120: Yin and Yang family into the Qin State (for automatic subscription)

“How’s it going over there in the world of the gods?”

In recent days, Ying Zheng did not have much time to go online, and spent most of his time in the palace to deal with government affairs.

He had broken through the Mortal Transformation realm and had become more energetic than before, so it was easier to handle government affairs, so he gave some tasks to people who could come online regularly, such as Gai Nie.

Li Si arched his hand, said. “Gai Nie and others still carry on as usual, at present, among us Qin, there are nearly three hundred people into the world of the gods, of which the exploration team is always exploring towards the vicinity of the Ye family village, and carved maps, marked all the secret places and powerful bosses location.

“The book squad usually immerses itself in the library, collecting knowledge.”

“Combat squads are also teaming up to kill monsters, and the upgrade speed is fast.

“And planting.

That’s the power of winning the government.

The actual “one fifty” power of Ying Zheng itself may not be the strongest, but in terms of overall strength, Ying Zheng is definitely the strongest.

The forces and people under his command have been conscientiously developed in the world of gods and spirits, with insertions in various areas, such as alchemists and so on, and even recently preparing to start a special mining team for mining, and as soon as it is established, it will also be possible to train forgers belonging to the Great Qin when the time comes.

In addition, there is also a special gold team for earning gold and buying the beta code.


A look of satisfaction appeared on Ying Zheng’s face.

After a few moments of silence, Win Zheng stood up, gazing into the distant heavenly palace, indifferently said. “Speed up, the recruiter no longer has much patience for this world.”


Li Si heard the words, immediately arched his hand, respectfully nodded.

A few moments later.

The figure of Li Si departed.

At the same time, a figure appeared beside Yan Zheng.

If there are people who know here, see this figure will certainly reveal a shocked look, and exclaimed: “East Emperor Taichi?

That’s right.

This person in front of you is the Eastern Emperor Taichi.

The head of the Yin Yang family, an extremely mysterious existence.

If it was in the past, Ying Zheng himself was extremely curious about the strength of the East Emperor Taichi, because it was very mysterious, so no one was clear about the strength of the East Emperor Taichi.

But today,

That’s about it.

At least it was for Ying Zheng.

After breaking through the Mortal Transformation realm, it can be said that now his strength is the strongest existence in this world.

Only a few people who have also entered the world of the gods, Wang She, can cause a trace of pressure on him.

However, the East Emperor Taichi is still useful for the Qin state.

After all, the Yin and Yang family is good at what they do.

And this is also an opportunity to make the Yin Yang family completely subservient to Qin.

The Yin-Yang family, in fact, has already started to contact with Qin, but the previous Ying Zheng did not have so much time to deal with it, and now it just started to contact.

“King Qin.”

Faced with Win Zheng, the East Emperor Taichi spoke, his voice low.

Win Zheng hands behind his back, looking back at the East Emperor Taichi, did not give off the slightest breath, but that itself contains the emperor’s aura, but enough to bring a great oppressive force.

Ying Zheng asked. “The Yin Yang family, wanting to get the inner test code from me, Qin?”

Eastern Emperor Taichi nodded: “Not bad.”

That’s what he’s here for.

That is, Taoism itself has no relationship with Qin, otherwise Taoism is now also here.

After all, there is really no one in the world today who can refuse a beta code.

Just kidding.

This is also the state of Qin, if this is not Qin, but the state of Han, Aa, it is estimated that the sons and daughters have already come to the door to ask, not to give a direct hard robbery, which is not impossible.


Win Zheng nodded his head, did not care, only one sentence out of the mouth, said. “The Yin Yang family submits to the Qin state, with the Qin state as the honor.”


Without any hesitation, Eastern Emperor Taichi nodded. “Yes.”

That would have been the price the Yin and Yang family would have had to pay.

After receiving the answer, the corners of Ying Zheng’s mouth curled up and his right hand lifted up and threw a badge at Dong Huang Taiyi.

Dong Huang Tai Yi immediately caught it.

Looking at the badge in his hand, his eyes showed a hot look.

“With this thing, you can go to the world of the gods?”


Ying Zheng nodded and commanded. “Members of the Yin Yang family, get up today and go to Qin to prepare for the next step. What your Yin Yang family is good at may be useful in the world of gods.”


The East King nodded his head, said he knew.

Then not long after, the East Emperor Taichi left. …

To this.

Naturally, no one knows.

The World of Natural Disasters.

The Sea of Blue Waves, Deep Sea Area.

The weather here is like the Grand Line, where the sea was calm before and now it’s rough.

The boat was rocking in the sea, Whitebeard grabbed the pole, holding a bottle of wine in his hand and took a sip, then laughed. “Wow la la la la la la, this is the sea, the breath of freedom, ha ha ha ha.”

“Pops, stop pretending, hurry up and put away the sails!

Marco shouted from the other side.


Whitebeard nodded his head and immediately sprang into action.

Wiping the stain from his mouth, Whitebeard asked. “Marco, how far is it to our destination?”

“Already here, Pops.”

Marco opened the map and looked at it, pointing in one direction.

At that, Whitebeard turned his head to look, and his eyes immediately showed a bright light. “Hahahaha, it’s really here.”

In the line of sight, an island slowly appeared.

The island is not big, but also not small, covered by lush forests, it looks like an island rich in resources.

But this is a certain distance from the mainland island, the island is afraid that the level of danger of ferocious beasts is not low.

“Sons, pick up the pace, let’s get to the island!!!”

Whitebeard commanded with a big smile.

Ace and others nodded their heads and smiled with anticipation.

Under the big waves4.2, the ship had a hard time docking.

A group of people to drag the boat directly to the beach after, is finally relieved.

Ace: “Finally, we are here, and I don’t know what good things there will be on this island.”

Marco: “Ha ha, it is best to find some good natural resources for Ace you, after all, you are now the genius of our Whitebeard Pirates, the only one who has a physique ah.”

Joz: “Yes, yes, yes, fire spirit body, or very strong.

Ace: “Let it be, I’m not in a hurry.

Whitebeard smiled widely. “Okay, go to the island to explore it, the sea people should not deceive us, this island must have good treasure.

“Hey, hey, okay, listen to the old man, let’s go.

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