, but also the most eye-catching, at this time almost everyone is staring at these light groups, with a hot light in their eyes.

As the main force of this defense, Ying Zheng opened his mouth: “Thank you for your help, the foreigners have finally been defeated, you all deserve a lot of credit, but the spoils are limited, how about each player picking a light group according to the size of their contribution?”

Whitebeard: “In that case, the old man will pick one.”

Then he came to a four-elephant realm alien burst out of the three golden light group, and then picked up 1a light group.

Three thousand years of blood jade ginseng: internal contains a lot of qi blood, for the refinement of the body cultivator to get twice the result with half the effort.

Whitebeard shouted good, then Ying Zheng and others said hello and left with a smile, he also had to catch a breakthrough to face the upcoming second event.

But just as he was about to leave, a cry of alarm came from behind him: “Misty grass! This is true dragon blood!”

Whitebeard froze, and then immediately stopped, this true dragon blood himself to get it, for their own cultivation absolutely half the effort!

Just as Whitebeard opened his mouth, Kaido spoke up: “Brother, how about selling this True Dragon Blood for three thousand gold coins?”

Whitebeard: “nt Kaido, this true dragon blood old man want, you do not make things ah!”

Kaido: “The highest bidder wins, what can you do to me? If you have the ability to jump in mid-air to hold my knee ah!”

Whitebeard cursed Kaido for flying thousands of meters into the air, and then he threw his fist, Shock Fruit ability, and smashed the sky with numerous horrible cracks, so that Kaido could not come down.

And Kaido was laughing in the air: “Little Whitebeard, come and beat you up, Guy! Hahahahahahahaha!”

Whitebeard came to the player: “What do you think about 5,000 gold coins?”

The player thought carefully, the true dragon blood for their own useless, so just sell it to him, and can also get acquainted, in case there is something urgent in the future.

“Sold for five thousand gold coins!”

The money was then paid with one hand and delivered with the other, both with smiles on their faces.

And Kaido in the sky is dumbfounded, what the fuck is going on, this is not a bid? I sold it even before I bid?

Then a huge dragon tail, rapid flight down, but also inevitably hit Whitebeard shattered the sky.

Click, click, click!

This spatial force is exceptionally powerful, is Kaido also cut the skin by this crack, oozing blood beads.

Kaido directly mmp this Fuck’s Whitebeard, not a son of man ah! How dare you!

Whitebeard was laughing below, and said with disdain: “nt Kaido, you do not look at the road when you fly? Can’t you see such a big crack?”

Kaido:” Fuck Whitebeard, if it wasn’t for the blood of the blood, your crack, you begged me, I wouldn’t have hit it!”

Whitebeard: “True dragon blood my, have the ability to come down to grab!”

Kaido and look at Whitebeard like a fool, I just but a man can not open ah! Depleted all the aura, until now has not recovered much, you told me to go down? This does not owe a whack?

Kaido: “You get up here!”

Whitebeard white eyes rolled: “I’m not with you, wait to see the burst of treasure, but also to go back to practice!”

In a short time, many hawkers kept coming, but Whitebeard and others were not interested, either the quality was too low, or they did not need.

At this time, the mountain of alien corpses collapsed, hitting a small fatty, which is the thief bad bad boy.

At this time he was hit by the corpse, the mouth yelled, the hand did not forget to take the arrow feathers to the corpse inserted, even if the corpse I fat master also and you are not finished!

“Ah! That doggie in the ass!”

The crowd was stunned, what the fuck is going on?

And the little fatty was a big jump, the arrow feathers are not pulled out, jumped to the side, vigilantly looking at the body.


The pile of corpses collapsed once again, and from it crawled out a bloody alien, green-faced and fanged, unusually horrible.

He turned his head and looked at the arrow feathers stuck in his ass, and immediately cursed: “That stupid pile of dead people you zap it for what, not Fuck idle?”

Then the eyes closed, a gnash of teeth, fiercely pulled out to take the arrow feathers, the pain of the already ugly face became more gruesome.

In situ bounced for a while, which then looked viciously at the players, without a trace of fear in their eyes, but very arrogantly pointed the blood-soaked arrow at the players.

When pointed to the little fat man when ,,his fat body a trembling, scared back a few steps.

This green-faced fey cursed while walking past, simply arrogant.

Ying Zheng looked at the players, and then called Wang Shear to settle him.

Wang Chao picked up a large bow from behind him, and then shot an arrow without aiming.

But the green-faced fey reacted very quickly and shot into the pile of fey corpses by sticking to his head.

Ying Zheng looked at Wang Jian differently and was speechless. The Fuck’s marksman had even dodged a foreigner of the same realm, and it was a sneak attack!

Wang Jian’s heart was racing with ten thousand grass horses, a sneak attack was missed, should I retire to my hometown?

But Wang Jian’s heart does not believe in evil, this time taking out three arrows, instantly shot out.

Whoosh whoosh whoosh!

The green-faced alien 180also found Wang Shear, also has been watching his movements, see it1 shot arrow feathers, a dodge, again dodged.

“Ten thousand arrows!

Wang She consumed all the aura, turned into dozens of arrows, shot out in unison.

I’ll see you still so hide this time!

The green-faced fanged alien eyes emitted a glint of light, then pulled out a large shield, blocked in front of his body.

Dang it!

Shields blocked a small portion of the arrow plume, but more were shot into the pile of alien bodies.


Even the corpse, but also was shot out of the blood, this scene is so cruel.

“Ah! That bastard shot me! I swear I’ll beat the shit out of you!”


An aura fluctuation came, then the alien corpse was shaken to the side, from inside again out of a transcendent realm alien.

The players are dumbfounded, this Fuck pretending to be dead that there are two, and the strength are exceptionally strong.

This alien face, but the head is a head of blood-red horns, looks like a kill horse.

The horse-killing alien went to the front of the green-faced fanged alien, signaling him to pull out the arrow feather condensed by the aura for him.


A series of screams came, listening to the players are numb to the head.

It took a long time for the horse-killing alien to slow down, and the green-faced fanged alien looked at the dynasty together.

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