I Come To Change the World of Walking Dead

Chapter 255: 1 wave not level

Woke up in the morning, opened the curtains, looked at the dim sky outside, quickly put on clothes and came to the door.

Shaking my sore neck, these days I have been sleeping on my stomach because of the injury on my back, and my neck feels particularly uncomfortable.

"It seems to be a good environment to be used to. If this is the case in the army before, there is no such problem at all."

While thinking about it in my heart, I also walked towards the yard.

Now that the hidden dangers in the base have been eliminated, it will be able to develop more steadily in the future. Now that the foundation of the outer courtyard has been completed, the construction of houses will begin soon.

Pacing to the dining hall, as soon as I entered the room, I saw more than a dozen familiar figures. After returning from Washington, these guys have also developed the habit of getting up early and exercising in the morning. did not fall.

Went into the house to say hello, and then had a meal, during which it was inevitable to have a warm relationship with George.

At this time, some people also walked into the dining room, and Rick came over with food.

"What's your plan next?"

"What else can you plan? Continue building houses. Winter is coming soon. Try to build the house before it gets cold and let everyone live in."

"Hehe, what are you waiting for, hurry up to eat and work."

Several people looked at each other and smiled, the incident yesterday did not seem to affect their mood.

Just when several people were halfway through their meal, the walkie-talkie on Lu Jiayi's waist suddenly rang.

"Zizi... Jiayi, can Jiayi receive it?"

The voice made him stunned for a moment, and the voice from the walkie-talkie turned out to be Yan Guo dialect.

Yang Guangjun?

A modest, honest-looking man flashed in his mind, and he quickly picked up the walkie-talkie.

"Received, are you Guangjun?"

"Yes, yes, it's me, and I'm afraid I won't be able to contact you."

Yang Guangjun's relieved voice came from the walkie-talkie, it seemed that he was very happy to be able to contact him, which made Lu Jiayi frown slightly, realizing that something might be wrong, but Yang Guangjun was polite to him for a while and asked about the current situation.

Realizing that although the opposite party has been chatting, but he feels a little absent-minded, he has determined that something must have happened.

"Did something happen?"

"Ahem, that, Jiayi, I'm afraid I have something to trouble you this time."

"Hehe, it's okay, what are you talking about?"


After a while of silence, Yang Guangjun let out a long sigh, as if thinking about how to speak.

"Jiayi, I'm really sorry for not contacting you before, it's not that I turned my face and didn't recognize anyone, but my uncle told me something. If I told you about this, I don't know if it would be good or bad for you, so …”

"Okay, you have something to talk about. Didn't I tell you at the beginning, I didn't save you to let you join us, but to shoot at my compatriots."

"It's really happy, then I'll just say it, it's like this..."

ten minutes later.

It turned out that they were attacked, and several people died.

Here's the thing. A few people suddenly came outside their camp a few days ago. He happened to be guarding the city wall that day. Coincidentally, his companion went to the toilet. Because he didn't know them, he didn't let him in at first. Dissatisfied, he left without waiting for someone to come.

When Carlton found out about this, he was furious and almost beat him to death. The whole community was implicated because of this, and the supply of vaccines was immediately stopped.

Seeing that his nephew was beaten like this, Yang Jianguo went straight to the door angrily. Unexpectedly, Carlton didn't even give him face, and he also beat him hard.

That's the problem. Yang Guangjun is still a young man no matter what. Although he was beaten heavily, he can take care of him. But Yang Jianguo can't do it. His bones are brittle when he is old. The attack was ruthless, and the old man was beaten directly and almost went to see the King of Hell.

This made these Chinese people angry, and they all planned to find each other to reason. Fortunately, although the old man was seriously injured, he was still rational, and let his family go out to stop everyone. If both sides were angry, the other party had guns. Ah, what about them? Just a shotgun and a pistol, the bullets are still supplied by the other party.

If you think about it with your butt, you know that it is impossible to beat each other. Fortunately, Carlton has never had too many restrictions on their departure, but they have not left because they have been reluctant to give up the vaccine.

Then they found Carlton and came up with the idea of ​​leaving.

However, Carlton's words made them dumbfounded. Not only did they not let them leave, but they also forced them to hand over food!

Now people are a little numb, and they all began to blame Zhang Guangjun. This incident started because of him, and now it can't be closed. With Yang Jianguo's fall, they suddenly felt a sense of panic.

Yang Guangjun also decided to contact Lu Jiayi after a struggle in his heart.

After all, the last time we met was an armored vehicle and a heavy weapon, and I told him that there was a large settlement, and I just hoped that if I hadn’t contacted each other for many days, I would still be able to contact him.

Fortunately, God has long eyes, and only called twice and got a reply from the other party.

He quietly listened to Yang Guangjun explaining the cause and effect clearly, and then he said a few words of comfort, but he didn't know how the other party planned to follow up.

"So you contacted me to let me rescue you?"

"This is one reason, and the other is that I want you to save my uncle. Didn't you say you were a doctor last time?"

Dear, this chapter is not over, there is another page ^0^


"My uncle was beaten so hard by them that he could barely speak two days ago, but because of the lack of medicine, although we have a doctor here, he is helpless. I thought about it for a long time and it seems that you are the only one who can help us."

There is nothing to hesitate, let's kill that group of people first.

"You are waiting for me at the base. We will arrive in about two hours. I will contact you when we arrive."

Putting down the walkie-talkie, he didn't care about the food on the table, and swept the people in the room, basically all of them were instant combat power.

"Everyone, get ready, let's go save people and gather in the backyard in ten minutes."

After he finished speaking, he didn't explain much, and went straight to his room.

The people in the room could be said to be all Lu Jiayi's die-hard loyalists. No one asked any more questions, and Darryl even picked up his crossbow and walked out.


In order to be in a hurry, instead of driving an armored vehicle, the modified RV was directly driven out, followed by a similarly modified bus.

An hour and a half later.

"Zi... Guangjun, we'll be there in 30 minutes. Tell me about the general situation in the base first."

"Okay, the other party has five people guarding the gate, and five people patrolling the yard. There are a total of twelve people on the opposite side, and these ten people are already half of their staff."

"A total of 12 people came out and 10 were half of them? Guangjun, you still have to practice math."

"Uh, that is, some of our people joined the opposite side, probably less than ten people."

"Does that mean there are more than 20 people on the opposite side?"

"Well~www.readwn.com~ They live in the northeast corner of the yard and have a blue house."

"Okay, you wait there."

The car drove forward for less than ten minutes, and the intersection leading to the community could already be seen in the distance. At this time, the walkie-talkie sounded again.

"Lu! Hurry up and turn around, don't come! We were attacked!"

The voices from the walkie-talkie were loud, gunshots, exclamations, and screams of women.

"Jingjing! You let me go!"

With Yang Guangjun's exclamation, the signal of the walkie-talkie was interrupted. Lu Jiayi frowned slightly and couldn't help but feel a little worried, and Norton also heard the sound of gunfire. Although he couldn't understand Yan Guoyu, it didn't affect his understanding of the urgency of the matter.

Without waiting for the captain's urging, he stepped on the accelerator, and the speed of the modified RV jumped up again.

They must hurry up.

Dear, this chapter is over, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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