111:The Cao family’s true heritage (Request for automatic subscription)


A figure fell directly to the ground.

The lips were purple and frothing at the mouth.

No doubt it was the girl.

A glass of wine down, dead can not be dead.


Han ran a deep breath, the wine in the cup in his hand poured, he did not dare to drink, this drink can be a pure body Dan, he can not afford to buy.

But the next step is to disguise it.

After carrying the girl to the bed, Han Run Run began to blush red from the mouth to make a sound.

This voice has been changed throat noise, like a woman’s voice, extremely attractive.

Listen to the Han run their own shame and embarrassment, are eager to use their toes out of a set of sea view house to.

But it doesn’t work that way.

A man and a woman can not enter the room and do nothing, ha voice is not it?

He doesn’t think there are no stalkers out here.

In this case, Han Run Run can only use one person as two.

At one time a female voice yelled “ah”, and at another time his own voice yelled “I’m coming”.

Made Han Run Run are almost feeling schizophrenic.

The girl’s body is still ,24being groped by her hands.

Don’t get me wrong.

But simply want to see if there is anything good on this girl.

This did not take long after, Han ran on the light, from the girl found a bag.

Space” bag? It looks like this girl is in a good position in this Cao Jie.

Han ran thought in his heart, the mouth of the voice is not afraid to stop, while shouting into the space bag to carefully observe up.

Mei Gong?

I can’t use it.


This is even more chickenshit.


What is it?

Spirit Stone?

It’s not bad, not much, but it’s barely okay.

“Mixed element body refining method, is this the cultivation method of the Cao family? Unfortunately, it is only the basic body refining realm cultivation method, which is useless to me.

Han ran holding a book in his hand and looked at it, after the heart disappointed, if it is above the body refining realm, he may still be excited, even if they do not use, take out to sell can also be.

After all, some of the cultivation methods in this world are different, and different cultivation methods, the areas in which they excel are also different.

It’s like there are cultivation methods, the spiritual power will be more massive.

But there are cultivation methods, although the spiritual power is not so huge, but can make the spiritual power in the body of the cultivator more pure, the power of the magic power to perform more powerful.

There are also cultivation methods, but also comes with attributes, or can feedback, enhance the body and so on.

Therefore, it is said that the cultivation method of the Mortal Realm, even if there is no shortage, but as long as it is suitable for some people, it can be sold for a lot of gold coins.

There are a lot of things in the space bag, but most of them are some mundane things, nothing too useful for Han Run Run.

But the good thing is that there are still quite a few things besides spirit stones.

“Qi gathering grass? Not bad, no need to go to the Shanghai auction house, when I go back, maybe I can take it to the marketplace and trade with others to get something useful for me.”

“The blood return pill? It’s not bad, a life-saving medicine.

“Hmm? What’s this? A diary? This woman is not a decent person either.”

After all, who keeps a diary when they are serious?

That’s what I said, but Han ran to open up and look at it.

The “foreigners” yearly2, August 1.

This is the first sentence on the first page of the diary.

The meaning is obvious, the second year after the invasion of the foreigners.

“Today a big thing happened in the clan, we were discovered by the foreigners, this would have been the end, but the clan chief took the opportunity to reach cooperation with the foreigners, we survived again.”

“But the patriarch’s cooperation with the foreign tribe, but many people in the tribe is difficult to rest in their hearts, because this so-called cooperation, is for us to join forces with the foreign tribe, plotting against other tribal forces, we are traitors, I feel my conscience is being condemned.”

“August 10th.

“Previously with us in the alien invasion fled the Yang family found us, said to ally with us to survive together against the alien race, the patriarch agreed, but secretly investigated clearly the location of the Yang family, informed the alien race.”

“August 13, the Yang family was destroyed, we got a lot of resources of the Yang family, I also shared a lot.

“August 17, indeed, the patriarch was right, this world betrayal or not is not important, important to live, important is the strength, I broke through to the refinement realm of the third, if there is no Yang family resources, I’m afraid it will take a few weeks to break through.

The more you look at the diary in your hand, the more gloomy the look on Han’s face becomes.

This page of the diary alone down, the Cao family at least let dozens of forces die in the hands of the foreigners.

And those forces, perhaps some already have ideas about the Cao family, but the vast majority of them are in order to ally with the Cao family, together against the foreigners, with good intentions to come, but eventually fell to the end of the destruction of the foreigners.


And the Cao family, hateful!!!

This woman, at first conscience is difficult, but after getting a little resource, it does not care about this at all.

Damned too.

A small amount of resources, let it forget their own bloodline, forget their own race.

“Unfortunately, that is, the situation is not right now, otherwise how can I let you die so easily?”

Looking at the girl’s corpse, Han ran the heart coldly.

But soon133.

Han Run Run’s eyes then revealed a look of surprise.

“So it is, this Cao family does have some ability, the heavenly tribulation cannon is indeed developed by the Cao family itself, but unfortunately each heavenly tribulation cannon because of material restrictions, a maximum of five times, after five times, it will lose its effect.

“But the Heavenly Calamity Cannon is not the Cao family’s true heritage, the Cao family’s true heritage is a formation flag? With that formation flag, you can set up a large formation at will? And this formation flag refining method, I just went to the treasury among? Compared with the flag, the so-called heavenly calamity cannon, more role, is to stabilize those who come to the Cao family and the Cao family cooperation of human forces, so as to delay time, so that the Cao family to investigate the location of those human forces, and notify the foreign tribe.

Han ran with a flickering gaze.

Mentally pondering up.

There was even a flash of fire in his eyes.

This Cao family’s formation flag refining method, even if not seen with their own eyes, but just the diary description, let Han run feel a trace of expectation.

That thing, definitely not bad.

The best way to get your hands on it, once you get your hands on it, you may be able to become your own bottom card.

But want to go to the treasure house, I’m afraid we still have to plan a little more to do.

Thinking like this, Han ran a ray of light flashed in his eyes, and soon had a plan..

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