169: can not afford to mess with Medusa (for automatic subscription)

The head of the neck of the Winzheng did not show fear of the attitude and action, but very calmly stood there.

The face of the lord of a country can not lose, and Medusa is still in the invisible, they do not need to be too afraid, by others to see 10,000 people of the emperor of Qin so bad, talk about what decency.

Ying Zheng’s face did not change, but his tone was a bit pleading, “Medusa, as far as our friendship is concerned, it would be an oversight for me not to invite you to come to my guild to drink and eat meat and talk about life.”

And Medusa said in a calm tone: “You cursed me, you know? The players who cursed me have been stabbed to death several times by me! Do you want to try?

When Ying Zheng heard this, his dragon body shook, Fuck! No wonder there was a son-of-a-bitch who died ten times in ten days, so it was all you!

Goo dong!

Politics at this time dense layer of white hair sweat on the head, has long been unlike the previous stable like an old dog, but full of worry, he does not want to be Medusa stabbed every day – kill ah.

Not to mention their own little body, Kaido the behemoth were silently killed in one blow, this is not just a joke.

“Sister Sha, the real person killed a fierce beast yesterday and burst a thousand-year-old snake pill, why don’t I send it to you?” Ying Zheng said cautiously.

Medusa thought about it, snake demon beasts in this plain area is very little, their hair can be turned into Lion Majesty, Lion Majesty can also be strengthened and become more powerful.

“Plus a drop of snake blood, or we’re not done!

The heart of Yingzheng can finally be put down, and quickly said: “Sister Sha, I will send it to you later.”

Feeling the coolness on his neck, he knew that Medusa had left. Ying Zheng then picked the skin, and there was some slight tingling, which should be the special property of the seven heads.

All the bigwigs who entered the trial arena were stunned, it was only a few seconds? A showdown between veteran players is over?

Whitebeard: “I don’t get it, Kaido’s nt is gone! This is the hangover!”

Xiao Yan: “This strength, even if the bear big bear two combined, should not be able to beat, this is still with us in the player?”

Tony: “Medusa in the end got what chance, it is horrible as this, if I go in, even the gun do not know where to shoot.”

Orochimaru: “So powerful, what man would dare to want it in the future! It’s so cruel, it kills Kaido in seconds.”

Xiao Yan: “No one dares to marry? To say who can be this important task, of course, the village chief, the village chief three feet of sword, can rule Medusa submissive, so that she does not dare to go west to the east…”

The words have not yet fallen, Xiao Yan felt an unusually terrifying eyes on their own, his whole body a shock, and then swallowed a mouthful of saliva to look at the battlefield.

Soon, Xiao Yan’s lamb-like eyes on the Medusa wolf-like eyes, then, he could not help but shrink the neck.


Fuck! He now wants to slap himself a few times, not to cover his words, did not see this God-tier who killed Kaido was present?

Just now, he saw Ying Zheng’s strange appearance, pleasingly talking to the air. If he didn’t guess, Ying Zheng must have scolded Medusa for that rose with poison.

Xiao Yan shamelessly smiled slightly: “Medusa sister, I mean in this world, only the village chief is worthy to marry you, a beauty of great strength.”

And Medusa did not give him the slightest face; “You come down and fight with me!

Xiao Yan’s face is as ugly as eating Xiang, this is not a death of their own!

It is necessary to say such sensitive words in this unusually special place.


Xiao Yan gently slapped himself in the face as a warning.

Then a reluctant step towards the bloody battlefield, a battlefield, his whole body goose bumps, not only the battlefield fury invasion, more Medusa that god-tier as if the substance of the killing gas.

Ying Zheng: “Xiao Yan should be finished, will definitely die a very ugly death, offend who is not good, but offend our sister Sha!”

Tony: “Not only does he have to suffer, but even the bears he raises have to suffer too, sadly!

Whitebeard: “The old man is slightly! Look at them, they will definitely occupy the first seat in the future!”

Han ran: “This trial field in addition to the first person to compete, the second and third are not! Don’t you guys want to give it a try?”

Listening to -kun is like reading a book for ten years!

Yes! There are nine more in the top ten! We can’t hang on to one tree!

With that, Winning entered the ensuing battlefield.

[Ding~Welcome to the Morrowind Battlefield.


…… request flowers ……

Ying Zheng felt the breath of life emanating from the countless plants, which relaxed his tense nerves.

If this has been dominating this battlefield how good it is, all the time to provide a trace of life energy, for their own cultivation will be half the effort!

“The second throne! Who fights with the Union!”

Ying Zheng drew the sword of Daxia and swept his eyes to the people outside the battlefield.

Whitebeard: “This second position, it is the old man! Zheng! I’m here!”

After that, Whitebeard took a big step towards the battlefield.

Doflamingo: “Foo foo foo foo foo! Whitebeard! This is the world of young people, far from your old days! I’ll do it!

After saying that, Doflamingo hand a silk thread wrapped around the battlefield in the ancient wood of the sky, and then pulled, hot shot over.

Whitebeard glared: ” Doflamingo! A little pirate is just, arrogant!”

At that moment, Kizaru, who had been sitting in the Marine for a long time, got up, stretched, and looked at Ying Zheng, who was holding a long sword.

“Woo! I can’t believe you use a sword like me, so let me see what you can do!”

“Eight-foot realm!

Kizaru fired a beam of light that instantly reached the Moro battlefield, and in just an instant, Kizaru transformed into a golden light and teleported to the Moro battlefield.

In an instant, Whitebeard and Doflamingo bounced off each other.

The energy was unexpected, one person was shot in the face, one person was shot in the head, and all were hit by the battering ram.


Whitebeard immediately cursed: ” Fuck Kizaru, I stole your home or what! Fuck using this dirty tricks to screw me!

Doflamingo: “Kizaru! Gan Lin Niang, do you have the quality of first come first served! Where is your Marine’s justice? This Fuck is your justice? My face is disfigured by the crash!

Tony – see not know, see a shock, and then burst out laughing!

This Fuck is too funny!

Whitebeard’s head was banged out with a fist-sized bag, like a big pill wrapped in hair.

Especially Doflamingo, at first I saw one side of the face, and there was no problem.

But he turned his head, completely laughing at Tony, this Fuck, that was hit half of the face, swollen than his ass is even bigger! Thousand,

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