119:About the plan of the internal test code (request automatic subscription)

han country.

Purple Orchid Pavilion.

This is a purple woman operating a place of entertainment, of course, this is on the surface, secretly upside down assassination organization. Gathering the intelligence of the six countries, is a huge intelligence organization.

Of course, compared to the night curtain is still inferior.

After the establishment of Quicksand, this place also became a permanent stronghold of Quicksand.

At this time, with the return of the purple girl, not long after Wei Zhuang and Han Fei also arrived.

In a room.

Han Fei into the room, is seen holding a sword with a cold face Wei Zhuang, and with a few sad purple girl, can not help but raise an eyebrow, asked. “Purple girl girl so anxious to inform me, but what is important?”


The purple woman nodded and said. “I just asked the village head, han country what to do.”

“The village head?”

Han Fei heard the words, eyes showing a puzzled look.

Wei Zhuang blandly said. “That one strong person in the Divine World, an existence that any player who enters the Divine World is in awe of.

Hearing these words, Han Fei looked puzzled. “The strongest person in the world of gods and spirits? Brother Wei Zhuang how do you know so well?”

“Sifu told me about it.”

Wei Zhuang shook his head, took out a badge, a complex look said. “He came to me in the past two days, gave me this thing.”

The purple woman revealed a surprised look. “This is the inner test code?”

“Inside test code? That is, with this thing, you have the qualification to enter the world of gods? “Han Fei also showed an astonished expression to.

“Hmm.” Wei Zhuang nodded.

The reason for his mixed feelings is because it was sent to him by his senior brother, Gai Nie, and not because he fought for it himself.

But this thing, he can not refuse.

After all, after knowing the wonderful world of the gods, this world is too small for him, if not for his heart, he would have gone to the world of the gods.

Han Fei sat down, frowned and asked. “Then, what is the matter that the purple girl said?”

The purple woman told the answer she got after asking the village chief.


There was a silence in the room.

Han Fei sighed and murmured. “Is it the order of the day?”

“If this world of gods had not appeared before, I might not have believed it, but now, what is the difference between Qin and the fate of heaven?”

A bitter smile came on his face.

After all, the person chosen at the beginning of the divine world, is the king of Qin ah.

Although today there will be some people who can enter the world of the gods, but Qin is too far ahead.

Shaking his head, Han Fei looked at Wei Zhuang and asked. “Brother Wei Zhuang, what do you think?”

Wei Zhuang shook his head. “You decide for yourself.”

In this regard, Han Fei smiled bitterly, did not accidentally this answer, and then was rubbing his chin and pondering up.

“What that village elder said is not without merit, at least for us, it can be considered an option, han. the rot is too complete.”

Wei Zhuang: “But want to establish a new han country, especially in that world, can need a lot of internal test code, and an internal test code, is a thousand gold coins, if you want to take all the han nationals to go, it is not realistic.”

“Not necessarily so.

Han Fei stroked his chin, eyes flashing with a brilliant light, said in a deep voice. “In fact, the situation today, our world, the next will be more and more people, will be selected to enter the world of the gods, the difference is only a matter of time, that is, if we really want to do so, we can first go to that world development, if really established, han nationals into the world of the gods, naturally will not refuse to join.

“Of course, really want to create a new han country, is certainly less manpower, so this also needs the help of Wei Zhuang brother and purple girl to do, after all, the internal test code this thing, now may only you can get.


Wei Zhuang nodded, he did not mind this choice.

After all.

Han Fei said that the country is too thoroughly rotten.

Coupled with Qin’s attack today, even if he and Han Fei both have enough determination, the facts are right in front of us, but in this situation to save han, it is simply impossible.

If Qin did not get the help of the world of the gods, he and Han Fei may still have confidence.

Now there is no confidence at all.

And the world of the gods, may not be a better choice.

Maybe it will leave this world, but for Wei Zhuang, that world may be more suitable for himself.

After some discussion.

The purple woman looked at Han Fei and said. “I will help you get the internal test code as soon as possible.”

Request flowers…

“Good, then I’ll trouble Miss Violet.

Han Fei nodded his head, but also did not politely, he now very much need that thing.

Compared to the han side.


Ying Zheng looked at Li Si in front of him and said with a bland gaze and a touch of majesty. “Are you sure it’s feasible?”

“Yes, Your Majesty.”

Li Si nodded his head, arching his hand and said. “Now the news of the world of spirits, spread throughout the world, who does not want to go? Whether it is the Taoist, or the Yin Yang family, almost all gathered in Xianyang, the purpose is what? It is not for an internal test code.”

“Without the inner test code, they can only wait and rely on luck, in contrast, come to my Qin, find a way to cooperate with my Qin, so as to get the inner test code, is undoubtedly the best choice for them.


“Even the Taoists and the Yin-Yang family, do you think, Your Majesty, that if it were to some of the people in power in the rest of the countries, they would refuse?”

At these words, a disdainful smile appeared on Ying Zheng’s face. “Naturally they won’t.”

The so-called ruler is not the king of the kingdoms.

Take the case of Guo Kai of Zhao.

Because of the favor of the king of Zhao, it can be said that he was a minister, but he was not a loyal minister, but could be called a treacherous minister.

For the state of Zhao, there is not much loyalty.

At this time, if you use an internal test code, in exchange for its betrayal of Zhao, will undoubtedly be 100% successful.

Those who have the power in their hands simply cannot resist this temptation.

Because only to go to the world of the gods, they have the opportunity to get eternal life, and even god-like power.

And the earlier you enter, the more opportunities you get.

And the reason for this, because of a plan of Li Si.

The internal test code was used as a means to accelerate the unification of the six countries.

Among the six countries, any one country only needs to pay at most no more than five internal test code, it is possible for Qin to reduce its occupation time to half or more.

And even if these people enter the world of the gods, because the number of individuals is too small, when the time will not pose a threat to Win Zheng.

Because of jet lag, the update is less, when I get up tomorrow, I will resume the update, sorry.

I’m really not in the mood today. Thousand,

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