168: Kaido in seconds (for automatic subscription)

Yesterday rub!


This sudden sound instantly attracted all the players over, all staring at the huge meteorite to see.


The original round-shaped meteorite instantly turned into stone, piled up into a small mountain-like.

The crowd’s eyes were almost glazed over, this Fuck doesn’t even die! Isn’t Kaido’s shot on?

Soon, the pile of rocks loosened, as if something was going to come out of it.

Crowd: ” Fuck Hangman Kaido is coming out!”


Uchiha Madara, who was far away, was consciously blocking her head with her arms.

The crowd took a look, and Kaido was unharmed!


Roadie #3: “Anyone who doesn’t believe that Kaido is open, I’ll fuck him up!

Jack: “I don’t believe it! If you have the ability to fuck me, not you Xiang out, I’m not Jack!

Jack is extremely angry that someone does not believe in the real strength of the boss!!!

He was clear about the technique his boss cultivated, “True Dragon Body Refining Method”.

This function has been cultivated down to the transcendent realm, the latter will need to find his own.

Cultivation of the true dragon body refining method, can resist more than their own realm of the full force of a powerful person, not to mention that the meteorite has not yet reached that level.

Kaido: “You weaklings, prepare to face the wrath of my boss! Especially the163 guy in the middle of the field, it’s easy to beat the shit out of you.

Kaido flew back into the air, his green scales glowing brightly, and he hovered in the air for a few seconds, then looked at Uchiha Madara with a pair of angry eyes.

Uchiha Madara’s heart was shaken for a moment, and then returned to normal, still calm as water, his face could not raise a ripple.

Kaido roared in anger, and the power of the dragon was so strong that Uchiha Madara could not breathe.

” Susanoo!”

“Thunder Purgatory!”

Both of them exploded at the same time, especially Kaido, gathered the whole body aura, but also all kinds of energy in the air, converted into lightning factor, and then instantly shot out, with Kaido as the center, covering the whole bloody battlefield.

Especially the location of Uchiha Madara, which is simply the center of thunder, where all the thunder is coalescing.

The Uchiha Madara’s ability to completely cover, or even destroy.


Uchiha Madara tried her best to resist the thunderbolt, which was like a catastrophe, and the slightest hint of resignation in her heart kept her from passing out and losing the battle.

Kakashi: ” Madara-sama, you must hold on! Let’s Hokage World get back to the game, don’t lose!”

Might Guy: ” Madara-sama, my idol, I’m doing tens of thousands of push-ups a day, just like you said! You can’t break my faith!”

Bennett: “I think Might Guy is lying, but I have no proof, and I’m not quite sure if Lord Ben said that, but I know Lord Ben wouldn’t say something so retarded.”

Might Guy: “Bennett! Do you know what atmosphere is! If you don’t know, don’t just speak! This will be considered as being stupid.


In the battlefield, Uchiha Madara, who had to endure the raging thunder, finally failed to hold out and was dissipated by electricity, returning to the real world.

“What about!

Instantly, the body came to 10% of the pain, that soreness, simply can not imagine ah.

In the middle of the battle, Kaido’s physical strength was depleted, and in an instant, all of his negative effects were gone and he was back on top.

Open mouth is a dragon roar sound came, shocked the four directions.

Whitebeard: “nt Kaido, this game is surprisingly loaded by you, when the battlefield repair is complete, see if I do not beat you out!”

Kaido: “Today two consecutive wins, really happy happy (with two consecutive wins picture)

Xiao Yan: “Misty grass! I can’t believe Kaido got him! Everyone say what to do, should I let can bite him!”

Xiao Yan: “The! Must be!”

Xiao Yan: “Ahem, I can’t believe this, so I’ll be the one to beat Kaido in the next game and take the top spot on the Heavenly Ranking!”

Winzheng: “Xiao Yan, you do not want to have some face, this Fuck is still self-directed up, look at you can, I have not yet on the stage! I tell you, whoever is strong with me, I will be angry with him!” (ceec)

Xiao Yan: “To be honest, I really can’t beat the Great Qin Guild, so many people, the sea of people tactics can kill me, Win Zheng brother, the heavy responsibility to beat Kaido is entrusted to you!”

Ying Zheng: Xiao Yan “Little brother, come to my Qin guild for a drink sometime, the wine, but this world’s specialty monkey wine, the taste, wonderful ah!”

Tony: political brother, my bear two and Xiao Yan’s bear is a pair, the two of them can not be separated for too long, or they will be a big drop in strength, a sudden drop in talent!”

Ying Zheng: “Well then, let Xiao Yan bring your Neng along.”

Tony pointed at himself and said, “Brother Winston, what about me?

Ying Zheng didn’t even look at him and said, “You go home and make weapons for me, the last batch of goods is still missing half.

Tony: “This is not still the skyjack cannon – X well, or sell you some?”

Ying Zheng cm waved his hand: “I have a common world, why do I need this extremely powerful weapon? To destroy the world?”

Just kidding, if the front row of soldiers carrying the Skyjacker-X to the war, this Fuck is not directly deleted the surrender button?

Make you can’t vote down.

Suddenly, a figure shifted from in front of Win Zheng, aiming straight at the bloody battlefield.

Ying Zheng hurriedly turned his head to see, Fuck!

Only a figure was seen entering the bloody battlefield instantly.

Ying Zheng directly cursed: ” Fuck! The glorious moment of the laborer!

Winning Zheng at this time a heart a stifled, he is ready to hold the sword of the Great Xia, cut Kaido this evil dragon, he is the true son of the dragon, let the people of the world to watch, so he will save a lot of trouble.

And jumped off the bloody battlefield of Medusa but without a trace of expression, just waiting for the arrival of the system prompt to start.

Hearing the beginning, Medusa instantly disappeared.

This operation directly let all people dumbfounded, so big people so missing, is it that I have not recently brush the monster, vision loss?

Some people also made a point of pulling their glasses out of their backpacks to look for Medusa.

Shocked not only watching the crowd, but also the battlefield Kaido, he was panicking inside a group, the strength than their own strong, talent is not worse than their own, the key is, he simply can not feel the breath of Medusa,

She was afraid of Medusa came in, holding a pair of seven heads, the pair has been the head must have killed a lot of dragons, so he had a hint of caution.

Just as Kaido was about to launch an indiscriminate thunderbolt inferno, his huge body fell with a crash, shaking up a layer of sand and gravel, and then, Kaido’s huge body disappeared.

The victorious Medusa still did not appear in front of everyone’s eyes, but gestured her dagger and whispered a word in Ying Zheng’s ear.

“I remember you scolding me.

Ying Zheng, who was being held by the head, panicked instantly, what kind of god-tier he had provoked!

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