159:Flat novice forest for automatic subscription]

” Zoro, gold coins! That’s a lot of gold!” Luffy was so happy to see900 the gold coins coming in that he asked Zoro to buy some roast meat.

At this moment Zoro was looking at the golden glowing long knife with his face, not noticing Luffy calling him.

When Zoro didn’t respond, Luffy put his ear next to Zoro’s and shouted: ” Zoro!”

Zoro hurriedly put away the open sword and looked around: ” Luffy! Where is the enemy?

Luffy laughed again when he saw Zoro like this: ” Zoro, I got gold 900coins, I want to eat barbecue.

Zoro dropped his guard, informed Luffy of the food bar, and continued to watch the – long knife.

“Wow! This roasted whole lamb is really tempting! I’ll buy you!”

[Ding~Your gold coins are insufficient]

Not enough gold?

Luffy then looked at the gold coins under3000 the roast lamb, immediately dumbfounded, but it costs three thousand gold coins?

With that, Luffy spent gold 900coins to buy a golden dog leg.

In an instant, the aroma was so overwhelming that Zoro, who was watching the opening of the Heavenly Sword, also put away his sword and looked at the golden dog’s leg in Luffy’s hand, which was oozing with oil.

Gobble Gobble!

The two swallowed a mouthful of saliva one after another.

“Mine! Both men shouted at the same time.

Luffy bites down, Zoro draws his knife and cuts the dog’s leg in half.

Half of the road is swallowed by the flying belly, the other half is flying into the air.

Zoro grabbed the big piece of dog leg and bit into it.

It’s really delicious, the thick honey, aromatic dog meat, bite, delicious tongue is going to melt.

Luffy, who was in a hurry to eat, swallowed it in one bite and didn’t taste it at all.

” Zoro, give me a bite, I didn’t taste it just now.” Luffy hugged Zoro’s leg with pity.

Looking at Luffy’s pitiful eyes, Zoro gnawed down the dog leg in a few bites; “No more, no more, if you want, go fight monsters to get gold.

Luffy jumped from Zoro to the side, slapped his chest, and yelled: “Monsters, get over here, I want to buy a whole lamb!”


Instantly, Zoro was drawn to Luffy’s idea of a whole lamb on the grill.

“Luffy, for the whole lamb! Let’s go! Kill all the beasts!”

At this moment, Zoro no longer cared how scary the forest was at night, now he just wanted to eat the whole lamb!

That’s the kind of taste that Sanji can’t make.



Luffy a punch in front of the tree blocking a punch burst, during the incident killed a few beasts, and hurried to stretch out his arms, grabbed the light group.

” Zoro, one hundred and fifty gold coins!”

When Zoro heard that Luffy got more than 100 gold coins, he also hurriedly wielded his quick sword.

“Three Blade Ryu Upanishad! Three Thousand Worlds!”

Zoro cut out countless slashes, the surrounding forest, he was hard to hit a clearing.

“Zoro, you almost cut my arm off!” Luffy shouted from the side, if he hadn’t been quick to punch, his arm would have been cut into several pieces in Zoro’s three thousand worlds.

The most important thing is not this, but their own punch did not kill the huge python, at this time has run without a trace, which if killed, can definitely explode a lot of gold coins.

Luffy beamed, looking at the golden light around Zoro.

Instantly, he burst into laughter: ” Zoro, I’ll help you pick up the light mass.”

In an instant, all the light clusters were swept into Luffy’s arms, the gold coins automatically entered the backpack, and the remaining pile of items were all stuffed into Zoro’s arms by Luffy.

” Luffy, stop! Don’t run, do you have some gold coins that you didn’t give me?”

Luffy awkwardly scratching his head, mouth city high: “No, not a single gold coin.”

Luffy’s any mental action is on his expression, at this time pouting and touching his head, sweat drops appear on his head, a look is lying.

Zoro had no choice: “Okay Luffy, for the whole lamb, go!”

Zoro instantly rushed out, passing by, no matter the forest or beast, all swept away, bursting out countless golden clusters of light.

Luffy also rushed out, a fist sweeping an open space, was killed countless ferocious beasts.

If others see it, they definitely think it’s open!

This just arrived a day, the newbie forest to kill through, yes, even kill through.

And whatever it is, it’s all swept away, that grows for tens of hundreds of years the big tree provoked you?

No, then why did Fuck hit me? Isn’t this a fucking pain in the ass?

Luffy, the son of luck, gaining experience are several times more, the level is simply hot rise.

Zoro, a full attribute +100 the emperor use of the long knife, the strength is simply faster than the rocket, a knife to pull down countless players.

In addition, his own strength is also very strong, three knives dance tiger, each knife, must take away a head, upgrade is also very fast.

“Three Blade Flow! Tornado!

The tornado, which is more than a dozen meters around Zoro, and the skill of extreme shadow that he learned, allows him to run from this map to that map, and then come back to pick up the golden light group.

This method of painting the wilderness, will absolutely shock everyone, this is a newbie forest ah!

You guys who are far more powerful than normal people, can you go to the outer circle to brush the wilderness, you brush it, so that we are a small chicken how to do?

To fight the strength of far more than their own wild monster? This is not looking for death!

Luffy more crazy, directly open four gears, steam soaring, each punch, that piece of anything, even the dirt does not let go are, directly push flat.

In a short time, the entire novice forest was made by the two of them.

Luffy made the last ounce of strength, directly to a giant turtle into the ground more than ten meters, bursting out two golden light ball.

Pick up these two light groups, one is a turtle shell, the other is a precious jade, can withstand the peak of the Transcendent Mortal Realm a blow.

” Zoro, I can’t fight anymore, I feel like I’m starving to death, I don’t have a single ounce of strength in my body.”

After that, he sat on his butt on the huge turtle shell that burst out, and bought a roasted lamb.

Zoro was drenched in sweat and struggled to make his way to Luffy’s place.

Smell the fragrance of roasted lamb, also did not hesitate to order a, hold sitting on the turtle shell to enjoy.

Luffy ate all of it in a few bites and didn’t hesitate to buy another one, it was so delicious that Luffy bit his tongue more than a dozen times while eating the meat, which made him scream proudly.

Zoro:” Luffy, try this, five thousand gold pieces of silver snake meat, really delicious, you try it.

“Wow! Zoro, it’s really delicious, I want to buy two!”

Soon, the two men were all staring at a golden-winged roc bird’s honey-roasted wings dry-eyed.

” Luffy, I still need more than 9,000 gold coins here.

” Zoro, I still have more than 10,000 gold coins, but these wings cost 30,000 gold coins.”

“All transferred to you, in case there is enough!

Luffy looked at the gold 30001coins in his backpack and laughed as he hugged Zoro with joy.

“Zoro, that’s enough! That’s enough for 30,000!”

In a short while, the phoenix crouching dragon ate up the old players can not afford to eat the golden-winged roc bird wings.

The two looked at the potholed newbie forest, both very shocked.

This is what we both did, isn’t it the battlefield where the invincible power explodes into a great war? Thousand,

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