160:Which one of you did it! (Request automatic subscription]

Luffy vainly looked at the forest, which was ruined beyond recognition, simply than the dog chewed more dilapidated.

Zoro at this time with a knife are shaking, he has seen the village chief and the strength of those old players.

Far from their two little chickens can resist, especially the village, a look, so they can not breathe.

Luffy: ” Zoro, what should we do? It’s only the first day and the forest has been destroyed by us, do you think the village will kill us?

Zoro sighed: “This seems to be a novice forest, now it’s turned into ruins, there’s not even a single fierce beast left, the rat that was hiding in the ground was beaten out by you.”

Luffy: “The rat has been provoking me, digging a dozen holes, moving to my body spitting fireballs, I see his level is strange high, digging holes to kill him, wah ha ha ha ha ha ha.”

Zoro: “You are still in the mood to laugh, you do not look at this place than the ruins of “one sixty-three” more ruins, the village will certainly kill us.”

Luffy:” Zoro! I have not yet become the king of pirates! I don’t want to die yet! That village chief is really powerful! I can’t beat him! What should I do, Zoro.”

Luffy jumped on Zoro and complained with snotty tears.

Zoro saw Luffy’s big snot dripping on his quick knife and pushed him away into the big hole he had dug for himself.


After a long time, Luffy climbed out of the hole.

Zoro was so scared that he had to go down and pull him.

“What are you doing down there? What took you so long?

Luffy’s laughter came before he arrived: “Whahahahahahahahaha! Zoro, look what I found, a mouse!”

Soon, the black, covered in dirt Luffy came up, carrying a finger-long golden mouse.

[Dragon Horned Rat: With a hint of dragon bloodline, the top of their heads have dragon horns, making them more skilled at earth elemental masters.)

“Hey, Luffy, this little mouse is something!”

“Of course, its eyes are not yet open, but digging a hole is very fast, but also know how to turn the corner so that I dig a hole for nothing!” Luffy a proud face, think their big hole than the mouse is a matter of pride.

“Then you can keep him later, and let’s hurry back to the village, no one will see us anyway.” After that, Zoro dragged Luffy to run wild.

Luffy hurriedly pulled Zoro to keep him from running.

” Zoro, it’s the other way around, the village is outside that forest!”

Zoro instantly made a sharp turn, pulling Luffy into a few meters long.

” Zoro, slow down! I’m not going to be able to go! Zoro!”

Zoro’s speed did not decrease, but increased: ” Luffy! When you get to the village, pretend you don’t know anything, you hear me?”

Luffy hurriedly covered his ears and shouted to Zoro, “I hear you!”


Luffy and Zoro darted to the village to see everyone practicing and sleeping.

Zoro hurriedly pulled Luffy down to an old tree, where not only could he rest, but there was no one else.

The next morning, Ye Xuan summoned ten people and went back to cultivate.

He has to prepare for the second event, that alien boss is a powerful person who is called the king realm.

Xiao Yan: “Another day of evolution of the brush, the team recruiting, the big man with the team ah! Come quickly!

Passerby eight: “What the hell is that by a thousand knives to do (with a newbie forest tragic pictures)

The roadman seven: “This Fuck is a human thing to do? Let us new players how to upgrade, take life to upgrade?”

Passerby XI: “I Fuck want to put your ancestors in an intimate exchange, this Fuck is too vicious!”

Uchiha Sasuke: “This is not a fucking son of a bitch! I was so happy to kill rabbits this morning! Now I can’t even see the hair!”

Uchiha Itachi: “My stupid brother, can’t you be a little more motivated, and fuck planning to evolve into a big man by killing rabbits in the newbie forest!”

Uchiha Sasuke: “Old iron! Nothing wrong with that!”

Uchiha Itachi:

Tony: “Just flew in the new forest, I almost thought the village was wiped out! (With the new forest plan)

Xiao Yan: “Misty grass! This Fuck was chewed by a dog, right? It’s puddled.”

Kaido: “It looks like Whitebeard whistle, which is also unkind, attracting hate value ah!”

Whitebeard:” Kaido you a nt believe it or not to beat you even your mother do not know!

Kaido: ” Whitebeard, if you’re a man, fight now! Eggs!”

Whitebeard:” Kaido, you wait for me, see if I do not beat you out!”

Kaido: “Just wait, do not die of heat, ah, a lot of age.

Whitebeard: “Don’t give me a chance to catch you!”

The roadman eight hastily Aite village chief: “village chief, there are old players deliberately destroy the novice forest, not let us these newcomers live, village chief clear investigation ah!

Ye Xuan head ache, last night in the middle of the night the two guys thieves ran to the village, he was a big jump,

This Fuck is still a newcomer? One day to give me a hard time to rise to the early stage of the mortal realm.

He later learned that Luffy had gained the ability to be the son of luck, which would be that right.

These are not the main thing, see them panic and run back to the village, Ye Xuan also deliberately fly over to see why they thief eyebrows.

The huge visual impact almost made Ye Xuan fall headlong to the ground.

Is this Fuck still a newbie forest? It’s even more shabby than the battlefield after the Battle of the Strong!

This angry Ye Xuan almost slapped those two guys to death.

But then I thought, these two guys are novice, in the novice forest tossing and what is wrong.

Ye Xuan: “Ahem, this newbie forest recovers very quickly, a few days, no need to worry, these are the two newcomers did, if there is any displeasure, just find them.

Roadie Five: “Newbies, must be two of the ten people summoned yesterday, the unconvinced newbies along with me to crush them!”

Roadie 8: “I defy you, crusade against them.”

Uchiha Sasuke: “I’m not convinced either, killing all my rabbits, what am I killing? Crusade against them!”

Soon, it gathered close to a hundred mouths of a large force, basically the captain to help support the team, a powerful group!

Zoro and Luffy, who were hiding in the tree, panicked, as they were more powerful than them.

“Shh,” Zoro gestures to Luffy to keep him quiet.

Luffy rubbed his stomach in embarrassment, with a face of discomfort.

Soon, the group found Luffy and Zoro and concluded that they were the ones who did it.

“Crusade against Luffy Zoro! Crusade against Luffy Zoro!”

The crowd shouted.

Yesterday rub!

The branch was overwhelmed by the weight and broke with a bang yesterday.

Luffy and Zoro also fell head over heels.

The crowd rushed to look at them, each of them are fierce face, as if they slaughtered the meat.

Luffy greeted them awkwardly but politely: “How are you?

And those people simply do not appreciate, with a monstrous fury, rushing towards the two.

“Kill! “.

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