112:What is this divine secret method? Request for automatic subscription]

“Hm~ Jie, that kid is out.”

Next to the chip fire.

Cao Wei hiccuped and gestured at Cao Jie.

Cao Jie police eyes far from the house out of the Han Run Run, said. “out on out, what’s the big deal, this kid has been stabilized, the next as long as not to leave our range there is no problem, all right, shut up, so as not to be heard.

When all is said and done.

The two men were at once as very happy as they were holding their shoulders and drinking wine.

Han ran and came, rubbed his back, sat next to Cao Jie grin. “Brother Cao, I did not come late, right? Come, come, drink together hahaha.

“I’m not late, where’s Miss Zoë?”

Cao Jie stabbed Han Run Run’s shoulder with an obscene smile and asked in a low voice.

Han ran scratching his head, a look of embarrassment said. “In the rest it, a little tired of her.”


“Got it got it.”

At that, Cao Jie hurriedly nodded his head.

The heart secretly poked muttering, no wonder the turn of the mother just sent people to this guy outside the house Geng a glance of people did not go long to come back, but also said a little intense.

This Fuck is not the usual intense, right?

Cao Rou is his Cao family’s famous social flower, of course, not to the clan, but to people from other human forces, basically Cao Rou over the years, but took a lot of other forces of human youth, the purpose is, naturally, to share a resource when the time comes.

In this case, Cao Rou but the exercise of a good hand of technology, now unexpectedly tired in front of this guy’s strength?


How tough does this Fuck have to be?

This guy looks honest, but in reality, I did not expect ah.

Inexplicably, Cao Jie envied up.

If I had this ability, it would be a great day?

Thinking like this, Cao Jie could not help but then Han Run Run’s shoulder, asked in a low voice. “Xiao brother, you, you are so strong ability?”

“It’s okay.

Han ran a simple look scratching his head, said. “In my village is considered general.

“And that’s average?”

Hearing these words, Cao Jie immediately widened his eyes, full of shock.

He is aware of Cao Rou, other than that, an hour or two without any problems.

The result is that this guy, into the house for at least three or four hours, came out with a rosy complexion, Fuck did not have the slightest shriveled look, which is obviously not to full strength ah.

If this is the general, hell that Fuck full force to be how hard? Must be seven or eight hours to go?

And this is still in his village still in general?

Wouldn’t that be a straightforward ten-hour start for the bullish presence in your village?


What kind of a village is this?

Why isn’t Laowai a member of this village?

Cao Jie’s heart was sour with envy.

“Is generally ah, my village a lot of big brother are more powerful than me, not only powerful, every day is up in good spirits. “Han Run Run nodded and said, an honest look.

In this regard, Sister Cao did not care at all, but could not help but ask with envy. “Brother Xiao, you honestly say, your village are so powerful, is there any secret? If so can you tell brother?”

“Ahem, this..

Han ran with a difficult look on his face.

Seeing this, Cao Jie understood, there is really the secret.

As a man, can not be interested in heavenly treasures, can not be interested in martial arts skills, can not be interested in this area of the secret.

“Brothers, such as brothers, tell me, as long as you tell me, not to say anything else, what you want brother will give you to get.

Cao Jie said with an eager face.

At that, Han ran ran bitterly. “Cao brother, not I do not want to tell you, it is our village’s secret law, belongs to the kind of only to the village people, not to outsiders, but where outsiders want to grab, it is self-destructing will not give.”


Self-destruction is not even given?

Fuck’s, is this necessary?

Such a miracle skill, your village people enjoy it, not for other men to consider? How can you destroy yourselves with this?


Cao Jie’s inner heart was incomparably desperate all of a sudden.

Originally he also thought, if this Xiao Yan brothers do not give, when they go to his village to get.

Anyway, when it comes time to kill everyone, there is what to take.

Don’t worry about not getting it for yourself.

But now..

Cao Jie asked thirstily. “Brother, there is really no other way? This secret of yours, brother really want ah.”

“Brother Cao, it’s true that you can’t.

Han Run Run said with difficulty. “You do not understand our village’s secret method, our village’s secret method is of the kind that the more fierce, is because of this secret method, our village was able to develop.”

“What do you mean?”

Cao Jie didn’t understand a bit for a while.

Han ran around to look, some embarrassed whispered. “Is my village, are women fighting and fighting, men are only responsible for that, you know it.”

“That’s okay?

Cao Jie was shocked and asked curiously. “Then won’t those women in your village be stronger than the men?”


“So the power of your village is still in the hands of the men? ”


“How is this possible?

Cao Jie had a shocked face.

“How is it impossible?” Han ran shrugged his shoulders, said casually. “The men in my village are very capable.”


To put it bluntly, the heart is convinced, not willing to rebel blow.


What is this secret method of the immortals?

I want it too!!!

Cao Jie’s eyes are red with envy.

If you have this secret method, and then to cultivate, tm in the future, this Cao family, is not the world of their own?

There are several female elders in the family, and if this


No matter what, we have to get this secret method.

Cao Jie heart a wolf, gritted his teeth and said. “Brother, you tell brother the truth, how can you give this secret method to brother? (have to be good)


The company’s main goal is to provide the best possible service to its customers.

Cao Jie: “so, if you give me the secret method, what heavenly resources or whatever, you can say, as long as the brother can get you, all to get you, how? The second half of my brother’s happy life, but all rely on you this hand of the secret law ah.”

Hearing these words, Han ran as if hesitating for a long time, finally spoke. “This way, big brother Cao, you first take me to just the treasure house to see, how?”

“Yes, yes, go, go, go, I’ll take you there.”

Cao Jie nodded excitedly and got up in a hurry, pulling Han Run Run is towards the treasure trove, the right hand grabbed Han Run Run’s clothes to death.

That look, look at the heart of Han Run run a speechless.

What is this?

And lest you look like you’re not going.

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